Sunday, May 31, 2015

We Should Not Serve Sin

{From Charles Spurgeon's Morning and Evening}

Christian, what hast thou to do with sin? Hath it not cost thee enough already? Burnt child, wilt thou play with the fire? What! when thou hast already been between the jaws of the lion, wilt thou step a second time into his den? Hast thou not had enough of the old serpent? Did he not poison all thy veins once, and wilt thou play upon the hole of the asp, and put thy hand upon the cockatrice's den a second time? Oh, be not so mad! so foolish! Did sin ever yield thee real pleasure? Didst thou find solid satisfaction in it? If so, go back to thine old drudgery, and wear the chain again, if it delight thee. But inasmuch as sin did never give thee what it promised to bestow, but deluded thee with lies, be not a second time snared by the old fowler--be free, and let the remembrance of thy ancient bondage forbid thee to enter the net again! It is contrary to the designs of eternal love, which all have an eye to thy purity and holiness; therefore run not counter to the purposes of thy Lord. 

Another thought should restrain thee from sin. Christians can never sin cheaply; they pay a heavy price for iniquity. Transgression destroys peace of mind, obscures fellowship with Jesus, hinders prayer, brings darkness over the soul; therefore be not the serf and bondman of sin. There is yet a higher argument: each time you "serve sin" you have "Crucified the Lord afresh, and put him to an open shame." Can you bear that thought? Oh! if you have fallen into any special sin during this day, it may be my Master has sent this admonition this evening, to bring you back before you have backslidden very far. Turn thee to Jesus anew; he has not forgotten his love to thee; his grace is still the same. With weeping and repentance, come thou to his footstool, and thou shalt be once more received into his heart; thou shalt be set upon a rock again, and thy goings shall be established.

That henceforth we should not serve sin.
Romans 6:6

Saturday, May 30, 2015

Wholesome, Fun, Christian-friendly Children's Science Books

{This is a guest post by Jennifer Guest explaining to us 
the children books she's written!}

The Science of Seasons set of books are wholesome, fun, Christian-friendly science books. They are evolution-free, feature kids who dress modestly, and the characters are innocent, but realistic. Readers don't have to worry about the all too pervasive societal pressure creeping into the stories. Instead, science and other concepts are presented in a way that is appropriate for Christian families.  

In The Science of the Seasons, readers join Abigail, Henry, Grace, and their lively Fox Terrier, Beowulf, as they learn about the seasons in this lavishly illustrated, story book! Kids will learn about the seasons in different parts of the world, solstices, equinoxes, and a myriad of other topics brought together in a way to draw in both strong and reluctant readers! There are fun comics to read, celebrations in other parts of the world to learn about, and even yummy recipes to commemorate each season.

After kids are done with the storybook, they can delve into an exciting companion resource. The Science of Seasons Learn-and-Play Activities book is stuffed with over 125 pages of engaging things to learn and do that expand on the topics in The Science of Seasons. Kids can bring to life the lessons they are learning with character cutouts and playsets, fill out the make your own comic templates, and create a globe of the earth for fun experiments and much more! Far more than a typical activity book, The Science of Seasons Learn-and-Play Activities contains a highly varied assortment of cross-curricular lessons and projects, which will engage children on many different levels.

The pair of books would make terrific summer reading or a great addition to any homeschool. I have even created and shared a free science curriculum on my website ( that goes along with them! You can purchase the books (and also look at page screenshots) from the Guest Hollow store:

The books are also available from Amazon:

Jennifer is asking that you please spread the word and share her books with friends and family. There are so few science books for children from a Christian perspective. If her first book is a success, she will have the opportunity to make more!

 In the beginning God created the heavens and the earth.
Genesis 1:1

Friday, May 29, 2015

Preventing Depression in Children

Young people seem to be experiencing depression more now than ever before. I found an article explaining eight reasons why this is the case. Most of these reasons are due to our prosperous, industrialized and fast moving society. We think technology and our comfortable lifestyles are good but they have come at a huge price to our health and the health of our children.

The first reason listed is a lack of play. Do you see children playing in your streets and parks anymore? When I was growing up, we were playing outside most of the time, when the weather allowed. We didn't have a lot of toys so we used our imaginations to play. It is SO imperative that your children are outside playing as much as possible using their large muscles to run, jump, climb, etc. besides the benefits of being in the sunshine and fresh air.

C-Sections are also another factor. Way too many c-sections are given today. Yes, there are times when they must be given but if at all possible, don't have a c-section. Natural births are, by far, the healthiest for baby and mother. Recovering from a natural birth is much quicker for the mother and the least amount of drugs you can put into your body, the better since ALL drugs are toxic to the human body.

