Tuesday, April 30, 2013

In Rebellion Of Authority

For the mystery of lawlessness {that hidden principle of rebellion against constituted authority} is already at work in the world... 
{II Thessalonians 2:7}

The Bible says that in the last days there will be a great falling away of Christians from the faith.  Children will not obey their parents.  Citizens will not obey their government.  Wives will not obey their husbands.

Today, it is looked upon as evil to teach that wives are to obey their husbands even though the Bible commands us to.  The Bible tells us we have a "hidden principle of rebellion" if we are not obeying the Bible and we will never reap all the wonderful things God has in store for us as long as we are living in rebellion to Him.

God instituted authority for a reason.  It keeps peace.  When children are obeying their parents, there is peace in the home.  When citizens are obeying their government, there is peace in the nation.  When wive are obeying their husbands, there is peace in the marriage.

God's ways are good.  Satan's ways are not.  Rebellion is from Satan and it always leads to destruction.  Destruction of your children, your nation, and your marriage.  Is it always easy to obey your husband?  No, but in the long run, it is good, very good.

Don't obey him if he is asking you to do something that God commands you not to do since God is your highest authority. However, most husbands don't ask their wives to do evil.  Most ask you to not spend too much money, or run an errand for him, or fix some of his favorite foods, or give him frequent sex, or  keep the home tidy for him.  When you obey him, you are drawing him to you.

May I encourage you to stop living in rebellion.  Living in rebellion doesn't feel good.  It feels bad and produces very bad fruit.  Living in obedience to God feels good and produces lovely fruit.

As an older woman, I am commanded to teach you to be obedient to your husbands so you do not blaspheme the Word of God.  Don't take a bite of the apple, the forbidden fruit.  Leave it alone.

To be discreet, chaste, keepers at home, good, 
obedient to their own husbands, 
that the word of God be not blasphemed.
Titus 2:5

Monday, April 29, 2013

Always Be Boyfriend And Girlfriend!

We never forget we're boyfriend and girlfriend.  He's my husband first and we're mom and dad second.  I know that sounds horrible but I think it's visibly clear on the show that I adore my children but I adore my husband more.  At the end of the day when my kids are grown and married, I don't want to be living with a stranger.
This was said by Caroline Manzo on an interview I saw of her recently.  I don't endorse her show or book since I have never watched her show or read her book but I thought this quote was amazing.  Her marriage of 29 years is probably happier than most Christian marriages that I know. 
When couples are dating, they are usually on their best behavior.  If you can behave that way while you are dating, you can continue to behave that way after you are married.  Always try to look your best.  Be warm and affectionate with him.  Try to find what pleases him.  Have fun with each other and laugh a lot.  Enjoy life together.
I have always encouraged women to put their husbands before their children since we were created to be their help meet.  This is the best gift you can give your children.  They feel such security in an insecure world when they know their parents love each other deeply.
When your children are all grown up and move away, which happens very quickly, you don't want to be living with a stranger or alone if you can help it.  The person you said "I do" to is the person you should plan on spending your whole life with so make the very best of it. 

He who finds a wife finds a good thing
and obtains favor from the Lord.
Proverbs 18:22

Sunday, April 28, 2013

Health As An Idol

Yesterday, while recovering physically and emotionally from brain surgery, I listened while Dr. Oz interviewed a woman who said, "If you don't have health, you don't have anything."  Wow!  I so disagree with her comment.
Yes, I have not had good health for the past 24 years.  My future is very uncertain, but isn't everybody's future uncertain?  First of all, I have a Savior who has saved me from the wrath to come, freed me from all of my sin, guilt, and condemnation, and is preparing a mansion for me where I will live eternally with Him and all my loved ones forever with no more sickness, crying, or pain.
I have an amazing husband who tenderly cares for me.  He has worked hard and been faithful to me for over 32 years.  He has provided a wonderful living for my children and me.  I have four children who walk with Jesus, love me, and brighten up my life every time I see them.
I have a son-in-law and daughter-in-law who are more than I could have ever dreamed or hoped for.  They are amazing spouses to two of my children.  I have the most adorable grandbaby ever who lights up my life and even makes me laugh when I walk into my home as a basket case from three rough days in the hospital.  {You tired, Grandma.  You so tired, Grandma....Grandpa, Grandma is so tired!}
I have godly parents who are with me every step of this journey.  I have supportive and loving sisters.  I have amazing friends who pray consistently for my health to be restored.  I have a church and ministry I love.  I even love my neighborhood.  They are all praying for me, sending flowers, and wanting to help in any way they can. {Thank you, Bartletts, for the beautiful flowers pictured above!}
I could go on and on...my home, food, neurosurgeons who piece me back together, Door Country, cousins, etc. God is so very, very good.  He has taken me through all my trials faithfully and He will never fail me.
I now concentrate on the verses about smiling at the future and having no fear of bad news.  My God doesn't want me to be anxious about anything.  Sure, there have been a lot of tears lately but we know He is in complete control.  I will never doubt that no matter what happens to me.  Life is hard.  A lot of bad things happen.  I couldn't imagine going through it without Jesus.  With Him, there is always hope.
For I know the plans I have for you, declares the Lord,
plans for welfare and not for evil, to give you a future and a hope.
Jeremiah 29:11

