Sunday, April 13, 2014

Thinking Before We Speak

It is difficult for me to not just blurt out what I am thinking or write a response to a comment without thinking. The only problem with this is that it is so easy to say or write things that I wish I could take back. However, words, once out, can cut like a knife so I must continually learn how to ponder my words carefully before speaking or writing them.

God wants all of our words to be acceptable to him. Let the words of my mouth, and the meditation of my heart, be acceptable in thy sight, O LORD, my strength, and my redeemer. {Psalm 19:14} He also commands ~ Wherefore, my beloved brethren, let every man be swift to hear, slow to speak, slow to wrath. {James 1:19} This is a very difficult task for talkers like me!

What has helped me most is before I even get out of bed to quote Psalm 19:14 to myself and I also ask the Lord to give me wisdom in the words that I write. When someone asks me for advice, I try to ponder the question for awhile and even ask the Lord for wisdom in responding, trying to be sensitive to the feelings of those asking. 

It is a difficult line to walk sometimes when you want to speak the Truth boldly but also be sensitive to other's feelings. Sometimes the Truth is harsh and needs to be said. I never want to water down God's Word, for my desire is to please the Lord rather than men. In this day and age, when so many pastors are preaching that Jesus wants all of us to live in a large house and have nice things, we must know the Word and teach it without fear.

Many people are broken and stumbling and so in need of the Truth, so we must continue to speak and write it but we always need to do it in love. All of our words need to be carefully thought about before we speak, especially when we are angry. The more you practice this, the better you will get, especially with the God of the universe living inside of you giving you wisdom and strength.

***Seek those things which are above, for you are dead to sin and 
your life is hid in Christ with God. Now believe it!