Monday, September 16, 2013

My Husband's Past Struggle

When we were struggling in our marriage for many years, my husband Ken, would write his feelings down so he could try and make sense of what was going on. The other night, he was reading me some of those thoughts. He wrote that he loved 95 percent of who I was but had a lot of trouble with the other 5 percent.  I was continually preaching the Bible to him, trying to control him through my emotions, and getting angry with him. I argued with him constantly. He felt like he continually walked on egg shells around me, never knowing when he was going to displease me sometimes with the littlest of things.

It wore on him. He wrote how easy it was for him to accept others just the way they are, so why was it so hard for him to accept me the way I was?  As I listened to his words, I could tell it was a great struggle for him to love me because my life was about getting my "needs" met and making sure he did things the way I wanted him to do them instead of seeking to please him and being his help meet.

He praised me as a great mother. Even in my sickest of days, I would have healthy meals on the table, took the children to their games and ballet, and made sure that AWANA was a weekly priority. I kept the house clean with some help and did the laundry. I cooked healthy meals from scratch, paid all the bills, and was a good manager of my home. I went to church and Bible studies faithfully. I taught my children the Word of God from the time they were small and even home schooled them some years.  I had all this energy for the kids, yet I put Ken on the sidelines.  Why didn't I see this clearly?

I finally realized that it all came down to control. It is the curse from the garden and almost every woman I have ever mentored struggles with it. "Her desire will be for her husband..." Our desire will be to control our husbands, and we must stop giving into this curse. For we are told we can do ALL things through Christ who strengthens us.

Therefore, after arguing constantly with my husband for 23 years and wanting to control him, for the past ten years I have learned that I was sinning against my husband and my Lord. I have been mentoring women for the past ten years and I now encourage them to stop trying to control what their husband watches, what he eats, what he wears, what he does with his free time, and where he goes. We are their wife, not their mother. Yes, he may have heart disease and eats terrible. He doesn’t obey the doctor, and you only nag him about his eating because you want him to be healthy. However, this is NOT our responsibility unless he wants us to hold him accountable. If not, give up ALL control, and you won't believe the freedom you find in this.

He watches too much television. He plays too much golf. He spends too much money. He drinks too much alcohol. And on and on the list goes. You may have a hundred reasons why you feel justified in trying to change his behavior. I sure know I did! Hundreds, but it still doesn’t give us the right to try and control them. This is not our job. Men are not attracted to their mothers. We were created to be his help meet, not his conscience. Share your opinions with him a few times and then let it go.

He is a man now. He gets to live his life the way he wants to live it. He didn't marry you to nag him. In fact, a lot of men are scared to death to get married for fear they are going to be nagged to death and have to walk on eggshells in their own home. They feel they aren't going to get to live life the way they want anymore but have to live with a boss that tries to control them with her emotions, tempers, silent treatment, avoidance of sex, or anger.

A true help meet doesn't try to control and change her husband no matter how right she thinks she is and how wrong her husband's behavior. Our job is to love, serve, please, submit to and obey. This is our job description. "For it is better to live in a corner of the housetop than in a house shared with a quarrelsome wife" (Proverbs 21:9) and "a continual dripping on a rainy day and a quarrelsome wife are alike" (Proverbs 27:15) and "it is better to live in a desert land than with a quarrelsome and fretful woman" (Proverbs 21:19).

Now, you don't want your husband to feel he has to sleep on the roof, listen to constant dripping, or live in the desert, do you? He should be able to sleep in his comfortable bed where peace reigns, and his air conditioning on! We need to make our homes comfortable places for our husbands. They need to be places he longs to be in, not miserable.

Therefore, dear wives, go to work making your husband at home. Help him by loving and serving him. Let him see Jesus in you, and this will draw him closer to you and the Lord. Let all of your controlling nature go. Release it today. Let it go!

