Monday, February 23, 2015

Where's the Lovemaking Gone?

God designed sex, well, actually He designed lovemaking. Lovemaking is suppose to be between a husband and a wife to unite them as one, to provide intimacy between the two, to produce children, and to satisfy our sexual desire. Many have quickly ruined this beautiful act given to us by the Lord.

A friend just informed me that many young men are having trouble holding an erection when they are with a woman due to the amount and types of pornography they view. She said her friend who lives on the other side of the world said it is a huge problem in her country also. I personally know couples where the husband only wants oral sex or isn't into lovemaking with his wife since he watches so much porn. There is not much lovemaking going on anymore. Lots of sex, but little lovemaking. 

When I was growing up, it was difficult for men to find porn. They had to go out and buy it hoping no one would find out. Everyone knew it was wrong. Now, eveyone can get it with a click of a mouse. Many movies even have porn in them. Just watching other couples have sex on a big screen has reduced our nation into a nation of peeping Toms.

God made lovemaking to be private; shared between married couples who have committed their lives to each other. We are commanded to keep the marriage bed undefiled {Hebrews 13:4}. Lovemaking is a very beautiful thing when it is done the way God created it. Man has completely defiled it to where many young men will never know the joy of  true lovemaking to the woman they have promised to love "until death do they part."

If a young man and woman want to "make love" and they aren't married, they are simply having sex. Making love only happens within the boundaries of marriage where there is a commitment. There can be no true love without commitment. Sex outside of marriage is NOT commitment and a very cheap imitation of the real thing.

Pornography is destructive and addictive. It reduces lovemaking to sex; an act with no intimacy. It destroys marriages. Do everything you can, Mothers, to protect your children from its deadly influence. This is a large reason why I don't think Christian parents should be sending their children to public schools anymore. Most children have iPhones and can introduce your innocent children to the vileness of porn with just a push of a button.

We must be vigilant to know where are children are at all times and who they are with. God calls us to raise them up in the nurture and the admonition of the Lord. You need to take this command very seriously or the world will capture them and pervert everything that the Lord created to be good.

It's amazing to me how few parents talk to their children about these things. You MUST unless you want to lose them to Satan. It is a spiritual battle waged in the heavenlies for the souls of our children. Tell your sons that if they fool around with porn, they are ruining their chances of having a future godly marriage with fulfilling and satisfying lovemaking. 

Don't let Satan have your children!!! Teach them God's Word continually. Hide it deep into their hearts. Help them memorize a lot of verses. They must know God's Word. It will be their protection from Satan and his wiles. Read Michael Pearl's writing on the evils of porn and read it to your sons when you feel that they are old enough.

Make knowing and loving Jesus look like the most wonderful thing in the world! Be joyful and love your husband and children deeply. Pray daily for your family and for a hedge of protection around them. Do all you can to protect them from evil and then trust the Lord.

Let thy fountain be blessed: and rejoice with the wife of thy youth. Let her be as the loving hind and pleasant roe; let her breasts satisfy thee at all times; and be thou ravished always with her love.
Proverbs 5:18, 19