Tuesday, November 24, 2015

Beware of Jesus Calling

Many are raving about the book called 
Jesus Calling. For some reason, Sarah Young’s words never seemed right to me so I decided to research the book for myself. John MacArthur had this to say about the book, “Scripture has true spiritual power to save and sanctify those who listen and obey it, but human writings masquerading as divine prophecy—such as Jesus Calling—have no such power.  Nevertheless, many people today are enticed by the idea that God is speaking supernaturally through these frauds. In order to help your friends, you should gently point out the superior authority of Scripture and refer them to passages such as 2 Peter 1:16–21, 2 Timothy 3:16, Jude 3, and Psalm 19:7–11." Another good resource is John MacArthur’s two-part series, The Sufficiency of Scripture.

Justin Peters, speaking at John MacArthur’s church said, “Sarah Young writes, 'During 1992 I began reading God Calling, a devotional book by two anonymous listeners. These women practice waiting quietly in God’s presence, pencils and papers in hand, recording the messages they receive from Him.'  This was her inspiration, reading this book God Calling, written by these two anonymous female mystics. They claim to tune in just to the right frequency; they tune in to God’s frequency and God began speaking to them and they were writing down what He said.  Does that sound familiar what happened about two thousand years ago with the Apostles?  Sarah Young says, ‘I knew that God communicated with me through the Bible, but I yearned for more.’

"You see, the Bible was just no longer enough. The Bible wasn’t enough. In theory, theologically conservative evangelical Christians, whatever that term means nowadays, but in theory we have won the battle over the inerrancy of God’s Word.  But where the battle is raging today is over the sufficiency of God’s Word. And you know what?  We’re losing that battle…big time.

"Sarah Young says, 'I decided to listen to God with pen in hand, writing down whatever I believed He was saying.' 'Houston, we have a problem.' So Sarah Young tuned in, she got to just the right frequency and Jesus began calling Sarah Young. And with pen in hand, writing down what He said. Dear Ones, if that is indeed what is happening, then Sarah Young is writing Scripture. She’s writing Scripture and when you read this devotional book, and it is light years ahead of any other devotional book on the market; I mean light years ahead.  It’s written in the first person for Jesus. 'I, Jesus, will do these things. I am such-and-such, I know this.' She writes in the first person for Jesus. When you read it, it’s a very warm, fuzzy, emotional effeminate Jesus. Ladies are eaten up with this. There’s a shocking lack of discernment in the church today; shocking lack of discernment. 

Beth Moore also claims that God speaks to her and even going so far as saying, 'Now Beth, you write this down.' Dear friends, that is profoundly dangerous; it’s profoundly dangerous. All these people going around saying God spoke to me; let me tell you what He had to say.  God spoke to me and told me to tell you that you need to do this.  You need to do such-and-such. 'Pastor, God spoke to me and he told me our church needs to go this way.'

Friends, Jesus is the final speaking of God; the final speaking of God. Everything that God has to say to us, He has said in His Son Jesus Christ. And we have a perfect, inerrant, infallible, all-sufficient record of that in His Word. Jesus is the final speaking of God. Dear ones, if you want to hear God speak to you, there’s one way I can guarantee you that you will hear God speak, read your Bible. If you want to hear God speak to you audibly, read it out loud. I promise you, I promise you, you’ll hear Him speak.” 

Tim Challies, a book reviewer wrote this: “James Montgomery Boice once said that the real battle in our times would not be the inerrancy or infallibility of Scripture, but its sufficiency—are we going to rely on the Bible or will we continually long for other revelation? In Jesus Calling we see this so clearly. Young teaches that though the Bible is inerrant and infallible, it is insufficient. It was not enough for her and, implicitly, she teaches that it cannot be enough for us. After all, it was not reading Scripture that proved her most important spiritual discipline, but this listening, this receiving of messages from the Lord. It is not Scripture she brings to us, not primarily anyway, but these messages from Jesus.”

