Sunday, September 16, 2012

Young Newlywed Couple

Recently I wrote about Julia Child and her incredible marriage.  The other day I watched a reality show about a newly married young couple. Oh, how I wish I could give her some helpful advice.

While in the kitchen fixing dinner, the husband said something his young wife didn't appreciate at all.  {It was really a very harmless statement.} Her mother and sister were there and she became very upset with him.  She pouted and stewed and the husband was baffled.  She wouldn't tell him, her mother, or sister what was wrong with her.

After the mother and sister left, she explained to him what he had said that offended her.  She was offended easily.  I Corinthians 13 states that love does not take into account a wrong other words, it is not easily offended.

When I was young, I was offended easily.  When you are offended you become upset and angry and often use it as a way to manipulate others.  As I have grown older, I have learned to allow people to say and do what they want and not become upset.  Ken will occasionally still make comments that could offend me easily if I let it but I have decided I wasn't going to let it bother me.  He doesn't have to say and act exactly the way I want him to act anymore.
Life is much more enjoyable if you don't go around with a chip on your shoulder becoming easily offended by others especially your husband.  Your marriage will benefit greatly if you learn this important lesson.

Love is patient, love is kind.
It does not envy,
it does not boast,
it is not proud. 
It does not dishonor others,
 it is not self-seeking,
it is not easily angered,
it keeps no record of wrongs.
I Corinthians 13:4,5


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middlechild's avatar

middlechild · 653 weeks ago

As always.....this post speaks to and applies to me. Thank-you.
I appreciated this post. Thank you for sharing.
very true!!! It took me almost 4 years to learn this lesson, and to be able to put it into practice, but it is AMAZING how it has changed our marriage for the better!!!
Very timely and humbling. I pouted for three hours today because my husband poured hot sauce all over the "perfect" meal I had lovingly prepared for him. So, so silly.
Lori, I think you speak a lot of wisdom in this post! I am a sensitive gal, and I generically hate that about myself ;) How does a woman discern when to "let something go" versus having a conversation if we are hurt? Or does the difference lie in having a conversation versus pouting/acting like nothing is wrong? My husband can tell I'm bothered even if I try hard not to show it! Sometimes that's good and sometimes it's bad cause I really want to just let it not be a big deal because I know I'm prone to being sensitive. So, I want to put into practice the best methods to benefit our marriage :) Thanks for all your posts! Love them!
Melissa M.'s avatar

Melissa M. · 653 weeks ago

I need to learn to do this and will start including this in my prayers. Thank you so much for this post!
This is me all over the place! What's worse? Is that I am only so sensitive with my husband of all people! I take his words to heart and just assume he meant to hurt my feelings. I am constantly guilty of being too sensitive in sensitive areas of my life (weight, looks, etc). Argh... it's frustrating!
great wisdom! I saw the episode of which you speak and I think your scripture reference is so fitting. I think that being more mature in not easily being offended comes with our maturity in Christ. I used to be the same way. Thank God for growth in this area:-)
I'm a sensitive soul--always have been. It seems like when I was younger, I didn't get offended by my husband, but I would get offended by other people. Now that I'm older, it seems like I've flip-flopped and the opposite has happened--I don't let other people bother me, but I'm (sometimes) easily offended by my husband. Thank you for the reminder to change this bad habit.
Great Y post! I think we mellow as we age : )
I love that verse from Corinthians. It's advice for the ages...
It is certainly good advice.
So true ~ great post for all ages ~ (A Creative Harbor) ^_^
JDaniel4's Mom's avatar

JDaniel4's Mom · 645 weeks ago

Having JDaniel curbed my pouting. There just wasn't time for it.
The most difficult things to do!
That scripture from Corinthians is a favorite of mine...

Two of the best things I've leared with age is how to become unoffendable...and to have no expectations!

This was really a timely post and a great reminder!

You always have so many wonderful messages for us.


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