Monday, February 14, 2011

Is Marriage Hard Work?

I was talking with a precious friend of mine yesterday and we were discussing my blog and she made this comment: "Marriage is difficult and takes a lot of hard work."  I agreed and we hung up. 

As I was getting ready for bed, I started to think about that statement.  My friend is the most wonderful wife and mother.  She serves her husband and children faithfully.  I would have agreed with that statement until a few years ago.

If 1 means you have a very difficult marriage and 10 means your marriage is really easy, mine would have rated a 2 in the past...We argued all the time.  He drove me crazy.  Everything he did bothered me. 

But then I read Created To Be His Help Meet and it changed everything.  It took lots of work for awhile.  I had to bite my tongue and pretend to be cheerful around him. But practice makes perfect... 

I eventually didn't want to argue anymore and I really was happy around him.  I learned to not let my feelings dictate my actions.  Now I would rate my marriage a 9, sometimes even a 10.

Some women's personality makes marriage easier for them.  They are lay back, easy going, and nothing bothers them.  I bet they think marriage is fairly easy.  Women like me with strong, bossy personalities have a harder time not always speaking our minds. 

Some women marry one type of man and he turns out to be another type after she marries him.  Marrying an unbeliever, an angry man, or one with different goals and values would make it hard.  Marrying one with a completely opposite personality than yours would be hard. 

But mine was very hard and now it is very things can change.  What do you all think?  Is your marriage hard?  Does it take a lot of work?  Have you found things that make it easier?

He who finds a wife finds a good thing and obtains favor from the Lord.
Proverbs 18:22