Sugar. The more we find out about sugar, the more we find that most diseases are from eating sugar. Sugar robs your body of important nutrients, allows cancer to proliferate and beats down your immune system. Do all you can to prevent your children from eating sugar. There are so many alternative healthy foods. I properly prepare all types of nuts and sunflower seeds for snacks. Popcorn popped in coconut oil and fruit are all great snacks for your children. Train your children to snack on nutritious food, instead of junk food which results in junk health.

Antibiotics is another reason for so much depression in children. My boys never had antibiotics growing up. My daughters received a little bit for ear infections until I learned that ear infections clear up just as quickly with antibiotics as they do without, yet those ear infections cured without antibiotics don't come back. I found this to be true. Dr. Marshall believes all infections can be cured without drugs, except a tooth infection which needs to be fixed. I have cured bladder infections, sinus infections, breast infections, and ear infections all without drugs. Drugs should only be used in emergency situations.

Television is robbing our children of mental health also. It prevents them from playing, using their imaginations,  and relating with others. It is damaging to their developing brains and eyes. Some education experts believe that a child should not watch television until they are five or six years old.  Then it should only be for an hour a day. It is addicting. Little children will be happily playing until they get in front of a television. Then they don't move at all!

How many times have I written about the devastation of divorce on children? Many times. God hates divorce and commands we be covenant keepers for many reasons and one of those reasons is for the sake of the children. I have seen the devastation divorce is upon even grown children. The value of a husband and wife staying united as one for all of their days can never be overestimated. Stay married, even if it isn't easy, because in the long run, it will be better for many.

Toxins are another cause of depression. I have written often about the need for eating organic food, cleaning with non-toxic cleaners, and having your windows open as much as possible. We weren't created to live in a toxic environment, yet we all live in one. Do what you can to rid your family's life of toxins and then leave the rest in the Lord's hands.

Stress is the final cause of depression. Children are so stressed out today, especially if they are in the public schools with all of the competition and bullying. I never studied for the SAT. I didn't even have much homework in high school. We were allowed to be children and have a lot of play time. Most of today's children don't have this privilege. Do what you can to give your children a stress-free lifestyle.

Finally, the very most important thing this article left out is to preach the Gospel to your children early and often so they know clearly who they are in Christ and their precious value to the kingdom of God.

May the God of hope fill you with all joy and peace in believing, 
so that by the power of the Holy Spirit you may abound in hope.
Romans 15:13 

***Remember, I'm NOT a doctor. I'm just a homemaker who loves to research 

natural cures and have found many that have worked for my family and me. Information I have given is for educational and informational purposes only and to motivate you to make your own health care and dietary decisions based upon your own research and in partnership with your health care provider. Any statements or claims about the possible health benefits conferred by any foods or supplements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration and are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease. Nothing you read here should be relied upon to determine dietary changes, a medical diagnosis or course of treatment.

Wednesday, May 27, 2015

Are You Building God's Kingdom or Your Own?

Here in America, it's easy to forget our mission. We have so much wealth and entertainment that we've forgotten that our mission is to make disciples. Jesus didn't command us to make converts, but to make disciples. Since many have forgotten this mission, they've taken a lot of wrong turns. They mistakenly think that their short time down here on earth is to be happy, instead of making disciples.

Many women have decided that their goals are way more important than God's goals of being a wife and mother, so they've left their homes to make their "mark on the world." They have full-time careers and leave the few children they may have in the care of strangers all day so they can find "fulfillment." They fail to realize that their high calling from God is to be keepers at home and their ministry is making their homes a place of peace and rest for their husband, children, and all those who need a sanctuary away from the turmoil of this messed up world.

Many have few children since they want to be happy, instead of make disciples. Having a lot of children will prevent them from having many things, doing many things, and going many places. It will take away their happiness because they will be exhausted most of the time and have little "me time." They've forgotten that God calls children a blessing and it is their job to have children and raise them for Him; making disciples of their children so they can go out to be salt and light to a lost and dying world.

Many don't stay married if they're not happy or the road becomes very rocky. Their husband is a jerk and makes their life miserable so why should they stay when it's so easy to get a divorce and have "freedom." They've forgotten that by staying faithful to their vows for better or for worse, they are modeling to a lost world God's faithfulness to us and the relationship of Christ and His church. Christ remains faithful to us, even when we are unfaithful.

