Sunday, December 6, 2015

Contentment with Having Little

We live in an extremely discontent culture. People are discontent with what they have, the way they look, their spouse, the difficulties they are going through, etc. There will always be something to be discontent about if we try to find contentment in our circumstances.  Can we find contentment even while we are going through a hard time, married to a difficult spouse, or any other number of things people are discontent about? YES!

The Apostle Paul had much suffering in his life. He was beaten, stoned, hungry, and even despaired of his life at times yet he was able to say this, "Not that I speak in respect of want: for I have learned, in whatsoever state I am, therewith to be content" {Philippians 4:11}. He learned contentment and so can we since the same Jesus who lived inside of him lives inside of us.

We can always have confidence in God's providence over our lives. King Jesus is on His Throne! He will never leave us nor forsake us and He promises that He will supply all our need according to His riches in glory by Christ Jesus {Philippians 4:19}. We can believe Him when He tells us that ALL things work together for our good. He has always and will always be over all the affairs of man and we can trust Him with our lives and with the lives of those we love.

We need to learn to have satisfaction with little. Paul said that if we have food and clothing, we should be content and we all have a lot more than this! Our nation is the wealthiest nation that ever existed, yet discontentment is rampant, even among believers. We don't need to have this and have that; the majority of us have plenty of food and clothing. In fact, I doubt any of us has ever gone to bed hungry unless it was intentional because we wanted to lose weight from eating too much. If you have food and clothing, everything else is an added bonus, therefore, we should be the most content people who have ever lived!

We have to learn that contentment does not come from our circumstances but understanding who we are in Christ and all the promises He has given us. He has done so much for us, loves us so much and has a wonderful plan for our life. He is building a mansion for us where we will live eternally with no more pain, sorrow, sickness, or evil. It will be a beautiful place; better than anything we could ever think of or imagine. Trust in His provision for you and live above your circumstances.

We are sustained by His power and this is why we can be content. We are Christ-sufficient and NOT self-sufficient. If we didn't have our trials, thorns, and weaknesses, we wouldn't have to depend upon Him for when we are weak, we are strong because of who we are in Him, we are clothed in His righteousness and He loves us. Never forget that He promises to never leave us nor forsake us so we can rest in Him and His power working mightily within us.

Keep your lives free from the love of money and be content with what you have, for God has said: "Never will I leave you, never will I forsake you." 
Hebrews 13:5

***The main points of this post were from John MacArthur's sermon