As we know from the Bible, women are the weaker sex (1 Peter 3:7) and are more easily
deceived (1 Timothy 2:14). We allow our emotions to control some of our life and decisions. This is why God
has said that women are not to teach nor be in authority over men (1 Timothy 2:12). God made
women and men differently for the different purposes He has created them for.
He has created women to get married, bear children, and guide the home (1
Timothy 5:14 and Titus 2:4, 5).
The reason women are flocking to Jesus Calling and many of the female Bible teachers and writers is because they appeal to their emotional nature. Women
love to feel things. If they don't feel in love with
their husbands, they will often divorce them to find another man they might feel in love with. They may not even feel that they love one of their children but they must regardless of their feelings. Women love to feel emotional over the Lord and His Word. I am not
saying this is wrong but it shouldn't be our goal. Our goal should be to obey
the Lord by doing what He has clearly told us to do in His Word without
depending upon our emotions to lead us.
I went to a wonderful retreat this past weekend where a close friend of
ours led a women's one-day retreat. Carol Hopson said, "Emotions are not
dictators; they are indicators of our need to run to Jesus." Women
absolutely have a tendency to allow their emotions to dictate their behaviors.
Emotions and feelings aren't always right and often lie to us.
When Fifty Shades of Grey was popular, I read some blogs and women
praising this book and how much better their sex lives were from seeing this
movie. They were being led by their emotions and not by love for their
husbands. I am sure the women who had "great sex lives" from this
movie don't have great sex lives anymore because emotional highs don't last very
Since we know we are the weaker vessel and easily deceived, it is all the
more reason to be in the Word daily and be led by the perfect will of God, no
longer allowing our emotions to run and ruin our lives. If you want God to
speak to you personally, as Justin Peter said, "Dear ones, if you
want to hear God speak to you, there’s one way I can guarantee you that you
will hear God speak, read your Bible. If you want to hear God speak to you
audibly, read it out loud. I promise you, I promise you, you’ll hear Him
If you want to grow strong in the wisdom and the
knowledge of the Lord, the only path is through His Word, not feel-good, warm
and fuzzy devotionals, female preachers, emotions, and books. God's Word is convicting, challenging, and
encouraging so read and listen to Christian authors, teachers, and male
preachers who teach convicting, challenging, and encouraging messages.
If you're sick of being a baby Christian and only drinking milk, unable to distinguish clearly between right and wrong, and not understanding who you are in Christ, I encourage you to listen to this teaching by Michael Pearl on Romans 8. Romans is one of the most powerful and important books of the Bible. Paul explains what happens to us when we believe and how we can walk in the Spirit. Chapter 8 is the culmination of these teachings in Romans. This is good, solid meat for you to chew on and mature you in your walk with the Lord.
If you're sick of being a baby Christian and only drinking milk, unable to distinguish clearly between right and wrong, and not understanding who you are in Christ, I encourage you to listen to this teaching by Michael Pearl on Romans 8. Romans is one of the most powerful and important books of the Bible. Paul explains what happens to us when we believe and how we can walk in the Spirit. Chapter 8 is the culmination of these teachings in Romans. This is good, solid meat for you to chew on and mature you in your walk with the Lord.
All scripture is given by inspiration of God, and is profitable for doctrine, for reproof, for correction, for instruction in righteousness: That the man of God may be perfect, thoroughly furnished unto all good works.
2 Timothy 3:16, 17