Fractured relationships. Affairs. Broken Marriages. STDs. Addictions. Abortions. Debt. Eating Disorders. We often hear heartbreaking stories from women who've crashed and burned. And usually, it's because they've had some sort of "brake failure" {lack of discipline} in their lives.*
Are you a disciplined woman or do you struggle in this area? Did you know that one of the fruits of the Spirit living inside of you is self-control? Therefore, you have full access to self-control! It is this simple, we all wish.
We aren't perfect and never will be while we are on this earth but since we know that the God of the universe lives mightily within us, we have everything we need for life and godliness. Now it is a matter of believing this. In the meantime, we need to work hard to become the women of God that He calls us to be so we don't blaspheme His Word.
I saw a poster with these words being shared in Facebook; "I leave my house messy so that when my friends visit, they leave feeling way better about their own housekeeping skills. Yep, I'm that good of a friend! Just saying."
This type of attitude is shared by many in our nation today. A friend was visiting me today and sharing with me how so many of her youngest daughter's friends have so little self-control and their parents have no idea what to do about it.
A lack of self-control and discipline is usually due to not being trained as a child to have self-control. If you allow your child to be lazy, they will probably grow up to be lazy. If you don't discipline your child consistently and properly, they will probably struggle with it all of their lives. Therefore, make sure you discipline and train your children in this important area.
What if you are a grown woman who wasn't trained to be disciplined so you greatly lack it in your life. The Bible says to confess it and pray for it to be healed. Therefore, if you struggle in keeping your home clean and tidy, I don't care how many "methods" you try, they will fail without discipline. You need to have accountability in your life in this area. Figure out three things that you are going to insist upon doing every day such as make your bed and before you go to bed at night, make sure the kitchen is clean and the home picked up. Begin teaching your children now to help you and try making it a game with them. They will thank you one day.
A True Woman knows how to exercise restraint and how to make wise, intentional choices in her habits and daily routines. Those disciplines and choices flow out of a heart and mind that are under the Spirit's control. The grace of God and the work of Christ on the cross give the I-will power to say "yes" to the good, and the I-won't-power to say "no" to the bad.*
A True Woman knows how to exercise restraint and how to make wise, intentional choices in her habits and daily routines. Those disciplines and choices flow out of a heart and mind that are under the Spirit's control. The grace of God and the work of Christ on the cross give the I-will power to say "yes" to the good, and the I-won't-power to say "no" to the bad.*
Believe that you can do all things through Christ who strengthens you. One of the most important disciplines you can gain is to spend some daily time in the Word and in prayer.
Discipline is a good and powerful gift from our loving Father. He wants us to use our disciplined lives to glorify Him.
I discipline my body and make it my slave, so that,
after I have preached to others, I myself will not be disqualified.