Saturday, April 27, 2013

It's A Spiritual Battle

Lori continues to progress in her healing. At times it is tough to tell because she has trained herself too well to suffer quietly, without bothering others. Please keep her in your prayers for stomach aches, headaches and heart aches. I know she will be much better than normal soon!  

If you want to know what makes Lori strong, read what she writes below, and know that she believes that as the physical and spiritual battle rages, her strength comes from the Lord.

It's A Spiritual Battle

Satan is definitely working overtime to destroy marriages and children.  Husbands who want nothing to do with their wives and are mean to them.  Children deciding they are homosexual and are in open rebellion to the Lord and their parents.  These are spiritual battles, not earthly battles.

We can not wage war the way the world wages war in anger, frustration, and quarrels.  We must daily put on the full armor of the Lord and allow Him to battle for us for "the battle is mine, saith the Lord."

After mentoring for ten years, I have found the most important advice I give the women is to grow deep roots in Jesus.  I encourage them to spend time in God's Word, every morning, allowing His Word to dwell in them richly.  Then write five or ten things they are thankful for because joy comes out of a thankful heart. Then pray for their loved ones and seek wisdom from God.

Trials and tribulations come to everyone.  No one escapes them.  If we use them to grow us into oak trees, with deep roots that seek daily nutrients from the source of life in Jesus, abiding in Him moment by moment, we will weather the storms.  We must learn to have peace and joy in the Spirit within the midst of bad circumstances.

When others see you at peace in the midst of storms, they will want what you have.  You may win your husband to the Lord.  You may win your wayward child to the Lord as they see a peaceful, joyful mother reflecting the love of Jesus, in spite of their rebellion or meanness.

We must always remember that greater is He who is in us than he who is in the world.  Life is hard at  times, but guess what! God is and always will be on His throne. The Creator of the universe who enters into our suffering and pain promises that all things work together for good to those who love Him and are called according to His purposes. {Romans 8:28}  

Will you believe God today and trust Him to keep His promises? 

Faith, Hope, Trust, Patience, and Believe ... these are the things that

separate us from the world and move us to a place close to the heart of God.

For I am sure that neither death nor life, nor angels nor rulers,
nor things present nor things to come, nor powers,
nor height nor depth, nor anything else in all creation,
will be able to separate us from the love of God in Christ Jesus our Lord. 
Romans 8:38-39

Friday, April 26, 2013

The Waste Of Worry

It's not a word I used often until these last ten days. But when life, and health throws you and your precious loved ones up in the air it is a very uncomfortable feeling to be scared of the unknown, and the future.

Lori slept 11 hours straight last night and kicked her surgery caused diabetes insipidus right out of her. Life certainly looks better after a good night's sleep, and Lori had a great day of rest and healing.  Thank you all again for your prayers and support. She won't be walking the beach to Ki's with me this weekend, but maybe we will make it around the block a few times by Sunday. Lori told me she had the following post set to go out, which is quite apropos, considering the events of the last two weeks:

The Waste Of Worry

No one knows what the future holds, and our next breathe is not guaranteed. We are all spoiled by our modern health and sanitation systems, when just 100 years ago the average life expectancy was 51, and now it is 78. More than a 50% gain! 

The one thing most elderly people regret in life is the time they wasted worrying.  It completely takes away the joy of today and puts one's focus on something that may or may not happen.  The Bible commands us not to worry ~

Do not be anxious about anything, but in everything by prayer and supplication with thanksgiving let your requests be made known to God. And the peace of God, which surpasses all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus.
Philippians 4:6,7

Therefore I tell you, do not be anxious about your life, what you will eat or what you will drink, nor about your body, what you will put on. Is not life more than food, and the body more than clothing? Look at the birds of the air: they neither sow nor reap nor gather into barns, and yet your heavenly Father feeds them. Are you not of more value than they? And which of you by being anxious can add a single hour to his span of life? 
Matthew 6:25-27

Indeed, from the vantage point of late life, many people felt that if given a single "do-over" in life, they would like to have all the time back they spent fretting anxiously about the future. {Karl Pillemer}

This survey of the elderly was taken by those who had endured the Great Depression and World War II, yet felt worry took away from their precious time that would have better been spent enjoying life and others.

I rarely listen to the news anymore.  I stopped reading doomsday blogs and articles about the future.  I have chosen to live one day at a time enjoying today for This is the day that the Lord hath made.  Let us rejoice and be glad in it!

