Thursday, September 26, 2013

Pursuing Holiness Tenaciously

Pursuing holiness tenaciously are the words Courtney uses to describe her mother.  Her mother taught her three daughters from an early age to have a daily quiet time with Jesus, reading His Word and praying.  She was often heard listening to sermons on the radio.  She wasn't known for having a college degree or career, but being a faithful, godly wife and mother.

All throughout her life, Courtney had daily quiet times with Jesus.  She wanted to shine His light wherever she went.  She attended public schools her whole life and then went to Moody Bible Institute.  She married her high school sweetheart.  She worked full-time the first three years while her husband finished school.  Then she became a full-time homemaker for three years before she had children.

Her life as a full-time homemaker before children was spent learning to please her husband, learning to be a good homemaker, including cooking, and ministering to those in need.  She then had two children and is now teaching and training them in the nurture and admonition of the Lord.

She has written a book titled Women Living Well which I was privileged to read and write a review for.  I thoroughly enjoyed it!  She gives wonderful suggestions about having a quiet time, praying as you do your housework, being a homemaker, loving your husband, and raising children.  She freely admits she is not perfect and even shares many of the struggles she has encountered along the way.

I highly recommend it, especially to young women who are in the stage of raising children and trying to keep everything juggling at once.  However, I was even inspired at my age to seek God more often, pray more, and spend more time in His Word.  You can order it HERE.

Many daughters have done virtuously, 
but thou excellest them all.  
Favor is deceitful, and beauty is vain: 
but a woman that fears the lord, she shall be praised.
Proverbs. 31:29,30

***Write a comment expressing the ways you pursue holiness and I will choose one for Courtney to send you a free signed copy of her book!