Thursday, March 17, 2011

The Ways I've Gone Green!

Yes, I believe we should be good stewards of this planet the Lord has created for us so I am giving you the few ways I am green.  Feel free to add anything you do to be environmentally friendly!

Eat mostly organic food.  Stay away from chemicals and preservatives.

Use vinegar, water, splash of dish soap and peppermint essential oil to clean.

Line dry almost all of my clothes. They last a lot longer!

Garden...a little.

Turn lights on only when needed. Use the heater only when it is real cold.

Use appliances and cars until they are truly broken or crashed.

Have very little clutter and seldom go to malls. Love clear counters.

Cook almost everything from scratch. SO much better for you.

Don’t use chemicals in my yard except for very rare circumstances.

Recycle as much as possible.

Compost...a little. {Well, I stopped doing it when I was watering it one day 
and about 8 huge rats climbed out! Ewwww!}

Keeping our immune systems as strong as possible.

Use naatural healing remedies when we are sick. VERY rarely use drugs.

For the earth shall be filled with the knowledge of the glory of the LORD, as the waters cover the sea.
Habakkuk 2:14