Sunday, September 23, 2012

Would You Tell Her To Abort?

If she is married to a poor preacher living in tremendous poverty with 14 children and pregnant with her 15th?
If her husband is sick with a very bad cold.  She has tuberculosis.  They have four children.  The first one is blind.  The second one is dead.  The third one is deaf.  The fourth one has tuberculosis.  She is pregnant with her fifth?
A white man raped a 13 year old black girl and she is pregnant?
A teenager who is not married is pregnant?
The first mother posed produced John Wesley.  The second one Ludwig van Beethoven.  The third one Ethel Waters, the great gospel singer who sang at Billy Graham Crusades.  The last one was our Saviour.
NO child is unworthy of living.  Let me repeat this....NO Child is unworthy of living.  Every human being was known by God before they were created...before time began.  We were knit together in our mother's womb. 
When a woman is pregnant she is carrying a baby, a human being, not a fetus, tissue, or some other name that takes away the true identity of the baby.
Human life is so very precious.  I wept when Dr. David Jeremiah posed these questions to us thinking about all the amazing human beings that have been destroyed for convenience sake who could have impacted our world in a positive way.
For you created my inmost being;
you knit me together in my mother's womb.
Psalm 139:13
Before I formed you in the womb I knew you.
Jeremiah 1:5


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Very well written
Wonderful... so true and I love those verses.
Thank you!!
Although certainly not through immaculate conception I too was a teenage pregnant girl at sixteen. I have my son, a blessed and beautiful child who is 17 now. God did a remarkable work in both of our lives. I too agree with 'no' abortion. Every life, no matter how conceived, was known before the foundation of the earth. Jesus delt with my sin of premarital sex and I am so thankful for my Savior, and now I try to live my best for him and help any teenage pregnant girl that comes along my way and point them to Christ and recommit to a life of purity and to take the best care of their soon to be baby,

I loved this post!! And how very interesting to learn about the mothers of some of the Christian Heroes we look up to today.
God Bless.
~Deanna @
Cynthia Swenson's avatar

Cynthia Swenson · 652 weeks ago

As Christians, we should be all choosing life, hope, & viewing our children as blessings, & pouring ourselves out to care for others. God must be truly grieved & even angry at some of our attitudes! I believe we need to speak out & repent( an almost forgotten word here). Great post here Lori! Love & prayers, in Jesus, Cynthia
I once told a friend the Beethoven story. His response was "Absolutely abort. How worthless would a child in that situation be? The child wouldn't stand a chance." When I told him who it was, he went white and said "Oh. Wow."
This is beautiful.
* goosebumps* Wow...breathtaking. Thank you for this.
Oh, this is so profound! For each one, I was answering no. no. no....because God works all things to good for his glory. And then, you state the affirmation of those lives that were born, revealing God's utmost control and power and glory. Awesome!
Oh so powerful! Thank you for sharing this!
What a blessing this is! Thank you so much for sharing these stories. I often wonder who the world might have known had they been given the chance to live. Thank you for speaking truth into this world!
I tried a comment a few minutes ago, but I think something went wrong, so I'm trying again. Please forgive me if I'm duplicating! Thank you so much for sharing these stories. I've never heard them. And thank you for speaking truth into this world! (I'm visiting from Ann's today.) Smiles ~
Great post. I have heard of the Beethoven one, but not the rest. I am looking at your side "most read posts" right now, and can just sense the wisdom and grace coming from these in just the first lines. I think I need to bookmark your blog and next time I get a chance to sit down with a cup coffee , read your stuff.
1 reply · active 652 weeks ago
Abortion is something that I can't even believe is legal. I just can't even comprehend how anyone could make excuses for it. I can't understand how someone can say "A woman can have control over her body"...ignoring the baby inside of her. Nope - not a mass of tissue. Masses of tissue don't have heartbeats (an embryo's heart starts beating within just a few weeks of conception).

Anyway - I love this post. Very well written.
Absolutely beautiful, and eye-opening. This post sparked my curiosity and caused me to research Ethel Waters. It so helps to have a tangible example when discussing this issue. I would certainly never encourage a woman to abort regardless of the circumstances. I think, or rather hope, that most Christian women would know the right thing to say in the context of private discussion.
I think where we really struggle as Christians is in public discourse on the subject of abortion. We focus so much on changing a Supreme Court decision that may not ever be overturned. Our emphasis is perhaps too heavy handed on the legalities (and I am an attorney, so I understand heavy handedness on legalities). What if we put more effort into supporting the vulnerable women contemplating how to handle their pregnancies through unconditional acceptance into our churches, homes, and lives? Are we willing to have an open door policy for un-wed pregnant girls? Are we willing to call their lives precious and holy, just as we call the lives of their unborn babies? What if we dared to put aside our private judgments and societal stigma, and show her the sort of love Christ showed the disenfranchised? What if our attitudes toward unplanned pregnancy as a Church so radically changed that the abortion rate decreased, not due to any change in case law or legislation, but through an outgrowth of Christ-like love to the expectant mothers and their unborn babies? Wouldn't that be so much more powerful of a testament to society really changing than simply changing the law?
5 replies · active 651 weeks ago
ERDR'swifeMomof 12's avatar

ERDR'swifeMomof 12 · 652 weeks ago

These were the reasons I chose to NOT use birth control 22 + years ago. Now I have 12 children here on earth and 2 in heaven. I chose to value life, all life, and allow God every opportunity to create life in me. I did not want to block, prohibit or prevent any of His blessings in whatever form they might take. Even if it hurt. Even if it was hard. Even if it seemed impossible. God is sovereign over all life. We do not have to the right to go against that. People despise me for this view. They feel we should have a say. BUT when they see my children, their character, their love for God, their personal responsibilities and accomplishments in comparison to the world's children, they are always highly commended. I would not trade one of my children for anything. And to think, one tiny pill might have prevented any of their lives. And to think how shallow and immature I would be had I not had to grow up in order to live this life.
Great post! I am a product of a teenage pregnancy and I had my first born unwed at the age of 19. Not the best circumstances but I am so thankful to our heavenly father who blessed me with a wonderful son that I did not deserve. Also Fran brings up very valid points on the treatment of unwed mothers and different situations. We are called to love all!
I love this thank you so much for sharing.
Every Life Is Beautiful.......the theme of a great movie, "October Baby". I encourage you to see if if you haven't already. Your wrote this so well. It grabbed me from the title.
Beautifully written.
Or what about the woman offered an abortion when her baby's markers came back positive for Downs? If I would have aborted her I would have my beautiful University daughter (on the Deans List) or, if it had turned out the other, I wouldn't have had my daughter with Downs who brings joy to every one she met. I hope this post of yours grips the heart of your readers.

Thank You Thank You Thank You!
Wow! Who can argue with that?! Beautiful.

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