If hard times come, I know that God will take care of me.  He is my provider.  I will try to live simply and carefully but I will not worry about the future.  Every generation of all time has had cause to worry.  Life is scary if you choose to focus on the scary.

I don't think we are suppose to know who killed who and all about the terrible things happening in our world.  It is too much for our hearts to bear.  We all have enough trouble in our own little corner of the world.  Why should we focus on that instead of all the wonderful things God has blessed us with to enjoy?

Praise God for every day He blesses us with.  Enjoy life to the fullest.  Focus on the positive in others and in the world {and even in yourself.}  Until they put that tag on our toe we must  never lose hope, but instead "Praise God for whom ALL blessings flow!" 

Thursday, April 25, 2013

Trapped In Satan's Lie

My ministry as an older woman is to train younger women to be "keepers at home."  This is not popular today.  I get, "What if God has not called them to be keepers at home?"  Perhaps a few may be called to try to balance a career and a family, yet on this the scriptures are silent.  Unfortunately, too many career women don't  listen to the call of God to be a "keeper at home" and they discover too late that they sacrificed too much because they listened instead to worldly lies.

Sadly, many of our daughters’ friends are trapped by the lie that a woman’s life can only be fulfilled by a successful career. They put off child-bearing, strap themselves financially so that a “quiver-full” is out of the realm of possibility, and spend their lives in pursuit of all of the “stuff” the culture tells them they must have.

But many of America’s women have chosen death. They have been lied to. They listened to the hum of the humanistic culture and its promise of self satisfaction. They bought into the promise of college, career, and the collection of conveniences it provides.

These words are written by Dave Daubenmire.  His article is a very good one.  I would encourage you to read all of it.  He is right.  Many women buy the feminist lie that they must pursue an expensive education so they can have a career.

No where in Scripture can you find support for women leaving their homes all day to provide a living.  No where can you find that debt is a good thing.  No where can you find that mothers should not be raising their babies.

In fact, the Bible tells me to teach young women to be keepers at home so they will not blaspheme the word of God.  Many terrible things have happened since mothers left their homes.  Children are being educated and raised by strangers who don't train and discipline them in the ways of the Lord. Marriages are falling apart.  Women have no energy left at the end of the day to take care of their husbands.  

Watching women do it the way God intended is a beautiful thing.  Erin is pregnant with our second grandbaby.  She stays home all day taking care of Emma, her home, and Ryan. She told me she wakes up and is living her dream.  As a 3.9 Biology major with great ambition, her plans were trumped by God's plans to give her a honeymoon baby.  With Ryan's hard work and living simply, she is so happy to be home raising her precious gift from God and being a keeper at home.

Behold, children are a heritage from the Lord
the fruit of the womb a reward.
Psalm 127:3

Tuesday, April 23, 2013

We Give Thanks!

The Alexander Family has a million things to be thankful for... none the least is for wonderful children and grand children, with one more coming very soon!  Lori was able to spend Sunday afternoon with all of her children and we took lots of pictures, like the one above of Ryan, Erin and Em's.  We are blessed beyond our wildest dreams in so many ways and today was another day of blessings:

-- Lori's surgery went off without a hitch, about 3:30 hours long with a highly trained neurosurgeon!
-- No fat was needed to be harvested from her side which was the biggest pain last time!
-- No spinal fluid leaks!
-- No pick line this time and no catheter!
-- No headaches or weird things coming out of anesthesia!
-- No nasal sinus packing this time!
-- No burning stomach pain that required morphine from huge doses of cortisone!
-- Lori is so far more alert and happy than with previous operations...

-- OK ... she hates the needles, the bruises, the beepings, IV's,  or whatever that burning arm pain is!
and as Emma would say, "It's scary... very scary."

We are ever so thankful for all of you who have prayed for Lori and beseeched our Heavenly Father on her behalf. The gross tumor was completely removed and she says her head is so much "clearer."

We still need and covet your prayers for Lori's headaches, neck pain, tingling, and stomach aches to finally leave her alone. She needs some years of plenty to replace her many years of suffering.

We also ask for your prayers that the tumor never return again. The surgeon is concerned that tumor cells remain in the Dura, too deep to remove without causing a spinal leak, or worse things. So it looks like Lori will have an MRI in 3 months and then yearly for life to monitor the tumor's recurrence, and if it comes back... it is either back to surgery again, or radiation.  Radiation would most likely kill her pituitary, then on to a number of hormone replacements the rest of her life to survive.

We thank God for His love and protection through the surgery, and getting us this far in life. We would wish for all good news, but then we would be spoiled brats if we were given everything, without having to follow by faith into all God has in store for us. We know Lori is in His perfect hands, and with that we must remain thankful and content.

Many thanks again for all your prayers, love and concern. We believe in miracles... so let's start praying that the tumor never returns!

