Sunday, March 6, 2011

Treat Him Like A King

I have an assignment for you if you are married or even engaged.  For one week, treat your husband or fiance like a king.  Praise him, speak kindly and softly to him, seek to please him,  do what he asks when he asks, tell him you love him often, be affectionate to him, listen when he speaks, praise him in front of others, make his favorite food, etc. and see what happens.

Dr. David Jeremiah gave a great illustration today.  This man was miserable in his marriage of three years so he wanted a divorce.  He went to a psychologist because he wanted to make his wife as miserable as she made him before he divorced her. 

The psychologist said to treat her like a goddess for two her, serve her, wine and dine her, etc. then in two months pack your bags and divorce her.  That will show her!  He excitedly went home and started doing what he was told. 

After two months, the psychologists called the man and asked if he was a carefree bachelor now.  The man responded, "Why would I want to be that?  I'm married to a goddess!"  You often become how you are treated. 

Since I speak to women, I offer you this challenge.  It has been amazing to me to witness marriages completely turn around when a wife decides to truly love and honor her husband.  Try it for a week and let me know how it goes...

Nevertheless let every one of you in particular so love his wife even as himself; and the wife see that she reverence her husband.
Ephesians 5:33