The Word is clear about those who add to the Words of God. For I testify unto every man that heareth the words of the prophecy of this book, If any man shall add unto these things, God shall add unto him the plagues that are written in this book: And if any man shall take away from the words of the book of this prophecy, God shall take away his part out of the book of life, and out of the holy city, and from the things which are written in this book (Revelation 22:18, 19). In fairness, Young claims not to be adding to the Word of God, and defends the completeness of the scriptures. She believes herself to be showing believers what Jesus has said to her, and that they too can have a closer communion with Jesus where He will speak to them; just as many seek to achieve in Contemplative Prayer. 

The reason God doesn't allow women to be leaders in the church and preachers or teachers to men is recording in 1 Timothy 2:14, "
And Adam was not deceived, but the woman being deceived was in the transgression." All of the great theologians of the past were men for a reason. Many things that Sarah writes sound good and biblical but one must be concerned with not only why and where she got the inspiration for her book, but also does Jesus intend for believers to be hearing His Words through one who claims not to be an apostle or prophet? As David Pawson wrote, "Eve, as typical woman, was more liable to be misled and therefore more likely to mislead...Sentimental theology and situational ethics ('unconditional love') are eroding our understanding of a God and a gospel of righteousness, to say nothing of judgement to come. Yet it is only against this backcloth that the beauty and brightness of God's glorious 'agape' love can be truly appreciated."

We must be very careful what we are filling our minds with. I encourage you to get most of your learning from reading and studying the Bible, then listening to godly men who teach the Scripture accurately such as John MacArthur, Michael Pearl, Charles Swindoll, and John Piper. If you want to listen to solid female Bible teachers, I encourage you to listen to Nancy Campbell, Elisabeth Elliott and Nancy Leigh DeMoss who don't fail to teach the most important things that God commands older women to teach. If all Christian women were only listening to women like these who clearly teach Titus 2:3-5, there would be very few divorces and a LOT more babies with mothers at home caring for their children. It is of little benefit to know the Word of God thoroughly but to ignore God's clear admonitions of loving and obeying your husband, loving your children enough to be a keeper at home, with training and disciplining them in the ways of the Lord.

If you are looking for good devotionals, I recommend Charles Spurgeon's Morning and Evening. Ken and I read it almost every morning and it convicts, challenges and encourages us in our walk with Jesus. However, we always read the Bible, the pure Word of God, afterwards!

Take heed unto thyself, and unto the doctrine; 
continue in them: 
for in doing this thou shalt both save thyself, 
and them that hear thee.
1 Timothy 4:16

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That certainly is a popular devotional book-I see posts about it all over Facebook. I've been meaning to look into it, so thanks for this compilation of reviews. I completely agree with your recommendation to be grounded in the Word. A few years ago, I was struck with the realization that I read a ton of books about the Bible, listen to many pastors speak about the Bible, but spent very little time reading the actual Bible. When I turned my attention to it, I've just come to love His word so much. It is important that you compare what you read/hear to it for yourself-of the preachers you mention for example, Macarthur and Piper are Calvinists, and Pearl is decidedly against Calvinism-so if you listen to MacArthur peach Romans and Pearl peach Romans, you're going to hear vastly different view points-which should drive one to go back to the Word and study it out!
17 replies · active 247 weeks ago
Lady Virtue's avatar

