Why does each generation seem to be growing farther and farther away from biblical principles? One of the main reasons is sending children to public schooling for most of their growing up years to learn from those who aren't allowed to say the name of Jesus or preach the Gospel at all. Did you know Dr. Laura is on the radio and has a Facebook Page? One of her threads had a picture of a chalkboard with this message written on it: 'I homeschool because I have seen the village & I don't want it raising my child." As I have grown older and wiser, I agree with this statement 100%.
The time has come for Christian parents to homeschool their children or find a solid Bible teaching school. We are a remnant and we must protect this remnant by teaching them God's ways all of their growing up years, as we are commanded to do by God Himself; bring them up in the nurture and admonition of the Lord {Ephesians 6:4}. With the access of pornography so easy to find now on cell phones, parents need to be more diligent than ever to protect their children from evil and fill their minds with Truth and the Gospel instead.
Now, let's talk about the push to send our children to higher education. Most universities and colleges are cesspools of debauchery; behaviors around them and in their teachings. This is clearly forbidden in Scripture. I would not want to be around people who were getting drunk, taking drugs, sleeping around and where false teachings are being promoted. No way! We are commanded to hate what is evil and cling to what is good; to dwell on the lovely and the good. Yes, if you have someone living in debauchery, love them and share the Gospel with them but NEVER hang out with them in their sin. Jesus spent time with sinners to give them the Good News of salvation!
As long as we embrace the satanic basis and model for education, we will be led by the nose to sacrifice our little boys and girls and sons and daughters in new and creatively destructive ways. Each generation will continue to surpass the last. All while the current generation of "Christians" wonders why - oh why! - is all of this happening...as they keep right on feeding their children to the beast. The subjugation and destruction of the family is a primary objective of the enemy. To that end, biblical manhood and womanhood must be undermined at every level and ultimately obliterated entirely. {source}
Please! Stop this nonsense of feeding your children to the beast and begin raising them to walk with the King. Read the Bible to your children daily. Turn on praise music and dance to it with hands lifted high. Be a model of Jesus to your children. Love them deeply. Discipline them consistently. Root out any rebellion in them. Teach them to pray. Teach them godly principles and make sure they know they are sinners in need of a Savior.
And thou shalt teach them diligently unto thy children, and shalt talk of them when thou sittest in thine house, and when thou walkest by the way, and when thou liest down, and when thou risest up.
Deuteronomy 6:7
***Before deciding where to educate your children, do you search the Scriptures while praying for wisdom and discernment before making your decision or do you decide based on what is easiest for you, what everyone else is doing and is "free"?
***Before deciding where to educate your children, do you search the Scriptures while praying for wisdom and discernment before making your decision or do you decide based on what is easiest for you, what everyone else is doing and is "free"?