When their children are grown up and gone, they spend their time traveling and their time and money is their own to do as they please. They've figured they've "paid their dues" and now it's their time to be happy. God calls them to do otherwise. He commands older women to train young women; be with them, help them, teach them, love them, support them, encourage them. Lodge strangers, relieve the afflicted and diligently follow every good work, as Paul commands in I Timothy 6:10.

Many think their money is for their own pleasure so they spend it all on themselves building their own little kingdoms on earth with newer, nicer, faster and better all the while those around them are heading for hell. They forgot that we are called to use our time, resources and talents to make disciples by loving, helping and giving ourselves away. 

Our lives down here are short. God commands that we make disciples. Are you making disciples? Are you using your time, talents and gifts to make your home a place where Jesus is welcomed? Are you making sure your children are well-trained in the ways of the Lord? Are you loving your husband and being faithful to him even if it is hard so those around you can see the power of God in your life? Are you spending your later years ministering to those younger than you and helping them be the wives and mothers that God has called them to be? Are you using your time, talents and money building God's kingdom or are you using it to build your own?

Preach the word; be ready in season and out of season; 
reprove, rebuke, exhort, with great patience and instruction.
2 Timothy 4:2

Tuesday, May 26, 2015

A Faithful Home is a Trustworthy Home

Most couples today are not covenant keepers.  In Romans, Paul explains that in the last days, many people will be "without understanding, covenant-breakers...who knowing the judgment of God, that they which commit such things are worthy of death, not only do the same, but have pleasure in them that do them" {Romans 1:31, 32}. God has clearly stated, "What therefore God hath joined together, let no man put asunder" {Mark 10:9}. 

Trustworthy people are those who keep their commitments. When they tell someone that they are going to pray for them, they pray for them. If they tell someone they are going to call them, they call them. If they tell someone that they are committed for life to them, they stay committed for life to them. Children who grow up in faithful homes, most likely will grow up to be people you can trust.

Faithful and trustworthy people are not too common today. It's hard to believe anything a politician says who is running for an election. It's hard to trust the news media and what they report. It's even hard to trust some doctors because of the gigantic drug lobby and it's influence. However, it shouldn't be hard to trust believers who call upon the name of the Lord. We should be the faithful in the land and this faithfulness must begin in the home.

If you tell your child that you are going to do something, follow through and do it. Don't make empty promises to them. Pay your taxes without cheating. If you are undercharged at a store, show them and pay the difference. Model faithfulness through your marriage to them, through friendships and even to the church you attend. If a friend shares something personal with you, don't share it with others.  Teach your children to be faithful to sport's teams they are on by being on time to practice and practicing hard or whatever they have committed to do.

Having a faithful and trustworthy home definitely begins with the leaders in the home, the parents. If the fish's head begins to stink, the whole body will eventually stink. It must begin with us. We must be faithful to our vows. We must be faithful to our commitments to others. We must be faithful in teaching our children the ways of the Lord. Our society is on the path to destruction. Don't allow your family to go anywhere near this path. Stay as far away as possible from the filth of this world. The world redefines the words of truth and faithfulness to say, "Be true to your self and faithful to what you think is best." Put your trust in the Lord and spend your time in His Word and live your lives faithfully according to His Word with His Spirit working mightily within you as He gives you the grace to live it out.

One who is faithful in a very little is also faithful in much, 
and one who is dishonest in a very little is also dishonest in much.
Luke 16:10

More posts in my Home Series.

Monday, May 25, 2015

A Woman's Divine Assignment

John MacArthur isn't afraid to speak truth, even if it offends. This is why I love listening to him. I don't want a watered-down Word of God. Here is another sermon concerning women being keepers at home he taught on God's Pattern for Wives.

Now we get down to the nitty gritty. They (women) are to be workers at home. We've dealt with the attitudes of a woman, love toward husband, love toward children, wisdom and purity. Now, we turn to the very important issue, the sphere of her responsibility; workers at home, oikourgos, literally a house worker. This is the sphere of a woman's life. It is her domain. It is her kingdom. It is her realm. The word is derived from the word "house" and the word "work," a house worker. 

It doesn't simply refer, by the way, to scrubbing floors and cleaning bathrooms and doing that. It simply connotes the idea that the home is the sphere of her labors, whatever they might be. It is not that a woman is to keep busy all the time at home. It doesn't mean that she can never go out the door. It doesn't mean that she's always to be doing menial tasks. But what it does mean is that the home is the sphere of her divine assignment.

She is the home keeper; taking care of her husband, providing for him and for the children all they need as they live in the home. Materially, she is to take the resources the husband brings home and translate them into a comfortable and blessed life for her children. She is to take the spiritual things that she knows and learns and to pass them on to her children. She is a keeper at home. 