"Now faith is the substance of things hoped for, the evidence of things not seen" (Heb. 11:1)
"And the prayer offered in faith will make the sick person well; the Lord will raise them up" 
(James 5:15)

Sunday, April 21, 2013

Life's Twists and Turns

Lori is my hero, and I know that many of you feel the same way about her as she has ministered the truth of God's Word the last few years to thousands. We have loved hearing from you as to how God has worked to change marriage after marriage all based on a simple little promise of the Word, that husbands "may be won without a word by the behavior of their wives" (I Peter 3:1).

At 11:00 a.m. today Lori will be wheeled into the operating room to remove a recurring Intrasellar Meningioma which has grown up from the floor of the Sella. The Sella Turcica is like a small holding cup that houses the pituitary which dangles just below the hypothalamus of the brain.  The pituitary is the essential regulator of the main hormones that run the body and Lori's pituitary is smushed like a pancake by a walnut sized tumor.

We anticipate all will go smoothly as God guides the well trained hands of the surgeon as he takes his instruments through Lori's nostrils to open up a three inch window in the front base of her skull to expose the Sella and Pituitary as the tumor falls out.  The surgeon will then take all of his video game skills to avoid nicking any of the vital nerves that flow through the region, and especially the optic nerve and carotid artery which the tumor is hugging, to piece by piece excise the tumor. Please pray that he can see clearly through his little video cameras on his huge HDTV where the tumor begins so that this time he can get it all, forever. Then the surgeon will cut a piece of fat out of Lori's side and plug the hole the tumor has left. Please pray that no leakage of spinal fluid develops. It will then be off to ICU for a day and then a couple more days in the hospital.

If all goes according to plan Lori will be home Wednesday night or Thursday and then a time for recovery.  There is no coughing or sneezing allowed, so no colds or flu permitted, so as not to disturb the delicate region as the pituitary will hopefully begin to dangle once again. We have been through this once nine years ago when Lori almost died, so we know the routine. It often takes 6-12 months for full recovery from brain surgery, not so much the physical, but it often does something to the psyche of the person.

As Cam, our new found Tennessee friend would say, "This is not our first rodeo." I married a woman so full of life, force and energy that she could go to graduate school, work and take care of me and many others.  It was only after teaching school for three years and having four kids in six years that Lori began to break down physically. First came the parasites which were misdiagnosed by more than twenty doctors over a five year period of time, and somewhere in there she was sandwiched between two semi trucks on the 5 freeway and walked away with a fractured neck and broken coccyx.

Pain seems to have followed Lori for the past 25 years... bad pain, often debilitating stomach, head and neck pain. Yet through it all, Lori has been able to create a life for herself and family. Looking back on it, it was nothing short of heroic what Lori did to get her kids to sports, ballet, home schooling, and yearly Bible training through AWANA. Bent over in pain she would never miss a session, except for a few months when she could hardly get out of bed.

So how is it that a somewhat difficult wife can go to her husband ten years ago and say, "I want to please you!" Her stomach is killing her, her head hurts, she has an undiscovered brain tumor, and she is slowly dying because her kidneys are expelling sodium, and yet, she wants to please me!  It comes down to just one thing and one thing only.  Lori decided she was going to trust God at His Word and if she was to have the marriage of her dreams she would win her man without a word, by putting aside self and selfishness, and please her man.

You see, Lori believes in ALL of God's PROMISES.  Each and every promise of God given to her in the Bible becomes her life blood each and every moment of the day. If God says that He will not give her more than she can handle, then sure enough, life is lived to the fullest, with or without pain. If God says He will always be with her, then she walks through all of the trials of life knowing her God lives in and through her.  If Jesus promises suffering and difficulties for those who follow Him, then through her suffering God will work ALL things together for good. Lori enters into the suffering with joy and thanksgiving, knowing that her Savior will ride in soon on a white horse to free her and save her from a broken body and difficult world.

Faith... do we really know what that means?  Lori does, and she shows me each and every moment through her pain and suffering what it means to depend and trust in God. My wife is my hero and I love and adore her for making my life, and the life of my family so wonderfully filled with joy in the knowledge the Lord. She makes our lives full, fun, and enjoyable, even while she cannot enjoy many of the good things in life.

So for those of you with your problems out there, and I know some of your issues are deep, and perhaps debilitating... Do what Lori does. Trust God with all your heart and lean on His promises.

If God says that we are New Creatures in Christ and that the old man is dead and buried in Christ Jesus, that our flesh is dead and we now walk in newness of life (Rom 6 & 8), then why fret.  Dead things don't care, and most of this life is dead and worthless in view of eternity with Christ Jesus our Lord. So in the midst of your suffering and pain, find in God's Word all of the promises that God, the Promise Keeper has given to you, and hold on ever so tightly to them. For God's promises always come true, in His perfect timing, and His perfect will. Whatever we face today, it is just one more twist and turn that our heavenly Father is orchestrating for his children so that we may be to the praise of His glory forever and ever. For His day is coming soon... Come quickly Lord Jesus! Amen!

