Friday, February 13, 2015

An Ugly, Twisted Form of Submission

The two stars of Fifty Shades of Gray felt awful about filming the show, even comparing it to Hitler. I pray none of you reading this post or who claim the name of Christ will use your hard earned money to support such filth. Lindsay Harold is a frequent commenter on my blog and she helps explain why even the stars of the show have trouble with it. She wrote a comment on Matt Walsh's blog post back in July about this movie that was so profound I wanted to share it with you ~

I think women gravitate to Fifty Shades of Grey {and other erotica} because they haven't embraced the proper roles in sex and marriage. Feminism has taught them that they can never, ever, in any fashion submit to a man...unless it's during sex, if that sort of thing is their cup of tea. Anything goes in the bedroom. Feminism told them that it's degrading to be a stay-at-home mom or to submit to a husband or to want a lot of children. They should never have sex with their husbands unless they feel like it. They should never let a man make decisions for their family. But having a stranger use and abuse you sexually? Well, that's empowering, don't ya know

The other factor at play is that women are most attracted to men when men are most masculine. It's masculine and attractive to women for men to be in charge, confident, powerful, and robust. But feminism taught men to suppress these characteristics and taught women that any man who shows them is chauvinistic and oppressive. Thus men have learned to become passive and women have learned to hate and fear masculine men.

In much of life, the feminization of men may seem to turn out fine for both sexes. We live in a culture where we don't often need a man to fight invaders and women can do most jobs. If the gender roles are rather blurred or even reversed, we can still survive. But in the bedroom, women have a hard time being turned on by a wuss. During sex, the nature differences of men and women are more noticeable and important. When that difference isn't emphasized, it makes arousal more difficult. Women are turned on by a man's more masculine traits. Opposites attract.

When women find their sex life hum-drum because they either have a feminized man or have effectively emasculated him by forcing him to bow to their demands in order to get sex, they often get excited at the though of being dominated. Erotica, like 50 shades, appeals to their innate desire to feel a man's power and leadership, to be led and give up control. They may or may not realize it, but I think this is, for many women, the issue. They play a game of make-believe in their minds because feminism has told them it's taboo in real life.

Of course, the male dominance in 50 Shades of Grey is twisted and warped version that is debased and harmful. But in a culture of women yearning inside to find some semblance of real masculinity to submit to, it still appeals to them deep down. They don't have the real thing, so they fall for twisted counterfeits that have small glimmers of the masculinity they desire. They're like hungry people eating out of garbage cans, not realizing that they've ignored the gourmet restaurant down the street.

Ken adds ~ A Biblical marriage is what most women are longing for and do not know it. They want the strong, loving, masculine, but understanding Christian husband to lead them as Christ leads and loves His Church. To get these needs met they can marry such a Christian man, who is a rare commodity in today's world, or they can learn to "place themselves under" {submit} to their husbands and hope and pray that the Spirit of God will do His work to make their man into the attractive masculine man they long to serve. Not with whips and chains, but with true submission from a heart sold out to doing things God's ways.    

For of this sort are they which creep into houses, 
and lead captive silly women laden with sins, 
led away with various lusts, ever learning,
 and never able to come to the knowledge of the truth.
2 Timothy 3:6,7

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Matt Walsh has a post up today on THEBLAZE.COM on this garbage. I think it's so women are getting into pornography by the masses. God is still sovereign & sits on His throne...He is the only & perfect judge! This is my comfort. Love & prayers, in Jesus, Cynthia P.S. I don't agree with the "excuses". It's plain sin, Satanic! Repentance needed!
1 reply · active 528 weeks ago
It is very sad, Cynthia. They may be thinking that porn is the way to more happiness but it is not. It is the way to more destruction in their life. They are believing Satan's lies.
What an incredibly well thought out a wise post, Lindsay. I absolutely agree with what you've written on this very heartbreaking subject.

I spent a great deal of time last night in prayer and sorrow for our nation. The fact that the pre-sell tickets for this movie have topped just about any other, shows the great depravity of our nation, as well as the sickly state of Christianity. It is said that the most tickets have been sold in the Bible Belt of the US -- obviously the majority being women -- and I sit here asking myself, "Where are the men of God that should be stepping in and telling Eve that not only may she not allow Satan to deceive her by eating the fruit, but that the 'fruit' is but a disguise for the bondage that accompanies it's consumption?"

But, alas, the women of our society are reaping what they've sown all these years through their rebellion against the protection and authority of men. At a time when we women need the strength and power of men the most, few of them are anywhere to be found. Since we have, for decades, sent the message to men loud and clear that we are capable of taking care of ourselves in every capacity and have no real need for them, we are left to fight our battles alone, aided only by our immense vulnerability to deception that will ultimately leave us -- the weaker sex -- to be held captive with no knight to come and rescue us from the pit we have willingly thrown ourselves into.

