Thursday, December 24, 2015

Love Your Family

Christmas is not only about Jesus' birth but about family. Many will be with family members they don't enjoy much. Some will be with family members who are living in open rebellion to God's ways. Some will even mock the name of Jesus. Conflict and tension will visit many homes this Christmas but it should not be for a believer.

Even if you don't enjoy them, show them the love of Jesus. If they dislike you, show them love. When they say hurtful things, respond in kindness. How will they ever know Jesus if those who proclaim to love Him, don't love them?

We are commanded to overcome evil with good. Christ overcame all evil on the cross and we know how it is all going to end. King Jesus is on His throne. God doesn't want any to perish but all to come to the knowledge of Him. Therefore, use the short times you are with those who oppose you to show them Jesus through your kindness and joy. Don't let them steal your joy. Don't go down to their level of behavior but help them to come up to yours.

Jesus Christ came into the world to save sinners and to save us from the wrath to come. He lived a perfect life so all who believe on Him will one day be made perfect in Him. He is our Lord and Savior. He has done everything for us; now He asks us to love others deeply, even our enemies.

May this Christmas be one of peace for you and your family. May you shine the light of Jesus wherever you go. May you ponder all that the Lord has done for you this year and the blessings He has bestowed upon you. 

Merry Christmas!

For unto us a child is born, unto us a son is given: and the government shall be upon his shoulder: and his name shall be called Wonderful, Counselor, The mighty God, The everlasting Father, The Prince of Peace.
Isaiah 9:6

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Kathy in Illinois's avatar

Kathy in Illinois · 482 weeks ago

Merry Christmas to you and your family, Lori! It's a joy reading your blog.
God bless, Kathy in Illinois
1 reply · active 482 weeks ago
I am blessed with a large immediate family and also a very large extended family. We are definitely not the double income, few kids. We are the "we need another table to fit everyone." It's not hard to love those who love you, but you are right- those who are unlovable; those are especially those who need our love People without families also need an extra measure. May God give you a Blessed Christmas and New Year. May we all be held in the palm of His hand.
1 reply · active 482 weeks ago
Yes, He holds us tightly, praise the Lord. Thank you, Maria.
This is all so very true and a good reminder for us all. Merry Christmas to you and your family!
1 reply · active 482 weeks ago
Your blog has been such a gift me me this year.
Merry Christmas!
I'm looking forward to reading more from you, next year.
Happy New Year!
1 reply · active 482 weeks ago
Thank you, Christine!
Thank you so much for this wonderful reminder! It is hard too when those who profess Christ still seem to enjoy conflict and dissension. :( Merry Christmas to you and yours!
1 reply · active 482 weeks ago
Actually we are commanded not to "even eat" with those who claim to be believers yet walk in sin in hopes of their being convicted of their sin.

Thank you, Michelle!
That just hit us right where we are. I was just talking with my eldest daughter about my oldest son who is in open rebellion.

This helped me and her. Thank you!
Happy Christmasing!
1 reply · active 482 weeks ago
Keep praying, Laura Lane. The Lord wants ALL to come to repentance.
My dear Lori ( and Ken too!)

God bless you this Christmastime and thank you for this timely reminder of how to handle those in our families who don't love our Lord Jesus Christ.

With many thanks for your faithful ministry throughout the year

UK xxxxxxxxx
1 reply · active 482 weeks ago
You're welcome, Helen! Thank you.
Merry Christmas to you and your loved ones. God bless you.
Kellers from Taiwan.
1 reply · active 482 weeks ago
Daniele from Quebec's avatar

Daniele from Quebec · 482 weeks ago

Merry Christmas dear Lori!
Among God's blessings in 2015 is your blog, so thank you so much to be so helping and truthful with all those biblical teachings!
You are a great tool in the hands of our beloved Savior! Many blessings to you and your family!
1 reply · active 482 weeks ago
Thank you for such a sweet blessing, Daniele. I appreciate it very much.
Where is the line between being kind to wicked family members and refusing to tolerate their sin? I'm struggling with this right now. One wants to flaunt his wicked lifestyle and I've been told to "just show love because WWJD". Did Jesus just show love? He pointed out their sin.
1 reply · active 482 weeks ago
We are commanded to overcome evil with good, Sheri. It doesn't mean you have to hang around this person all the time but the few times you do, they need to see Jesus. They are lost and trapped in the bondage of sin and you have the answer to unlock their bondage, His name is Jesus.
Our problem is not getting along with family members - our problem is family members who want to kill each OTHER!! (i.e. Party A does not get along well with Party B) Attempts at peacemaking don't go over well. Ack.

This was a good reminder, Lori! Thank you, and Merry Christmas!!

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