Wickedness is increasing in our society. The Lake of Mud is getting darker and darker. Those deep in the lake love being in the lake watching and cheering on those who are getting more and more covered with the mud. For those who believe in the Man from Galilee, He lifts them out of the Lake of Mud, purges them of the mud by cleansing them completely and calls them a new creature in Christ.
However, these new creatures washed from their mud, far too often lose sight of what they have been saved from, and to Whom they belong so they go back to the Lake of Mud and stick their toe in or at least love watching those playing in the Lake of Mud. Others feel they are avoiding the Lake of Mud by setting up a spot where they can self-righteously enjoy watching sinners frolicking in the mud, feeling confident that the splatter will never reach them. The "fun" beckons them daily to come and jump back into their dead, muddy flesh and feed it with the things of the world. The problem with this is once they stick their toe in, it is easy to stick half of their leg in, then their other foot, go deeper and deeper and end up in the Lake of Mud completely covered in the mud of the flesh, the eyes, and the pride of life.
This is why the Man from Galilee warns the new creatures to flee from the Lake of Mud. Don't even go near it! Don't watch what those in the Lake of Mud are doing. Don't have anything to do with the mud. If you accidentally fall into the Lake of Mud, climb out quickly, wash yourself off and thank the Man from Galilee for rescuing you from that filthy place.
Next time, don't go near the Lake of Mud so you won't 'accidentally' fall in. Begin following the Man from Galilee and learn from Him instead. His Lake has crystal clear water and is soothing to your soul. The more time you spend in His Lake, the more you will detest the Lake of Mud and hate what goes on in it. You will begin avoiding it like a plague and spending all of your time in His Lake. Your mind will begin to be filled with good things and you will find that there is no place you would rather be. If you're walking a little too close to the Lake of Mud and a bit of mud splatters on you, wipe it off quickly and run to His Lake and dive head first into the crystal clear water remembering that THIS is where you belong. He is yours and you are His.
But every man is tempted, when he is drawn away of his own lust,
and enticed. Then when lust has conceived, it gives birth to sin;
and enticed. Then when lust has conceived, it gives birth to sin;
and when sin is accomplished, it brings forth death.
James 1:14,15
Abhor what is evil; cling to what is good.
Romans 12:9
helen UK · 517 weeks ago
Oh so true and spot on!
Thank you
Helen UK