Thursday, December 27, 2012

Jane Fonda's Longing

It's great when these famous women in the media like Sharon Osbourne and Jane Fonda can realize later in their life that God's ways are indeed best.  Jane was on Katie and said, "I would have loved being married to one man for all of my life.  It is such a beautiful thing!"

I realize a lot of you are in difficult marriages.  I hear it in your "voice" when you comment on my blog or email me.  I just want to encourage you to hang in there.  It will most likely get much better.  I have heard that people who stick it out instead of getting divorced are much happier just five years later.

Marriage isn't usually easy.  We marry someone so different than us.  We are all incompatible.  We all have our own likes and dislikes. He is a man, you are a woman.  However, the more unselfish you can become {the more like Jesus}, the easier your marriage will become and you will be much happier.  I love growing old with Ken.  I am glad I stuck it out even when we weren't getting along very well.  Divorce wasn't in our vocabulary. 

I enjoy Sunday afternoons watching football together. 

I love taking walks every afternoon holding hands. 

I love walking on the beach every Saturday and going out to breakfast. 

I love how he is my biggest cheerleader for me writing this blog,
my fiercest defender, and even, occasionally, writes a post for me.

I love going to church with him and his arm around me
as we sing praising the Lord. 

Mostly, I love that he loves my children just as much as I do. 
He wants to hear all the details of their lives and prays for them with me every day. 

I love having devotions with him and hearing his voice
as he prays for all the things that concern us. 

I love that we see eye to eye on all the most important things in life,
believing in Jesus, as well as politics, eating healthy, etc. 

We share our aches and pains with each other as we grow older.  Our hair is graying and we're getting wrinkled. {I am getting wrinkled a lot faster than he is, that's for sure!} 

Life is definitely beautiful, as Jane Fonda stated, growing older with one man.  God's ways are best. Occasionally, even those in the secular media are able to see it and say it.

He has made everything beautiful in its time.
Ecclesiastes 3:11

Happy 32nd Anniversary to my amazing husband!