Monday, September 14, 2015

Does Your Life Bring Honor to God?

In high school, I was NOT a full-time Christian. I did things that didn't bring honor to God. I remember a certain moment when I wondered about my life and if I should be living for Christ 24/7. Sure, I went to church every single Sunday; Sunday school and Christian summer camps all the years I was growing up. I would tell you I loved Jesus, but I wasn't so sure I lived for Him.

When I was 18 years old, I went to Westmont College, which was a Christian college. I distinctly remembering during my freshmen year, deciding that I wanted to make Jesus the Lord of my life and trying to honor Him in all that I did. I was tired of being a lukewarm Christian. I wanted my life to reflect Him in all that I did.

What does it mean to honor Him in everything? What does that look like practically? Mary Kassian wrote, "A reverent woman lives a God-centered life. She's wholeheartedly devoted to the Lord. She seeks to honor Him in every attitude, thought and action." It includes "turning from sin and faithfully obeying His Word."

We are NO longer our own. We were bought with a great price; the shed blood of Christ who suffered in our place so we could have everlasting life. When we grasp what Jesus accomplished for us through His death and resurrection, we should desire more than anything to live our lives as living sacrifices; wholly and completely dedicated to serving Him.

Does this come easy for us? NO! It's taken me my whole life to get where I am today and I still have a long way to go. Thankfully, the Lord is patient with us but He wants us to be growing in the wisdom and knowledge of Him. As you get to know Him better, you will want to live your life for Him and draw others to Him also.

"Reverence is an attitude of the heart. It should permeate every aspect of a woman's life. It ought to change the way she lives: how she walks, talks, dresses, and carries herself, her countenance, how she things, feels and acts." Whew! This is a heavy assignment from Nancy. How can we possibly live this way in every area of our life? By spending time with your Creator. The same power that raised Christ from the dead lives inside of you. You don't think that power is enough to change you into His image? Then you need to study the book of Hebrews and work on your faith; the quality of your faith and what you believe. Remember, our actions flow out from our thoughts and what we believe. If you believe you can never live a godly life, you never will struggle. Trust God at His Word. Trust Him that you can do ALL things through Christ who strengthens you!

Begin by getting rid of the idols in your life, especially the idol of yourself and thinking life is all about you. Stop being "slaves to much shopping or much TV or much Facebook." Begin by becoming servants of Christ and His righteousness. "It takes time and attention to cultivate a truly godly, reverent spirit." Don't waste your life on frivolities. I have two good friends who are suffering from pancreatic cancer. I hear of young mothers struggling with cancers that have spread through their bodies. Life is short. Only what we do for Christ will last. Stop spending your life on things with no eternal value. Live a life that draws others to Christ, not away from Him. Live a life that brings honor to God!

"If you are not intentional about becoming more spiritually mature, godly, gracious and reverent, you will likely become more narrow, bitter, whiny, crusty and petty as you age. Now is the right time to ask, 'What kind of an old woman do I want to be?'"

Whether therefore ye eat, or drink, 
or whatsoever ye do, do all to the glory of God.
1 Corinthians 10:31

***You can watch the follow up video by Nancy Leigh DeMoss and Nancy Kassian HERE.

*True Woman 201: Interior Design—Ten Elements of Biblical Womanhood, ©2015 by Mary A. Kassian and Nancy Leigh DeMoss. Used with permission of Moody Publishers. You can buy the book HERE.