Many women use the excuse that their husband does not love them as “Christ loves the church."  I had the perfect, yet most flawed excuse to not follow God's clear teaching of love, sacrifice, and submission. If my marriage was mediocre, it was not all my fault or was it? We will not stand in front of God someday and have to give an account about how our husbands didn’t love us, but how we loved or did not love our husbands.

There is a desperate need for older women to teach the young women "to be sober, to love their husbands, to love their children, To be discreet, chaste, keepers at home, good, obedient to their own husbands, that the word of God be not blasphemed" (Titus 2:4-5).

So even though you may be an amazing mother and homemaker, if you are not working on becoming an amazing wife, you are missing out on the priority of your God-ordained role to be a great help meet.  If you read my blog, you should know by now that what I teach is not to scold or to put you down, but to try to prevent you from losing out on some of the best years of your life with your husband and best friend.  I can never get those years back, but I can shout to all who will listen and beg you not to make the same mistakes I made. Become your husband's blessing instead of his struggle.

The past ten years of my marriage have been amazing. Ken and I now mentor couples. I write for my blog daily encouraging women in their roles as wives and mothers. This is the ministry the Lord has given us, and we love it. The Lord has definitely brought beauty out of ashes. Praise His Holy Name!

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If you would have gotten this "right" from the beginning, you wouldn't be here to help the rest of us....we are so grateful.
1 reply · active 601 weeks ago
Thanks you for your words of wisdom. I search for the knowledge of older women all my life. I feel they have so much to pass on...
Thank you for sharing your life experiences us.
1 reply · active 601 weeks ago
If you feel comfortable doing so, I'm wondering if you could post some specifics about your past conflicts. I mentioned this on a previous post, but as someone who doesn't know you, I read some of your posts - especially ones dealing with some really serious issues like being married to a man who doesn't love you or doesn't care about your pleasure during intimacy or who cheats on you or you doesn't want to help with the children - and I don't know if you are referring to issues that you yourself had with Ken and are giving advice based on your experience, or if you just had some minor issues with Ken but are giving advice of a general nature.
2 replies · active 542 weeks ago
We, dear Laurie, are not perfect and you noticed this about you than, or your husband had the strength to confront you with this, I guess it's the only way. Thank you so much for repeating what mother taught me when I got married, about not speaking ill of your husband; I just couldn't send my comments no matter how much I tried! I didn't pay attention to my hubby 20 years ago too when we moved to this condo... I was so excited decorating it and taking my 'just teen girls' to this and that and been an English language teacher that I never worried about hubby going through changes in his business, which was where everything came from. after all! He told me almost with tears in his eyes and I immediatelly decided to stop my English teachings and work in his ceramic factory to help him out, which is when I started making the dishes some of you have seen in my posts and were so successful and he was so happy that we were making a great team together at work! Life and marriage are a constant hard and taugh job, but where there is love there's a will, otherwise we wouldn't be even talking about this right now! Thank you so much for your wonderful posts and I'm sure it helps younger couples, who are so lucky to follow you.

Have a lovely week Laurie.

Great post, Lori! Many of us did not have older women to mentor us on the importance of being loving, respectful, submitted wives. That is why blogs like yours are so important for the next generation of young women. Marriage is under assault far worse than when you and I were young, so it's even more important than ever that young women are mentored on being good wives.
Do you and Ken feel, in hindsight, that it would have made a difference to have a heart to heart conversation about your feelings? I'm not talking about hurling words in anger during an argument, but sitting down with an open heart and you saying "I don't feel that you love me as Christ loved the Church", or him saying "I don't feel that you give me love and honor and respect".

I can give my testimony that my husband did that with me early on in our marriage. I loved him, but had some bad habits which made him feel that I was disrespecting him. He lovingly confronted me about it, told me how it made him feel and asked why I would do this if I loved him. I didn't have a good answer to that (since "my mother always treated my dad like this" or "that's what they do on sitcoms for a laugh" are not good answers), and I consciously resolved to make an effort to show respect.