"Then I saw a new heaven and a new earth; for the first heaven and the first earth passed away, and there is no longer any sea. And I saw the holy city, new Jerusalem, coming down out of heaven from God, made ready as a bride adorned for her husband. And I heard a loud voice from the throne, saying, “Behold, the tabernacle of God is among men, and He will dwell among them, and they shall be His people, and God Himself will be among them, and He will wipe away every tear from their eyes; and there will no longer be any death; there will no longer be any mourning, or crying, or pain; the first things have passed away” (Rev. 21:1-4).

A Story Of Redemption

Joyce was sexually abused by her father all of her growing up years.  She said she had no childhood. She grew up, accepted Jesus as her Savior, got married, and had four children.  The Lord has completely transformed her life.  She forgave her dad even when he didn't ask to be forgiven.
He became sick later in his life and Joyce and her husband, Dave, had to buy a home close to them for her parents to live in.  They bought them a nice, little home.  They moved her parents into the home and furnished it for them.  She shopped and brought groceries for them every week.  She took her father to the doctor numerous times.
After three years of living near them, her mother called Joyce and told her that her father had been crying for the past three weeks.  Could she come over and talk with him?  She went over with her husband who had always treated her father with love and kindness even after knowing what he had done to his wife.
She went to her father and her father told her that what he had done to her was wrong.  He asked her to forgive him.  She overcame evil with good.  She heaped burning coals upon his head by feeding her enemy.  She forgave him.
She then asked him if he wanted to accept Jesus into his heart.  He wanted to and lived the rest of his life knowing and loving Jesus.
This is a story of redemption.  God restored all the years the locusts had eaten in Joyce Meyer's life.  She has a strong, solid marriage, four children who walk with Jesus, and a ministry that she loves.  All things are possible with God.  He promises to do abundantly more than we can even think or imagine.  He is so good.  So very, very good.
If your enemy is hungry, feed him;
if he is thirsty, give him something to drink;
for by so doing you will heap burning coals on his head.  
Do not be overcome by evil, but overcome evil with good.
Romans 12:20,21

Saturday, April 20, 2013

Does Cholesterol Cause Heart Disease?

Apparently not, believes  two doctors on the Dr. Oz show.  One of them has been a cardiologist for many years and said that half of his patients have high cholesterol and no heart disease while the other half of his patients have low cholesterol with heart disease.

He said the side effects of statin drugs can be diabetes, cancer, etc., are very detrimental to one's health and should only be used by some men.  He believes the main cause of heart disease is inflammation in the body...

We fervently believe that neither cholesterol nor fat is the major villain in the American diet – sugar is. We also believe that the case against cholesterol, which was made nearly 30 years ago, was based on faulty evidence. The case needs to be re-opened and the evidence needs to be re-examined.

They believe grass fed beef is very good for you because it has omega-3s in it, while regular beef is harmful since it is loaded with hormones, pesticides, and antibiotics. Dr. Marshall also teaches that statin drugs rob the body of CoQ10 which is vital to having a healthy heart.

We were visiting a friend last year on a road trip.  He is in constant pain from the waist down and can hardly walk.  He said it was from taking statin drugs for many years.

In conclusion,  stop eating sugar and anything that has sugar in it, especially if you are experiencing health problems.  I read many years ago how harmful sugar is to one's health.  {In fact, Steven grew up thinking eating sugar was sin!} Research is finding out the harmful effects of sugar.  My daughter's website Live Right Be Healthy is full of good recipes that use foods that prevent inflammation in the body. The picture above is from her blog.

You may be thinking, "What does she know about health, she has a brain tumor?"  Every single one of my blood tests, x-rays, EKG, etc. are normal.  All of my organs and blood are healthy.  My doctor said to me, "Who knows where you would be now if you didn't take such good care of yourself?" I believe my tumor is from the trauma of running into a sliding glass door full speed, being throw back onto my back, and breaking my nose in three places when I was younger, not from eating unhealthy!

We live in a very fallen world, as you all know, and cannot control everything that happens to us.  We must do our best and leave the rest in the Lord's hands.
Inflammation in the body causes cancer, diabetes, and many of the diseases we suffer from today.  Start being careful what you eat.  Read labels and fix most of your own food without chemicals and preservatives.  It takes time but good health is worth it.

