Monday, April 11, 2011

Healthy Peanut Butter Cups

These are just as good as Reese's peanut butter cups but they are actually GOOD FOR YOU!!!  They are so healthy because of the organic coconut oil {keeps your body well-oiled and is anti-bacterial and anti-fungal} raw organic honey {kills virus' and bad bacteria}, and organic cocoa {chocolate is good for everything, right?}. 

Nut Mixture

1/4 cup of organic peanut butter {or other nuts made into butter}
1/2 cup almond butter (We make our own by throwing salted nuts in a Cuisinart.)
1 teaspoon vanilla
2 Tablespoons honey (Raw organic honey)
1/4 cup of coconut oil (Organic coconut oil)
1/3 cup of chopped nuts

In a Cuisinart (or by hand in a bowl) combine the peanut butter, almond butter, coconut oil, vanilla, honey, and  nuts.

Mix until well combined.

{Best to combine coconut oil and honey first.  You may want to melt both of them a little bit to make the mixing easier.}

Drop by the heaping teaspoon into muffin tins and flatten down.

Place in freezer.

Chocolate Topping {Makes enough chocolate for 1 1/2 batches of the nut mixture.}

3/4 cup cocoa powder {Organic cocoa powder}
1/4 cup of honey
1 cup coconut oil
1 tablespoon vanilla extract
*I add a little bit of stevia to make it sweeter.

Combine these ingredients in a 2 or 4 cup glass measuring glass and
place in a pot of simmering water on the stove.

Heat until everything is just melted, and remove from heat.

Whisk briskly until combined well.

Take out the muffin tins from the freezer, and divide your chocolate
mixture over it.

Place back into the freezer for about 30-45 min then remove and put
into a Ziploc bag.

*Must be stored in the freezer.

Enjoy!  They don't stay around for long...

This recipe is from my daughter's Paleo Blog that has 
many wonderful recipes!

Comments (18)

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this is my favorite candy - now I don't have to feel guilty - THANKS :o)
(found you on Simple Lives Thursday)
Oh my these look incredible and addicting! Thank you so much for sharing your great recipe on Allergy-Free Wednesdays! Be sure to check back next week for recipe highlights (including the top 3 reader choice submissions and hostess favorites).

Be Well!
Does the coconut oil make the cups taste like coconut?
1 reply · active 667 weeks ago
A little bit. Ken doesn't like the taste of coconut but he likes these.
Awesome! I am making these tomorrow! When you add a little stevia to the chocolate, do you mean the liquid?
1 reply · active 667 weeks ago
Thank you, Lori. One more question...sorry for being so needy.....will the peanut butter mixture be runny or solid? I melted the honey and coconut oil together before mixing and my peanut butter filling is runny. Is that ok?
2 replies · active 666 weeks ago
Yes, that is why they need to be frozen and stay that way!
Pam Ehrhardt's avatar

Pam Ehrhardt · 666 weeks ago

Lori, they are amazing!!! Thank you for helping!! Pam
love these they sound awesome and any time i can offer my family a healthy snack this often helps if you find time come over and see my latest share
These sound really delicious! I love that they're not so bad for you, too!! I hope to make them soon. :) Thanks for sharing!__Blessings,__Leslie
What kind of chopped nuts do you use for the nut mixture?
1 reply · active 544 weeks ago
We soak in salt and then dehydrate almonds and use them!
I just made these last night and they are delicious!! Marcus is lactose intolerant, and so he hasn't had chocolate in a long time. These were the perfect (healthy) dessert that we can enjoy since they are gf and df...thank you!
Can these be made without the chopped nuts? We eat lots of raw nuts at our house ( especially almonds), but I don't care for the texture of them inside other things. If I wanted the inside smooth, how would you alter the recipe?

Like Ken, I don't care for the flavor of coconut oil. If I make the batch smooth instead of crunchy, would you forego or reduce the amount of coconut oil so the flavor doesn't jump out as much? I can take a hint of flavor, but wouldn't want it to be overpowering. What do you think?
2 replies · active 514 weeks ago
No sure about an alternative to the nuts but you can buy coconut oil without any smell. It's been processed a bit more. Like this type ~

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