Lady Virtue · 487 weeks ago

Thank you for this warning. Good post.
1 reply · active 487 weeks ago
Good Morning, I am so glad you did a post on this subject and this particular devotional. I agree and I have known this for some time. But theses kinds of books are really not new. But this one is owned by so many women and men. It is really weird and I did buy one when they first came out. But by God's grace I started to see it was written from like God SAID and I thought well did he really say that. And when we use that phrase God said and we are not referring to HIS Word. These must be a red flag... I threw mine out and I tell others get rid of that book. And now churches everywhere are doing her Bible study one...
Women must beware and stay away from all these books written to draw us into a Jesus that is our lover and that is a whole other matter. Blessings, Roxy
8 replies · active 487 weeks ago
Great post Lori. I was in exactly the same situations in my own life and God freed me from it. He said very clearly to me that I am like a witch. I was very shocked at that time and stopped my 'Jesus told me' practices immediately. This is years ago.
Thank you for teaching the truth. I am also fully convinced that God's word speaks for himself. I do believe that I can 'hear' Jesus' voice speaking to me, but that is for me alone, on matters of my life. I once heard that I should read Romans and every time when I was finish, I felt again I must read Romans. And after reading Romans the third time I felt, my goodness I just can't read it for a fourth time. So rebelliously I decided to first search for soul food at NGJ. I got to this download of Romans and before I could realized what I was doing I was busy with Romans again. What a blessing. I was freed in my Christian walk when I realized it is about faith.
Any way, since when does God need us woman to be mediators for Jesus. Thank you for also sharing the scripture. God bless.
1 reply · active 487 weeks ago
I could be totally wrong about this but, my boundary is very simple and basic .... God will never speak to me about someone else's problems/sin/situation/direction ... only me (if I am honestly seeking). I have had people tell me, "God told me this ..." (and it is something about me; NOT them, that coincidentally lines up with something they think I should change to their way of thinking).

God DOES speak audibly, absolutely, in fact if He had not have done so, I might not have made it through some of the last 8 years of my life! :)

I have said, "God told me it is this way ...." Then explained it to a friend as a check ... not for them, but for me. The only person I would listen to with, "God told me this about you ..." would be my hubs.
4 replies · active 487 weeks ago
My friend gave me a copy of this book and just loves it. She has at times texted me and said "be sure you read 'Jesus Calling' today there is a great message". It is very emotional for her. I have struggled with the book and now I realize why. I had the same problem with "One Thousand Gifts" and kept thinking something didn't sit right and wondered "what am I missing" that everyone is latching onto,I got rid of it and now I will do the same with Jesus Calling. Thank you for using scripture to help us see this! I am trying to read books about scripture less and read my Bible primarily. Your post has encouraged me, as does your blog daily. Bless you and Happy Thanksgiving!
2 replies · active 313 weeks ago
Thank you for posting about this important topic. This is much more important than many Christians realize. Adding to the words of Scripture (which, by claiming to write the words of Christ, she is doing) is a serious thing to do.

"18 For I testify unto every man that heareth the words of the prophecy of this book: If any man shall add unto these things, God shall add unto him the plagues that are written in this book." (Rev. 22:18)

Many years ago, I was in a Bible study with a loquacious woman who prefaced every sentence with, "And God told me..." In that case, God was either a heretic or just plain crazy, according to the things God "told her." We women can read way too much into our emotions, i.e. turning them into the voice of God when they're just our own thoughts and feelings.

Thanks again - this issue needs to be raised again and again, because things like this are so pervasive in the Christian community.
1 reply · active 487 weeks ago
How important it is to encourage everyone to read their Bible. I can understand the popularity of books that entice the reader to accept false teaching, especially those written with the mystical slant that leads the reader to believe they have a special revelation from God. For the person who is attempting to study the Bible I do recommend a simple additional book that describes the divisions, books and the occasion and date for the writing of the book. Recently I spoke with a Christian woman who had read a book about a child going to heaven and returning with God's message. Her comments about the book, led me to believe that she believed the story. This woman studies the scriptures and has been a Christian for many years. When I mentioned the Old Testament prophets and how this child's message was so different, she replied, " Oh,the boy is not a prophet." Then the silence, a time to reflect on what scripture teaches. Since this woman reads her Bible faithfully our conversation ended. One of the lessons I learned from this is that even the Christian must be on guard and be faithful to reading the scripture. None of us are free from being deceived.
2 replies · active 487 weeks ago
Dawn E. Brown's avatar

