Sunday, March 24, 2013

Does This Describe You?

But the wisdom that is from above is first pure, then peaceable, gentle, and easy to be entreated, full of mercy and good fruits, without partiality, and without hypocrisy. 
James 3:17

Are you pure?  Do you set your mind  {what you watch, read, and think} on what is pure?  Do you think the best of others?  Are you polluted by the world?

Are you peaceable?  Do you pursue peace with all men?  Do you allow others to be right and not force your opinions on others?  Do you allow others to be who they are?

Are you gentle?  Are you kind and thinking about other's needs before your own?  Do you have a gentle voice when you speak to your husband and children?

Are you easy to be entreated? Do others feel free to ask you when they need your time, money, or help?  Are you a willing servant who wants to serve others and make their lives easier?

Are you full of mercy? Do you forgive others freely and easily or do you hold onto grudges?    Are you longsuffering with other's faults and bad habits, not critical and impatient with them?

Are you full of good fruits?  Do you use your gifts and talents to serve others?  Do you wake up in the morning thinking how you can make someone else's life better?  Are you making the world a more beautiful place?

Are you without partiality?  Do you favor the rich over the poor? The beautiful over the ugly?  Anyone over anyone else?  Do you love all people, even your enemies?

Are you without hypocrisy?   Do you practice what you preach, especially in front of your children?  Can others see Jesus living in you?

The Bible tells us to examine ourselves to see if we are in the faith.  Are you in the faith?  Are you producing good fruit.  If not, study God's Word faithfully and pray. Believe what He says about you.  You are a new creation who is free from sin.  Walk in the light!

Making Your Home Sing, A Return To Loveliness