An intelligent heart acquires knowledge,
and the ear of the wise seeks knowledge.
Proverbs 18:15    

  ***Remember, I'm NOT a doctor. I'm just a homemaker who loves to research 
natural cures and have found many that have worked for my family and me. Information I have given is for educational and informational purposes only and to motivate you to make your own health care and dietary decisions based upon your own research and in partnership with your health care provider. Any statements or claims about the possible health benefits conferred by any foods or supplements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration and are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease. Nothing you read here should be relied upon to determine dietary changes, a medical diagnosis or course of treatment.  

Friday, April 19, 2013

My Biggest Advocate

Right after I got my MRI results, I got into my car and called Ken.  He had left on a business trip to Texas that morning and told me he was coming right home.  Then I called my mom and dad.  As soon as we hung up, my dad was on the phone finding a neurosurgeon for me.
Nine years ago with my first surgery, he spent many hours on the phone trying to find the best surgeon.  Two days after finding the tumor had returned, we were headed to Los Angeles.  My dad brought all my past records and MRIs with him.  He is always well prepared.
After scheduling surgery, they told me I would need a family doctor to order a bunch of pre-op tests to be done.  I don't have a normal family doctor.  The only kind of doctors I seem to need are neurosurgeons.  As soon as we got home, my dad went into town and found me a good family doctor.

When I go into surgery, I know he will be there.  He was always there for my past surgeries praying for me and making sure I was okay.  We always knew that about my dad...He would always be there for us when we needed him.
Of course, Ken does everything possible for me also but my dad is a doctor so he has a bit of an advantage in finding a great doctor.  My sister and I were talking on the phone the other day and she asked, "What are we going to do when dad is no longer around to help us?" 

Having a faithful, committed father is a huge blessing in a child's life.  If you have a father like that, thank him.  If your husband is like that, thank him.
And he will turn the hearts of fathers to their children
and the hearts of children to their fathers.
Malachi 4:6

Thursday, April 18, 2013

Being Your Husband's Playmate

This might make you go up in arms, but no wonder so many men leave for a younger, more fun girl. I don’t actually think men are as wrapped up in that the new girl being young and cute {even though that doesn’t hurt} vs. it has to do with that the other wives get ‘old’ in attitude. 

Women are smart and even smarter if we don’t let our emotions completely run the show. I will recognize when I’m acting like an old hag and snap out of it. You can’t believe what a girlish laugh or giggle does for a home. Let’s not lose our girl to being a woman. Let’s save her and cultivate her. This way when our young husbands of 50, 60, and 70 are living it up we will not be shouting to them ‘when are you going to grow up?’, but rather ‘what time can you come out to play?’  {Gabrielle Reece}

Our husbands want a playmate.  They want that girl they dated who laughed at his jokes and smiled at him often.  You be that girl.  Somehow, once we say "I do" we think we need to get serious and run life the way we think it should be run.  We lose our sense of wonder and excitement.  We "fall" out of love with our dear husbands and make all of our lives miserable.

Don't let this be you.  Keep your husband happy at home.  Always look your best and be joyful.  Debi Pearl wrote that she is always playing around with her husband.  They are always chasing each other and laughing together.  Why would any husband want to leave that?  Finding someone he would have more fun with would be difficult indeed.

My two married children sure have fun together with their spouses.  Whenever they are at my home, they flirt with each other, cuddle together, and kiss.  They are so in love with each other.  It is so fun to watch!  Alyssa and Erin will never be old hags.  They absolutely want to keep their wonderful husbands happy.  You be like that too, okay.

Let your fountain be blessed:
and rejoice with the wife of your youth.
Proverbs 5:18

Wednesday, April 17, 2013

Called To Be Living Sacrifices

After Ryan and Erin had been married only several months, he came to me and quietly said, "Erin is pregnant."  I cried.  I jumped up and hugged him.  I was so excited!  Would I have reacted this way if Ryan had told me they were expecting their fourth, fifth, or even sixth child?

Nancy Campbell questioned the wisdom of mothers counseling their daughters to stop having babies after they have two children.   ~

When parents speak disparagingly when their daughters are pregnant {again}, they often say these things because they love their daughters and don't want them to have extra work or sleepless nights. They speak out of concern and love. But, in doing so, they miss God's heart. They do it because they do not think God's way. They only see things from a human point of view. Therefore, they are an obstacle in God's eternal plans, and they deprive their daughters of many blessings, not only for this life, but for eternity. What a challenge.

Many people counsel young married couples to wait awhile to have children.  Get an education.  Get a career.  Travel and see the world.  Save up money and buy a home.  This is what the world says.  God says the purpose of marriage is to produce godly offspring.  He tells us to be fruitful and multiply.

We must stop thinking and reasoning as the world does and find the heart of God and what He wants.  He tells us children are a gift and a blessing.  He tells us He is our protector and provider for whom shall we fear.  He tells us He will always be with us and never leave us.

Sure childbearing is difficult.  There are a lot of risks, sleepless nights, pain, suffering, heartache, and exhaustion.  But who said life would be easy?  There is also a lot of joy, laughter, and satisfaction in obeying God and living according to His Word instead of the world's wisdom.