God's standard is for the wife and mother to work inside the home and not outside. For a mother to get a job outside the home in order to send her children even to a Christian school is to misunderstand her husband's role as a provider, as well as her own duty to the family. The good training her children receive in the Christian school may be counteracted by her lack of full commitment to the biblical standards for motherhood. 

In addition to having less time to work at home and teach and care for her children, a wife working outside the home often has a boss to whom she is responsible for pleasing in the way she dresses and a lot of other matters, complicating the headship of her husband and compromising her own testimony. She is forced to submit to men other than her own husband, likely to become more independent, including financially in fragmenting the unity of the family. She is in danger of becoming enamored by the business world or whatever world she's in, and finding less and less satisfaction in her home responsibilities.

Many studies have shown that most children who grow up in homes where the mother works are less secure than in those where mother is always at home. I think that should be obvious. Her presence there, even when the child is in school, is an emotional anchor. Working mothers contribute so often to delinquency and a host of other problems that lead to the decline of the family. 

It's not that mothers who stay at home are automatically or categorically more spiritual. Many mothers who have never worked outside of the home do very little in the home to strengthen their families: gossiping, watching ungodly and immoral soap operas and a host of other things can be as destructive as a working mother. But a woman's only opportunity to fulfill God's plan for her role as wife and mother is in the home.

Now, when children are grown, there is an opportunity for some kind of endeavor outside the home. Certainly, that option is viable; if it doesn't compromise her as a woman, it doesn't compromise the headship of her husband, it doesn't put her under undue temptation, it doesn't put her in an environment where she is going to be subject to the actions and the words of ungodly men. It may be that when the children are grown she can work part-time; she can even work full-time in an environment which is salutatory to her and which increases her godliness and strengthens her as a wife.

When a woman obviously still has children at home, her primary obligation is to them. If she has no children or they are grown, she has a responsibility to help teach the young women and share the insights and wisdom she's gained from her own walk with the Lord. She should invest her time when she's older and her children are grown not in working in the world, hopefully sometimes that may have to happen, but investing in younger women.

The focal point: she provides for her husband expressions of love and care. She provides the same for her children. She leads and guides and teaches her children so that they can become godly children. She is in the home, secure, and protected, and kept from the influence of evil men and potentially wicked relationships. She lodges strangers. She humbly washes saints' feet. She shows hospitality. She devotes herself to every good work and that's her domain.

In New Testament times, as in Old Testament times, a woman in a home had to grind flour, bake everything from scratch, launder, cook, nurse and care for children, make beds, spin, weave, keep house, and care for guests. And in the same time and with the full energy and commitment, devote herself to express her love to her husband, to her children and to God Himself. A tremendous assignment. 

You say, "Why in the world does God want women to be so busy?" At the risk of sounding trite, it keeps them out of sin. Proverbs 7:11 gives a startling picture of a harlot. "She is boisterous and rebellious, and her feet do not remain at home." She doesn't find her home sufficiently fulfilling. She needs something else, and that leads her into sin.

To most of our society, this is all absolutely ridiculous stuff. And we get so engulfed in this kind of thinking because of the society around us that it may even seem a little strange to us, but this is the Word of God. Godly women are to be content at home, and to be content to love their children and love their husbands and serve their families in their homes and serve the Lord. 

One of the most wonderful things that the church has ever experienced is the ministry of women. All of the tests and the studies and surveys indicate that about 60 percent of all church life is cared for by women. Evangelical churches are populated by women. They say 37 percent of evangelical churches are men. The church has always benefited by godly women who work in the home, and when they have time, they minster on behalf of the church. And as women abandon the home for the world, they also abandon the church.

That they may teach the young women to be sober, to love their husbands, to love their children, To be discreet, chaste, keepers at home, good, obedient to their own husbands, that the word of God be not blasphemed.
Titus 2:4, 5
photo source

Thursday, May 21, 2015

Submissive Wives' Guide to Marriage

TLC was bold to show this program. Tara Furman learned to submit to her husband, then her marriage improved dramatically. My favorite part of this program was watching the young woman who Tara was teaching to submit. At the beginning, Mark and Kristen were in a troubled marriage. Kristen stayed in bed while Mark got the children off to school and drove  to work. She'd wake up resentful because the house was a mess. This was one unhappy couple on their way to divorce.