Oh Jesus, come quickly! Separate the wheat from the chaff and refine your bride so that she may shine like a light on a hill in this dark and dismal world. Sweet Savior, you are our only hope! Oh God, hear the prayers of your saints and be ever near to us, drawing us unto the shelter of your wings. The enemy roams the earth, seeking to devour and destroy, but we rest on knowing the Truth that greater is He who is in us than he who is in the world.
2 replies · active 528 weeks ago
Wow, TJWF! Thank you for another post! Men need to read Ken's post from yesterday encouraging men to step up to the plate regardless of what their wive's do or say. They need to stop obeying their wives and take up the leadership position that the Lord commanded of them. Yes, many women think being single is the better life so they divorce. Satan easily decieved Eve and he is easily decieving many women.
FREEINDEED!'s avatar

FREEINDEED! · 528 weeks ago

I read Elizabeth's post about 50 shades yesterday. She gives 50 wonderful reasons why marital purity with her husband is so wonderful. I should have mentioned this earlier, as I was so touched, I cried when reading this. It's beautiful! She's at JustfollowingJesusinmyreallife & the post was Feb. 11.
1 reply · active 528 weeks ago
Thank you, Cynthia. I will be sure to read it!
you are so right!
I've voiced my thoughts on this too. I agree with you whole-heartedly. What is breaking my heart the most is not all the unsaved people that want to watch this film, but all the Christian-professing women who justify watching this as a "love story" and tell at us that we are judgmental!!! I wonder if there's no discernment, no sensitivity to the Holy Spirit, no concern with how they break God's heart in justifying themselves. I admit I read two of the three books in the series, not thinking much about it, until I realized I couldn't NOT read those books and the Bible, and I chose to read my Bible instead. I've asked God for forgiveness and wisdom since then too. He has graciously shown me the why nots of this. But it's all part of a genuine relationship with Him.
1 reply · active 528 weeks ago
All of His commands to us are for our good. It's not that He wants to keep us from enjoying life and having fun but He knows that walking in His ways are what lead to life, abundant and free!
Thank you SO much for writing on this! Hollywood tries to make things look so glamorous when the reality is not. I am absolutely appalled at this movie and the books! I read a post at Kristy's Cottage today on this subject. I appreciate you both!!
I will admit I did read the book when it came out and I'm not sure I finished it. I found it to be more than pornography but actually abuse. I don't see how it could be argued any other way. I have no interest in seeing a film where a woman is abused. How can people really enjoy that? Horrible and embarrassed I even read the book.
This was a great commentary on the movie/book. I've read almost all of them that came across my newsfeed or in the blogosphere. I didn't really add to the discussion because others covered the topic so well. Abuse isn't sexy. Submission to GOD and therefore to my husband absolutely changed my marriage. I wrote about the 50 shades of green today about real love looking very different.
This is right on. I think all women want to be protected, cared for, and led by a masculine man. We've just listened to the lie that this makes us weak, and prevent ourselves from getting what our hearts really desire. I know when i first submitted to my husband I didn't realize that I would getso much out of it, but I did without a doubt.

I read an article a while back on this book, that talks about it being even more disgusting, a pedophilia handbook basically. The comments from women who read it, and different saw it for what it was after reading that article were very telling. It seemed almost all agreed that this was in fact what it had been about.

Unfortunately this isn't the only thing that is popular porn these days, books and shows like the game of thrones, and the like are at least as bad, but so popular. It is heart breaking.
Married 21 yrs and my husband only required in the beginning sex once a month. He would reject me so many times! When he wanted sex it woukd be dirty sex and he tried to comvince me that in marriage you can have dirty sex...i was a born again christian after he and i met. I didnt feel comfortable with what he wanted to do. He never lgives affection. . He would , and still does , shows love by doing house chores . I felt so hurt, I couldn't understand, I 'm an attractive woman and men paid attention to me ..and sadly I caved in and had several affairs...starving for affection. We haven't slept in the same bed in 8 yrs. Haven't been intimate in 5 yrs or more. I've tried so hard and I have given up. I'm afraid he will reject me again in the beginning it was a game to him. He loves to control. But I said enough is enough. We live as husband and wife parent partners. ..I know this has damaged our kids. They learn what their parents do. All I ever wanted was a happy home...healthy marriage. My boy's now young men 25,20 and my youngest 13. Don't have healthy relationships. My 20 yr old son recently came out of the closet, and announced to the world he is gay. My marriage has been a lie for so many years. I had carried guilt for having the affairs. Should I continue to stay . I've stayed for my kid's all these years. My husband is married to his job..I am a introvert now .I stay home with my fur babies. I enjoy nurturing and loving my family and friends aND those that are sad , lonely or hurting. That is my purpose. God has lead me through these very difficult year's. I could right a book .I would need some serious editing though. Melissa.
Thank You Friend

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