Dawn E. Brown · 487 weeks ago

I have done several Beth Moore studies with women from my church.The study is heavy,with lots of writing in my workbook.Would you say that she is not a woman that is in line ,how do you feel?We usually begin another study in the Winter.She knows her Bible,I will say that.Also ,I learned long ago that any devotional book is just a drop compared to reading our Scripture.I do read an Oswald Chambers devotional book from time to time,but my day will always begin in The Word.Thank you for this posting.I read so few blogs,but treasure what you share here Lori.Blessings, Dawn
1 reply · active 313 weeks ago
I mentioned the other day that when I worked at a Christian bookstore for two years that the book "Heaven is for Real" was on our bestseller wall the entire time. Well the only book that beat that one out was Jesus Calling. We had multiple categories on our bestseller wall (men's, women's, general, kids, etc.) and Jesus Calling was on the wall in multiple categories (the pink leather cover version in the #1 women's slot, the original hardcover version in the #1general slot etc.) And these bestseller lists were based on actual sales data. Jesus Calling remained in the top 3 in multiple categories THE ENTIRE 2 YEARS I worked there. Sadly, this book is a huge influence on American Christians right now.
2 replies · active 487 weeks ago
Thank you, Lori. I always appreciate your posts. This was eye-opening. It is so easy to be 'taken in' by some of these devotionals, etc. We need to stay focused on God's Word -- the Bible; reveling in The Truth :-)
1 reply · active 487 weeks ago
Lori, I purchased Morning and Evening after you mentioned it before and I love it. What do you think of Charles Stanley? I have read a couple of his books and listened to a few of his sermons and have enjoyed them. Thank you.
1 reply · active 232 weeks ago
Hello. I just want to make sure I understand what you are saying here in this post. You don't believe that God can speak to a person outside of reading the bible? So, for example, I used to be a missionary with YWAM (youth with a mission) and when the Father was speaking to me about this, telling me that He desired for me to go to Scotland as a missionary as well as to Turkey and Argentina I asked for confirmation. A friend of mine came over the next day with a check stating that the Lord had asked her to bring me a support check ($1000 by the way) and that He had been asking me to go to Scotland. So I'm curious to know if you think this was not God? Or here is another example. With the ministry I worked for a woman came to me and asked me to pray over her. I laid hands on her and started praying. I stopped for a moment to listen to the Holy Spirit. Here's what the HS asked me to tell her and I will admit that it sounded crazy and my "fleshly mind" did not want to say it but I did and this is what I said....."the Lord is asking you to take a bubble bath". I could describe to her exactly what her bathroom looked like and where specific candles were placed. Upon hearing this she broke down in tears. I waited. When she regained composure she said "my bubble baths are where I sit to rest and pray and the Lords speaks to me often while I am in this time of resting. He has told me that He needs me to come quietly before Him and I haven't."
Anyway I'm a bit confused by this post because the way I understood it to read is that God doesn't speak to us beyond reading the bible and that simply isn't true.
1 reply · active 487 weeks ago
But do you agree that our Father can speak to one of His children giving them a prophetic word for someone else? I haven't read the book you were posting about so I'm not sure about that one but I have read other books that were more prophetic and were right on.
1 reply · active 487 weeks ago
"Many are called but few are chosen" The very words of Jesus are firm and confrontational. He brought a sword, which is the Word and few get it. That is hard to accept as so many fall for this type stuff. The dividing line is those that humble themselves to it and apply it to their lives without addition or subtractions. And then proclaim it to the world. (And BTW, it is so gratifying that you are reaching the world with the help of technology!)
1 reply · active 487 weeks ago
I am very hesistant to read books by female authors pertaining to theological issues. Too many times I have found error in their writings. To add to that, all of the "Christian" books out there have or should of come from one source, God's word. Learn how to study the Bible for yourself, and believe what It says and do it. If every believer did this, 90% of Christian books would become redundant. While I have enjoyed some of Nancy"s teaching, I have checked every claim she has made in light of scripture. while she is good,I have come across some grave errors in teaching of Revive our hearts. (encouraging the use of a prayer "circle" drawing a circle on the ground and stepping inside it to pray, which has its roots in witchcraft.) http://www.solasisters.com/2013/06/nancy-leigh-de... https://www.reviveourhearts.com/radio/revive-our-... https://www.reviveourhearts.com/radio/revive-our-...
Thankyou for bringing awareness to this particular issue.
3 replies · active 313 weeks ago
Emily I will respond to your comment on faith alone, and agree with you that works are a very important indicator or proof of salvation, but the works themselves do not save. We can't go on forever and try to resolve the many differences between your churches beliefs and what the Bible teaches, but just two verses:

"For by grace are ye saved through faith; and that not of yourselves: it is the gift of God: Not of works, lest any man should boast" (Eph 2:8-9) How much clearer can this be when it says "not of works!"?