Tara mentors Kristen about being a submissive wife. Kristen decides she is going to give submission a try. She wakes up early, gets dressed, fixes her family breakfast and sends her husband off to work with a snack and a big hug. He's excited! She begins doing the laundry, catching up on her housework and fixing nice meals for her family. He brings home flowers to her. If Kristen continues on the submissive path, their marriage will not end in divorce!

There was a huge outcry against this show. Women came out in droves to protest it. Many said they would hate for their daughters to grow up to be a submissive wife and would no longer watch TLC. I guess they wouldn't want their daughters taking good care of their husbands and homes, then having their husbands fall madly in love with their daughters. Heaven forbid! This would just be terrible, in their minds.

Kristen is much happier with herself now that she is disciplined, kind and loving. A life of selfishness and living for ourselves produces pain and misery for everyone. Doing what we want, being lazy and selfish are NOT freedom as so many believe. This is being slaves to sin. Self-control is freedom, not bondage! God calls us to give ourselves away, serve others, be disciplined, have self-control and be kind; be servants of righteousness through the grace Jesus abundantly provides for us. 

 However, we should not be surprised at the firestorm against it. Satan is the prince of the power of the air and has blinded those who continually turn away from God and His ways "because that which may be known of God is manifest in them; for Gad has showed it unto them...when they knew God, they glorified him not as God, neither were thankful; but became vain in their imaginations, and their foolish heart was darkened. Professing themselves to be wise, they became fools" {Romans 1:19, 21, 22}. 

As believers, we are responsible for being salt and light and spreading seeds of Truth wherever we have the opportunity to spread them. We are not responsible for what type of soil our seeds are falling upon, only that we sow the seeds. Who knows? There were probably some women who watched this program and thought they just may give submission a try since they have nothing to lose and everything to gain! Many marriages have been saved when the wife stops expecting their husbands to make them happy and instead decides to do everything they can to make their husbands happy.

Kristin Haywood from the show has commented on this post and said the following: This is so encouraging friends! I hope you will take the time to add your feedback on the TLC Facebook page. I've been really torn down because of the show but I can't be upset because it's really turned our marriage around. In my defense, I have 3 chronic illnesses that have made things difficult and I did a lot more around the house than was shown. And, I hardly ever have taken a nap. But I get the point we were trying to get across. I pray that I get to continue on the show to encourage but also to show our progress. I would like the other pieces of this lifestyle to be shown & I would love to be a part of that. Do you all think I should start a public Facebook page? Feel free to find me on Instagram. My profile there is not private. I would love to continue to be supported and learn from you all. Btw you can find the show on Amazon, Apple TV,  and I have heard on Hulu and a few places on YouTube. Thank you again for the wonderful blog.

Wednesday, May 20, 2015

Are Male Qualities Bad?

Dennis Prager asked this question on his radio show, "If you could change some male qualities, what would you change?" Of course, women jumped in and said that men's sex drive is too high, they always have to fix things instead of just listening, and they aren't sensitive and emotional enough like women.

"Their sex drive is too high." Yes, men have ten times the testosterone levels that women have. They need this to protect and provide for their families. They also need this to have desire for women and to want to have children. Of course, these traits can be abused but they can be used in many good and productive ways also.

"They always have to fix things, instead of just listening." Thankfully, men are wired to fix things or we wouldn't have homes, freeways, cars, airplanes, buildings, etc. God created them to fix things. It's how they are built so it would be good for us to stop trying to change our husband. If you tell him something wanting him to just listen and he wants to fix it, understand this is in his God-given nature.

"They aren't sensitive and emotional enough like women." You think you want your husband to be more like a woman, but you really don't. It's a good thing that men are stronger emotionally and not as sensitive. They have to go out into the world and work hard, dealing with all sorts of people and making big decisions. They need to be able to decide things without emotions and feelings, which women do far too often. God gave women sensitive, emotional makeups since most women should be home all day tending to the home and children. 

As I type this, I know many women will hate these words and be offended. We are not men and we never will be. God created both of us differently for different and important roles in life. The specific qualities He gave to both male and female are very good when used within the boundaries of these roles. Chaos reigns, as we are seeing in our society, when men and women leave their God-given roles to pursue the qualities of the opposite sex. Human beings will NEVER be able to improve upon God's ways, so stop fighting them, begin walking in the Spirit and in obedience to God's amazing calling on your life! Now, go and love on that masculine man of yours.

God created man in His own image, in the image of God He created him; male and female He created them...And the LORD God said, It is not good that the man should be alone; I will make him an help meet for him.
Genesis 1:27 and 2:18

Tuesday, May 19, 2015

Owning Less is Great; Wanting Less is Better!