We walk the narrow path.  We are called to be living sacrifices.  Erin is a living sacrifice right now.  She is very sick at the beginning of her pregnancies and she isn't that tall so the babies kick her a lot as they are swimming inside of her.  When she brought Emma home, however, after a difficult labor, she looked up at Ryan and exclaimed, "I want more!"

Child raising is hard.  It takes a lot out of a mother but you are storing your treasures in heaven and whatever God asks you to do, He gives you the power to do it. 

I appeal to you therefore, brothers, by the mercies of God, to present your bodies as a living sacrifice, holy and acceptable to God, which is your spiritual worship. Do not be conformed to this world, but be transformed by the renewal of your mind, that by testing you may discern what is the will of God, what is good and acceptable and perfect.
Romans 12:1,2

The picture is Alyssa, one of my readers, with her husband and son.  
She wants to be a living sacrifice and writes about it HERE.

Tuesday, April 16, 2013

Strength Comes From Being Feminine

Feminism has it all wrong.  They think if they can become more like men and equal in every way, then they will be strong. Gabrielle Reece has it all right. Reece, who was OF COURSE introduced as a “mother, model and former pro beach volleyball star” in that order, explains in the book, “to truly be feminine means being soft, receptive and – look out, here it comes – submissive.”

She goes on to say, “I think the idea of living with a partner is ‘How can I make their life better?’ So if I’m the woman and he’s the man, then yes, that’s the dynamic. I’m willing, and I choose to serve my family and my husband because it creates a dynamic where he is then, in fact, acting more like a man and masculine and treating me the way I want to be treated … I think because women have the ability to set the tone, that the ultimate strength and showing real power, I believe, is creating that environment. I don’t think it’s a sign of weakness. I think it’s a sign of strength.”

Hello...God's ways work.  Whenever I write about submission, many people tell me how wrong I am to teach it.  See the ways of God are foreign to those who chose to not believe in Him.  Right is wrong and wrong is right.  However, there are a lot of unbelievers who choose to live by God's standards because they realize they are the right way to live.  His ways work.

It comes down to being unselfish;  loving others, especially your husband, more than yourself.  How can he not start loving and adoring you if you make it your mission in life to make him happy???  We do reap what we sow.  It may take time, but he will eventually respond to being loved in such a way.

Continue loving, serving, and being submissive to your husband.  When you do things God's ways, you reap His blessings.  If you continue to do things the world's ways, you will reap the world's blessing.  God's blessings are far beyond anything you can even hope or imagine.  Oh, how I love your ways, precious Jesus.

I am not sure if Gabrielle and her husband are believers or not but her husband is one blessed man!

As for God, his way is perfect: the word of the LORD is tried:
he is a buckler to all those that trust in him.
Psalm 18:30

Monday, April 15, 2013

Brain Surgery Update

The neurosurgeon who performed brain surgery on me nine years ago didn't retire!  When my dad called him, he wanted to do my surgery again.  The MRI was last Wednesday and by Friday morning, we were headed up to USC to see my surgeon.

On the drive up, Ken was telling me about this neurosurgeon at UCLA that Steven was recommended by the head of neurosurgery at UT Houston.  He uses endoscopic surgery where he has a huge screen up he can look at during surgery. I told Ken how much I would love to go to him...

My surgeon at USC said this tumor is a bit larger than my last tumor and is hugging the carotid arteries.  It completely fills the area where the pituitary lives.  It is pushing against the optic nerve and six other major nerves.  He is hoping it is the same consistency as the past one or it will be a much longer and complicated surgery.  He was booked until May 9th.

I looked at him and told him I can't wait until May 9th.  I am too sick. He said his associate who has been trained under him the past 9 years may be able to do it sooner.  He is much younger and does endoscopic surgery...God listening to the cry of His child's heart...

Shortly after, the younger doctor came in and all of us discussed my options.  He is planning on going up my nose to get to it and if he needs to see it better, he will drill a hole in my forehead.  He had an opening for surgery this next Monday the 22nd at 11:00.

Nine years ago my surgery at USC was a nightmare.  However, several of the events that made it a nightmare {having to go up the night before and being pumped full of cortisone which made me extremely ill, surgery being delayed eight hours the next day, coming out of anesthesia was frightening to say the least, and a few other events I don't wish to share...} seem to be resolved.

I don't have to go up the night before...YAY!  I don't have to be pumped full of cortisone!  I get to have the same cocktail of drugs I had for my neck fusion which made waking up a matter of just opening my eyes and saying "Hi!" 