Occasionally, I'll have issues where he'll do something that I take in a bad way, without actually meaning to cause any offense. Instead of getting upset or carrying hurt feelings inside of me, he prefers me to confess to him the cause of my distress and is then able to reassure me of his love and change anything that is causing problems.
5 replies · active 542 weeks ago
I love the open honesty of your post. I grew up with great parents who taught me and raised me so well. My mom was THE best mom to us, in every way. But she has always been so hard on my dad. They love each other and have a good marriage, but she has always been bossy and grouchy to him. I remember once he brought home flowers for her and she acted cold and kind of just rolled her eyes. I think because of seeing that, it made me want to be the COMPLETE opposite. Sometimes I have a tendency to act the way I saw my mom act, and I hate that. I try very hard to be warm and loving and NOT bossy. (I hope this doesn't come off as me being disrespectful about my mom, she was GREAT but I'm just saying that seeing how she was in that aspect made me want to be different!) Seeing women boss their husbands like a dog just makes me so uncomfortable.
I think some of it was the time-period you were raised in. I was born in the late 70s and we all walked on eggshells around my mom. She would criticize my dad for everything. Even stupid things like which parking spot he chose "No! There's a better one over THERE!" Or criticize any of us for being 5 mins late even though she would keep us all waiting for stuff all the time. My dad worked in the 84 olympics and was away from the house for several weeks. He enjoyed the silence. When he got back and she started up again (she was arguing with him over a parking spot) he just exploded and asked for a divorce. She was stunned.
They've been divorced for almost 30 years and neither has remarried. I believe if they had some support and marriage counseling they probably could have worked things out. But they really had none of that. Fortunately they co-parented really well and are loving grandparents.
Your message is right that we need to be our husband's support and not his stress.
A very wise post. Criticism and contention kill relationships. Thank you!
Lori, when I started reading your blog, I started to become convicted about the way that I was treating my husband and my marriage. I still have a lot to learn and a long way to go, but I am so thankful that you have opened my eyes to God's instruction on marriage. My husband also was not living up to my worldly standards, even though I married a patient, gentle, loving, and hard-working man who puts his family before himself. Learning God's will for my marriage has lifted such a heavy burden off of my shoulders. My husband is the man that God wants me to love, honor, and obey throughout all of life's struggles. Thank you for opening my eyes--your testimony has made me HAPPIER.
I believe in the old adage that we hurt those that love us most. In the end, it doesn't matter why or how, but that you two have managed to work through it and use it for the sharing of God's word in other's lives. That is the ultimate story of grace, love and redemption. God bless you as you continue to walk in His faithfulness!
I found your blog on the Domestically Divine Tuesday BlogLine, and am now following...I look forward to all I am going to learn from you!
I have been realizing lately that I am too critical of my husband. He would tell you we have a great marriage but I know by little things he says sometimes that it bothers him. I do have one question. I want to learn to overlook certain things but there is one thing that he does that affects other people's opinions of him and no matter what I say, he hardly ever does this one thing. He does not brush his teeth in the morning and he works with other people and I am concerned that he has a bad reputation as the guy with halitosis. He even told me once that a friend of his was acting kind of funny and he wondered if it was because of his breath. Should I just keep quiet about this? Sometimes after church I will hand him a mint but sometimes he doesn't take it. Thank you. Anonymous.
3 replies · active 601 weeks ago
Learning this was the most difficult lesson for me, but the greatest treasure!!
Thank you for sharing! This is a great reminder! I'm going to share this on my FB page.