The Willis Family has a new television show on TLC right after the Duggar's show. This family has twelve children. The father comes from a very large family and lost six of his siblings in a fiery car crash when he was younger. They show the church with the six white coffins in it. I can't imagine losing and trying to get over losing six children.

Both he and his wife came from large families so they decided to have twelve children before they were married! They bought a 100-year old home in Tennessee out in the country. They wanted to get their children out of the city and into the country. During one Christmas, when the electricity had been out in their valley for several days, they decided to take the whole family to a movie theater. When they returned home, their home was a huge bonfire and they lost every single thing they owned. A huge power surge had started the fire. The mother said she has never been able to shed a tear over it because it was NOTHING compared to what her mother-in-law had endured. Some of the children spoke and said that things are nothing compared to human beings and all of them were safe.

Perspective is everything. I am sure they mourned the loss of their pictures, all their musical instruments, etc. but they knew all of those weren't all that important in the long run. Human life is what is important.

It's way too easy to value stuff over people and make things an idol. Most people continue to buy things even though they have plenty. Women are good at buying their 20th pair of shoes, a 50th shirt, etc. Men buy bigger and better cars, multiple TVs for their home and other things they don't need. What causes us to buy WAY more than we need? Why is never what we have enough? What lie have we believed that new and more is better? Why is it so hard to be content with what we have?

We are looking for fulfillment and satisfaction through things instead of relationships. You can tell this it true by how many lonely people there are today. Depression is skyrocketing and even suicide. God created us for relationship, not things. Yes, our basic needs should be met and it's fine to have some nice things that we enjoy, but not when it becomes excessive, wasteful, and prevents us from helping others as we should. If we continue looking for fulfillment and satisfaction through things, we'll never have enough.

We've believed the lie that "if only we get this one thing we really want, we'll be happy." Being in relationship with others and with God brings joy and happiness, nothing else. Things get old, break and end up in a garbage dump. Yes, people get old and break but end up spending eternity somewhere, whether they are believers or not. We are eternal.

 We fail to look at all the ways we have been blessed in this life and all the promises we have in Christ and instead, focus upon what we don't have and want. We look up the ladder at those we perceive to have it "better" than us when we need to be looking down the ladder at those less fortunate; be generous to them if you can and count your many blessings. We will always be better off than someone out there. If we have all of our needs met and have Jesus, we have all that we need since He is our Provider and Protector.

Therefore, next time you want to buy something, ask yourself if you really need it. Remind yourself that it won't bring the long-term joy and satisfaction that you are looking for if you are spending excessively. Be wise in your spending habits, train yourself to want less, and remind yourself that "godliness with contentment is GREAT gain!" 1 Timothy 6:6

Monday, May 18, 2015

A Hard-Working Home is a Productive Home

Many are growing up to feel entitled today; entitled to free things without working for them. Yes, there is a place to help those who can't help themselves but there are WAY too many who are getting things for free and are able to work. Many out of work, don't even look for work. God calls us to work, period. How about you? Is your home always a mess, do your children sit around all day playing video games and watching television or is your home a hard-working productive home? 

Whatever you do, work heartily, as for the Lord and not for men. 
Colossians 3:23

The soul of the sluggard craves and gets nothing, while the soul of the diligent is richly supplied. Proverbs 13:4

 If anyone is not willing to work, let him not eat. For we hear that some among you walk in idleness, not busy at work, but busybodies. Now such persons we command and encourage in the Lord Jesus Christ to do their work quietly and to earn their own living. 2 Thessalonians 3:10-12

You NEED to be busy at home. Your time shouldn't be spent idly doing nothing productive. Of course, if all your work is done or you are exhausted and need a break, take a break but if your home is in disarray and your children are not getting their work done, get to work! Train your children to be hard workers, not expecting hand-outs when they grow up.

As soon as they are toddling, have them help you do some easy things. This is when they are most willing to help. Use this time wisely and they will grow up enjoying work. Sing while you work and never make it seem like drudgery. Thank and praise the Lord for work. Appreciate your husband often for working hard and providing a living for your family. If you struggle with this area, look up all the Bible verses about work, type them out and begin memorizing them. Memorize the verses about discipline and self-control also since we are transformed by renewing our minds with God's Truth as His Spirit works mightily within us.

And whatever you do, do it ALL to God's glory! Don't do a sloppy job making your bed. Teach your children to make their beds neatly, also! Make them as neat as you can. When you clean the kitchen, do it with all your might and make it shine. While you cook, make the most yummy, nutritious meals that you know how so your family will love healthy food. We are here for the purpose of glorifying God and He wants us to do our best, just as we want our children to do their best. 