The second verse is Phil. 2:12-13: "work out your own salvation with fear and trembling. For it is God which worketh in you both to will and to do of his good pleasure."

Here again it is obvious that God does the work through us. If you believe that God can turn the bread into his actual body, how much more you should believe that God indeed may be doing all the good works that we think we may be doing?

On the bottom line you are correct that faith and works are inseparable as James says, "Faith without works is dead." But as the Eph 2 verses just told us it is the faith that saves us, not the works. The good works are simply proof of a life given over to God to work in and through us.

Good night.... and let's close this discussion as we disagree with far too many Catholic doctrines as we find too little support for them in God's Word, but we welcome all who believe in Jesus as Lord and Savior, son of God, who is God born in the flesh and died on the cross to save us, to join us in the big tent of the family of God.
Very good post.
I am sorry that I didn't monitor the comments more carefully yesterday since I never want my blog be a place to speak evil of any religion unless it is a cult which is extremely dangerous. We, as Christians, however believe that Jesus is our High Priest and is the same yesterday, today and forever. His views never change and we love this about Him. We understand the reverence the Catholics have for their beliefs and the Pope; he seems like a loving, gracious and humble man. But to tell you the Truth, I don't pay much attention to him {or the differences in beliefs} since he is not my high priest; Jesus is. I mean this in no disrespect to you or any Catholics who read this blog. I simply wanted to let you know exactly where we are coming from!

I know there are probably many born again believers in the Catholic church who believe that Jesus Christ is Lord and Savior and who study their Bible diligently. {I know some!} Knowing and believing this and living by what the Lord commands is what is truly important.
4 replies · active 486 weeks ago

For those on this thread talking about God speaking to them and spirituality and the mind and 'hearing' from God this is a link to one of the best sermons I have ever heard on this by Voddie Baucham. I thoroughly recommend this sermon to those commenting about this matter. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=R20mCvTT8Wc
Blessings to you
Helen UK
2 replies · active 486 weeks ago
I've heard about this on Brannon Howse's World View Weekend radio show that I listen to on the VCY America networks (conservative Christian radio that is mostly in the midwest/plains region). He presented very similar to what you have, and always tells to line up the book, whatever it is, to the Bible and see whether it matches or not. Jesus Calling does not, and there are many out there who are current authors who do not line up with the Bible but lead Christians astray if possible. That is the time we live in, and we must ourselves know the Bible for ourselves, be in it on our own, learn it, hide it in our hearts, in order to be able to see the books/authors/preachers/beliefs/doctrines that do not line up with the bible.
1 reply · active 486 weeks ago
Thank you for posting about this book on your blog. I was given this particular book as a Christmas gift a couple of years ago and just never felt right about it. Every time I would go to read that days reading, it was like an alarm bell was going off inside of me. I discussed it with a friend and had her take a look at the book as well in order to get her opinion, and she gave it back to me saying that she did not feel comfortable reading it either. I knew something was wrong, but couldn't put my finger on it at the time. I'm so glad I got rid of it now.
Marti Myers's avatar

Marti Myers · 339 weeks ago

Great post. Discernment is applied wisdom often gained the hard way - through committed Bible reading, Bible study, and prayer.
Jas 3:13-18  Who is a wise man and endued with knowledge among you? let him shew out of a good conversation his works with meekness of wisdom.  (14)  But if ye have bitter envying and strife in your hearts, glory not, and lie not against the truth.  (15)  This wisdom descendeth not from above, but is earthly, sensual, devilish.  (16)  For where envying and strife is, there is confusion and every evil work.  (17)  But the wisdom that is from above is first pure, then peaceable, gentle, and easy to be intreated, full of mercy and good fruits, without partiality, and without hypocrisy.  (18)  And the fruit of righteousness is sown in peace of them that make peace.

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