Sunday, May 25, 2014

How Big Is Your God?

Many people are afraid today, including Christians. Our economy is tenuous. Morality is sinking fast. The world is becoming a very scary place. However, how big is your God? Is He still in control? Does He own the cattle on a thousand hills? Has He promised you that He would supply all your needs?

If you can answer "Yes" to all those questions, you have a really big God. If you say you love God and that He is in control but you walk around in a state of fear all the time, what kind of God will unbelievers think that you worship? If you are fearful like them, your God is no help at all.

We are commanded to keep our minds on things above, not on this world. This world has never been a safe place. There has always been trials and tribulations but God always, ALWAYS gets His way. He loves us. He sent His Son to die for us to free us from the wrath to come. He lives inside of us. He gives us strength. He promises to be our Protector and Provider. Whom shall we fear???

Instead of spending so much time watching the news, begin reading the Word, the Living Word. Read about all of God's promises to us and begin believing them. Any trial we go through, He will be right with us comforting us and giving us strength. Fearing for the future is worthless and harmful. It may or may not happen, but when you fear for your future, you are forgetting to put God in the picture.

We should be the happiest, most joyful people around. We have a hope and a future. We have a God that promises us that ALL things work together for good to those who love Him and are called according to His purposes.

All He wants from us is to be busy doing His will for our life. If you are a mother, be busy serving your children. If you are a wife, be busy serving your husband. If you are single, whatever your hand finds to do, do it heartily as unto the Lord. Be lights to those around you. Love them. Serve them. This is how God wants us to live.

Rejoice in the Lord always: 
and again I say, Rejoice.
Philippians 4:4

***This one is for you, Sheila! Trust God. Trust God with your children. 
Trust Him with your future. He has it all under control.