I found your post through the Wise Woman Link-Up @ A Wise Woman Builds Her Home.
This is so true, and I think we grasp this after years of struggle and 'growing up'. I do appreciate you sharing with A Return to Loveliness,
Lori, I found you through Matt Walsh's blog and I'm so glad I did. My husband and I actually divorced three years ago because we were both incredibly selfish. I would nag and scold and lecture and oh, the arguing! He was walking around on eggshells, too. We broke it off, got divorced. But we still desperately loved each other and he was my best friend. So what did we do? We got counseling. And, much to the dismay of many family and friends (they saw my marriage as toxic), WE GOT MARRIED again! We have been married for 2 years now and it is SO MUCH BETTER because I have let go of the need to control him, to nag, etc. It's not perfect by any means, but oh, it's so wonderful to be married to my best friend. Thanks for your insights - will be visiting again!
Reading several of your posts today has been like a fresh glass of water on parched lips! Thank you.
1 reply · active 564 weeks ago
Soblessedtofindyou's avatar

Soblessedtofindyou · 550 weeks ago

I just found your blog and can tell just by reading this testimony how much of a blessing you will be in my life. Your 23 years of bad marriage is my marriage now, sad to say, because of me. My desire is to have an amazing marriage, like you have now. I am the worst control freak that has ever lived. The Lord showed me a few months ago that this is the root of my sin, in all areas of my life. I am not just a bad wife, but lack patience with my children, again, because of control. Thank you for sharing your testimony so you can help women, like me. Blessings to you!
2 replies · active 550 weeks ago
I am so happy that you found your way to a more peaceful life by turning away from trying to control your husband. I feel that you have misunderstood the cause of your need to control. This is not feminism. This is just you needing to control others - a problem seen in lots of women, Christian and non-Christian. I have been married 20 years and have two teenage sons. My husband and I took turns staying home with them (my husband's choice).
I've never once tried to control my husband because I respect him and enjoy him for who he is. Yes - I'm a non-controlling Christian feminist.

I get the feeling from reading your testimony that you still feel like your husband has plenty of things that need to be fixed but that you've decided to stop trying to fix him because that makes you unattractive and unhappy. So you've decided that God wants you to be submissive. We women don't need to be submissive - we need to be loving. We need to love others as they are. We need to love who we are. God gave me a brain so that I could use it to make the world a better place and to partner with my husband to make our home a happy, peaceful place. I'll agree with you that your sin was your controlling nature. But the opposite of controlling isn't submission but love, acceptance and partnership.
"We women don't need to be submissive..." This is completely contrary to the Bible, Beth. The Bible commands older women to teach young women to be obedient to their husbands. If they are not obedient, they blaspheme the Word of God. I NEVER want to blaspheme his Word yet by your statement, you are teaching women to do exactly this. The Bible also says that wives are to be subject to their husbands in everything. Please read and study ALL of the verses directed towards wives, Beth, and you will see that you are wrong in the area of submission. Yes, we are to love our husbands also.

There aren't many things Ken needs to fix. He's always been a wonderful husband. It just took me a long time to wake up and recognize that most of our marriage problems was my lack of respect for him and my unsubmission to his leadership.
Andrea mackin 's avatar

Andrea mackin · 520 weeks ago

Wow! What a testimony! Thank you for sharing. I see myself(if that does not sound weird)
Thank you for sharing this. I am in year 23 and I have come to realize that my control issues have to go, I need to get over my ideas that submit is a bad work and accept God's plan for marriage. Now to figure out how...:-)
I love your blogs but this one hit me! My husband has a particular issue that he deals with so I always use that to think that he was the major problem in our marriage. I didn't think I was perfect at respecting him but when I read this blog I realize that I mother him too much. And truly he is a wonderful man even though he is struggling with certain things right now. I can see where I actually do have a lot of power in the marriage through submission. My husband once told me that when I live a godly life it convicts him and changes him more than anything. ❤️ When my littlest is raised I hope that I can teach younger women the same principles. When I first became a Christian I had a strong mentor but sadly she led her own husband. The end of my relationship with her was disastrous, literally. Thank you Laurie!
Excellent article, Praise God
Lord Jesus bless you

- Neelu and Amar from Saudi Arabia

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