My specific prayer requests are for a successful surgery, especially that they can remove every single tumor cell so it will never grow back.  A quick recovery would be wonderful. My poor husband's stress level also.  {I told him the first 23 years of marriage I intentionally caused him stress and the past 9 years I have unintentionally caused him stress with two brain surgeries, neck fusion, etc.}

I already see God in so many of the details.  He has been so good and faithful to me and I know He will be until the day He takes me home.  Thank you so much for your love and prayers.  God does love me through His people.

For our light affliction, which is but for a moment,
worketh for us a far more exceeding and eternal weight of glory.
II Corinthians 4:17

***Ken will keep you updated through my Always Learning facebook page 
while I am in the hospital which will be at least three days.

Sunday, April 14, 2013

Continue To Be Obedient

When your heart is breaking, continue to be obedient to God.  When your husband continues to look at pornography, when he continues to distance himself and talks about moving out, when your child is rebellious and stubborn, and when you feel there is no hope, continue to be obedient to God.

Rejoice in the Lord always, again I say rejoice.  Be thankful for all the many blessings you do have in your life and the peace of God which surpasses all comprehension shall guard your heart and mind.  Be obedient and submissive to your husband with a gentle and quiet spirit so you may win them without a word.  Be patient and kind to your wayward child so they may see Jesus living inside of you.

Never give up hope.  God is on His throne and He asks you to walk in obedience.  When we walk in obedience, His blessings pour down upon us and we can walk through any trial we are going through.  We can do ALL things through Christ who strengthens us.

When we love without expectations or stipulations, we free our spouse and children to become all that God has planned for them to become.  Let God convict and change your husband and child.  He is capable of anything!  Nothing is impossible with Him .

Let the Word of Christ dwell in you richly for His Word transforms you into the image of Christ.  I know I teach these promises over and over again but they are so powerful.  The same God who raised Christ from the dead lives inside of you.

Be anxious for nothing, not even tomorrow for He has been in your tomorrow and has it all under control.  He carries you under His mighty wings and promises to protect and provide for you.  Believe Him and His promises.  They are life.

Trust Him with everything for He is trustworthy.  He is seated on His throne above all principalities and has it all under control.  Praise be to His Holy Name.

Trust in the Lord with all your heart and
lean not on your own understanding. 
In all your ways acknowledge Him
and He shall direct your paths.
Proverbs 3:5,6

Saturday, April 13, 2013

Fighting Infections Naturally

Doctors fight infections with antibiotics. My grandmother, who raised seven children, fought infections with lemon and honey water. I much prefer her way. There are no side effects.

When one of my daughters was young, she had quite a few ear infections. I went the medical route for awhile. She would get an ear infection and the doctor would put her on an antibiotic. I finally read Dr. Mendelsohn's book. He was a pediatrician for 30 years and said the children with ear infections who took antibiotics got well as quickly as those who didn't take any. The only difference was the ones who didn't take antibiotics didn't continue getting ear infections.

Our bodies have an amazing ability to develop immunities. I finally allowed her own body to heal her ear infections and she no longer got ear infections.  Dr Mendolsohn recommends that as soon as an infection begins, get off all sugar and eat pure, good food.

Several years ago, I got a bladder infection. It was extremely painful. I was even bleeding from it. I did not want to go on antibiotics, however. My gut is so sensitive from all the drugs I took trying to get rid of the parasites years ago.

I had Ken get me some organic cranberry juice from the health food store. I lived on that, lemon and honey water, and lots of vitamin C. Within several days, I was much better.  

After one of my babies, I got mastitis where the breast gets infected shortly after birth. It was also very painful. I kept warm heat on my breast and drank lots of lemon and honey water along with other fresh juices. Within several days, I was fine.

Our bodies do an amazing job at healing themselves if given the right fuel. I loved having Dr. Mendelsohn's book so I could know if something truly was an emergency or not. If it was an emergency, we definitely took our children to the doctor but most of the time, it was not an emergency and I just let my children's body do the healing.

Beware of taking antibiotics. They are way over prescribed now and lead to all sorts of diseases, I believe. My dad almost died from an antibiotic. I want to remind you that I am not a doctor. This is just my opinion so take it as such! Here is a list of my favorite healing products. They are tried, tested and true!

Lemon and Honey Water

Warm up a cup of water, not boiling
Put in a teaspoon or more of raw, organic honey and stir
Add the juice of a whole lemon

You don't want the water too warm or it will kill the vitamin C in the lemon juice.

I praise you because I am fearfully and wonderfully made;
your works are wonderful,
I know that full well.
Psalm 139:14

***Remember, I'm NOT a doctor. I'm just a homemaker who loves to research 

natural cures and have found many that have worked for my family and me. Information I have given is for educational and informational purposes only and to motivate you to make your own health care and dietary decisions based upon your own research and in partnership with your health care provider. Any statements or claims about the possible health benefits conferred by any foods or supplements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration and are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease. Nothing you read here should be relied upon to determine dietary changes, a medical diagnosis or course of treatment.