One woman just commented this on one of my posts about a cluttered home, "My mother had to work full-time and be a wife and mother of four. Our house wasn't the cleanest, nor the dirtiest... It's too much for a woman to work and raise children. Looking back, Mom was under way too much stress and noise. We had clutter issues. Clutter is crazy making, and I truly believe, the clutter got to her and that's why she would yell. Us brats are all on our own, and Mom - now widowed - has a quiet, clutter-free space of her own."

Hopefully, you won't have to wait until you're old and widowed to have a clean and tidy home. This is why mothers NEED to be home, if at all possible. Their work should be in the home; keeping it clean and tidy, fixing healthy meals, training the children to help and making a sanctuary for their husband so they can have a productive home!

More in my Home Series.
Follow Always Learning's board Keepers At Home on Pinterest.

Sunday, May 17, 2015

Does Having Authority Usually Corrupt?

Does putting one in authority corrupt the one in authority? Another author from another Christian blog did a post about submission and believes having authority usually corrupts. This is why God's standards of biblical submission given to wives must be wrong for today.  Some of the comments from this post were very interesting to say the least. I thought I would share a few so you can know some of the arguments against submission and how they manipulate Scripture in order to come to their conclusions. These comments were directed at me in response to comments I made supporting biblical submission ~

I think why you have such a problem with certain readers questioning if your postings are biblical is because they know that they are fighting against the tides. They cling to their view of the bible and want women to stay home and be kept under their husband’s authority. They keep pushing their agenda, because they know society is turning against submission. 

Women are now holding positions over men. They are doctors, lawyers, and policy makers. I don’t have anything against submission, BUT it is a woman’s decision. A small circle of women may choose submission, but the majority will not. I don’t think they are personally against you, but they are certainly against women not having choices. Maybe you should limit the number of responses from the readers who are distracting your message? Just a thought.

In Ephesians 6:5-9, detailed instructions are given on how to treat our slaves. Well, by that logic would that mean that it is Biblical to have slaves? Wait, not only Okay Biblically but must be seen as a command; "Let’s all go out and get some slaves, right after all the women blindly submit to their husbands." Hmmm… sometimes it’s tough when we read more than just the convenient verses. Sadly, such verses probably were used to keep people enslaved not too long ago in our human history. And now are keeping some women “enslaved” by enforcing a cruel submission.

Whether or not we obey God is our choice as believers? God tells us that if we love Him, we will keep His commands {John 14:15}. God clearly teaches wives to be submissive to their husbands. Are women being submissive to their husbands equated with having slaves? No, in fact, Paul does say this to slaves in 1 Corinthians 7:21, "Were you called while a slave? Do not worry about it; but if you are able also to become free, rather do that." The Bible NEVER endorses slavery. Is wifely submission defined as being enslaved by cruel submission? On the contrary, wifely submission may win a disobedient husband to the Lord! These comments made to me are a perversion of Scripture in an attempt to water down submission.

God’s Word never changes. It is the same yesterday, today, and forever. Submission is as relevant and as powerful as it ever has been. It produces peace and order in marriages, in families when children submit to their parents and in societies where citizens submit to the laws of their land.

Know your Bible so you aren’t tossed around by every wave of doctrine which is contrary to God’s Word. The only way you will know counterfeits is by knowing the Truth. Study God’s Word daily. Measure everything you hear by it, including my words. Be wise as serpents and innocent as doves when it comes to evil. Stand firm in the wisdom and knowledge of God.

As a result, we are no longer to be children, 
tossed here and there by waves 
and carried about by every wind of doctrine, 
by the trickery of men, by craftiness in deceitful scheming.
Ephesians 4:14

Friday, May 15, 2015

What is a Healthy Weight and Healthy Diet?

There is a lot of conflicting information out there about what is a healthy weight and diet. It seems to change from month to month according to the "last study." Here is a woman's response to this dilemma from a comment on another blog which is no longer active. I think you all will enjoy!

There is much confusing information out there, no doubt. I used to be confused and not sure who to believe and what to follow. Not so much anymore. I’ve learned to listen to my body, and not all the noise and information out there. I follow a few simple rules and discard the rest: eat real, traditional foods as prepared and consumed by our ancestors, eat a lot of healthy fats {animal foods are key} from healthy sources, avoid sugar and anything processed. Get lots of sun, go barefoot, go to bed earlier {still working on that one}, reduce stress, avoid as much as possible chemicals and toxins in my home and work environments, and spend more time outside, get exercise when I feel like it, and laughing and having fun. I don’t worry about the rest.

