Friday, September 6, 2013

Risks Of Public School Education

One woman wrote to me disappointed that I encourage women to homeschool their children.  She had one daughter who ended up being a light in the public school system and did many wonderful things.  She loves the Lord deeply and is planning on marrying an amazing Christian man soon.  Isn't our God great enough, big enough, and able enough to protect our children?, she asks.

I am not sure I encourage women to homeschool their children as much as I warn about the dangers of public school education.  I realize there are many wonderful teachers out there and some children who get through public education with their faith intact.

However, I am not sure God intended for us to send our children into godless institutions for many hours every day.  He warned the Israelites about intermingling with their godless neighbors.  He tells us bad company corrupts good morals.  He commands we not be unequally yoked with unbelievers.

If we homeschool our children or put them into Christian schools, what about being a light in the world?  I think about the Duggers or the Pearls who both homeschooled or are still homeschooling their children.  The children are actively involved in their community, go on various mission trips, and are a light wherever they go.

I just believe that sending your children to public education kindergarten through college is risky.  There is nothing more important than your children walking in Truth.  Each couple needs to prayerfully seek God's guidance and wisdom on this important issue.

Maybe some of you have no other choice.  Maybe the elementary school in your area isn't polluted by society yet.  Pray over your children daily and make sure God's Word dwells in them richly.

Do not be unequally yoked with unbelievers. 
For what partnership has righteousness with lawlessness? 
Or what fellowship has light with darkness?
II Corinthians 6:14