Being healthy, by the way, is the main thing to focus on. Too many people focus on losing weight. But losing weight should be a side-effect of getting healthy. When you get healthy from eliminating chemicals, toxins, processed foods, etc. and detoxing, you will naturally lose the weight and arrive at what’s healthy for your own body, and that’s different for different folks.

I don’t worry about eating too much fat. I eat until I am full. I don’t worry about exercising myself to death to “keep in shape.” I haven’t had a weight problem ever in my life, but I have had trouble gaining weight, so when I started concentrating on eating real, whole foods as nature intended, I started to gain weight appropriately and now am at the most normal weight I’ve ever been in my life. These myths mouthed over and over again by medical experts are just nonsense anyway, and I know it’s nonsense because my whole life {over 4 decades} I’ve observed people doing the what they are told by mainstream health authorities and not get well and not lose weight.

 So, I have stopped consulting experts and just listen to my own intuition and common sense knowledge. If you are constantly changing what you do because someone told you to do it but not thinking about why you are doing it or waiting to observe whether it works, then I can see why there is confusion. Stop listening to experts and do your own research. Ultimately, you have to do what works for you.

If you don’t have digestive issues, you are most fortunate. Most people in the modern world do either from diet or poor lifestyle choices or both. These don’t always appear as what you would think of as digestive issues. Sometimes they are masked in some other way. If you have chronic health issues, no matter who you are, you definitely have some digestive issues as all health begins in the gut. Holistic medicine recognizes that everything is connected – nothing is compartmentalized. If you aren’t digesting your food properly, the eventual result is chronic health problems. I would have never connected my health issues to digestive problems, as my most noticeable symptoms weren’t really digestive-related, or so I thought. Something to think about.

For everything created by God is good, 
and nothing is to be rejected if it is received with gratitude.
1 Timothy 4:4

Thursday, May 14, 2015

Joyfulness, Purity and Enjoying Life!

What I have noticed while watching the Duggars and the Bates who both have 19 children and the Willis Family who have 12 children is how innocent and joyful they are and how much they enjoy life. None of them have a television set and all of them are homeschooled. The mothers are relaxed, happy and thoroughly enjoying their many children, loving their husbands, and are always smiling. What's up with these families?

For one thing, the children are not having to endure the bullying and being made fun of by classmates or being introduced to garbage. They are not being influenced by Hollywood to be worldly, want more and to place unrealistic expectations on others. There's nothing in their lives to steal, kill and destroy. They are not allowing the enemy of their souls to have any part of their lives. Yet, they all are able to be godly influences to all those they come in contact with.

God commands that we dwell on the good, the pure and the lovely. It is hard to do this while watching television. I tape everything I watch so I can speed through the commercials but I still see things that don't fit the category of good, pure and lovely. He commands that we walk with the wise and that bad company corrupts good morals. These families walk with the wise and are not entertained by bad company. 

Mrs. Willis says she takes so much pleasure in raising her children. She nursed them on demand, her babies slept with her and they were all happy, content babies. {We couldn't sleep with our babies. We're both way too light of sleepers. Also, if you desire to sleep with your babies, just make sure your husband is in full agreement since many are not. You can still have happy, content babies without them sleeping with you!} The Willis family eats healthy, loves to exercise, lives out in the country {which all three families do}, ride horses, sings, plays instruments, dances together and the mother teaches each child according to what they're ready to learn. They stay very busy doing productive activities.

All three families work as a team. You don't see conflict among them. They all learn to be hard workers. There is NO way you can be selfish when you are one of so many and you always have a friend to play with. 

I wish I could have seen some of these families when I was growing up. They are a great influence for other Christians since we were commanded to be fruitful and multiply. "But the descendants of Israel were fruitful and increased abundantly; they multiplied and grew exceedingly strong, and the land was full of them" {Exodus 1:7}. Imagine what an influence Christians would still be having in our society if Christian couples were being fruitful and increasing abundantly!

Another thing that I have noticed about all three couples is the love the wives and husbands have for each other. All the children have admitted that their parents consistently flirt with each other and love each other deeply. THIS is a formula for happy and content children! They all love Jesus and spend time daily in His Word. If your desire is to raise up children in the nurture and the admonition of the Lord and to walk in Truth, take these families as an example to follow. Praise the Lord that they are even allowed to be on TV and share their love for each other and the Lord for all to see. {Just make sure you tape the shows and speed through the commercials!}

Casting down imaginations, and every high thing that exalteth itself against the knowledge of God, and bringing into captivity EVERY thought to the obedience of Christ.
2 Corinthians 10:5