Written by Ken and me
Some women are in
such rebellion to the Word of God that they will use any arguments and proof
texts they can to disregard the plain teaching of the Word concerning women
being silent in the churches, not teaching men, nor being in authority over
them. I received another letter from a woman trying to convince me that there
should be women preachers, and she claims it is her church elders that teach
this to the congregation. I am answering this in a blog post because I see many
others trying to manipulate the Word in a failed attempt to prove that women
can indeed be teachers, preachers and elders in the church. Her words, {let's
call her Carol}, are in quotes and italics.
“I have read
quite a few posts on women teaching the gospel and I understand that you don't
believe women should do so. I am also aware of the verses in the Bible that
back up your stance.”
These are
the verses that eliminate any question on this matter: But I do
not allow a woman to teach or exercise authority over a man, but to remain quiet {1 Timothy 2:12}. Let
your women keep silence in the churches: for it is not permitted unto them to
speak; but they are commanded to be under obedience, as also saith the law. And
if they will learn anything, let them ask their husbands at home: for it is a
shame for women to speak in the church {1 Corinthians 14:34}. A qualification to be an elder or and deacon is
to be the husband of one
“However, I
am wondering if you would be kind enough to take the time to explain to me why
you use these verses to say that women should not be preachers when there are
other verses that indicate that they can be? This is a very important question
for me, as I have grown up in a Christian home that follows the Bible yet we
have women teaching the gospel under the leadership of men. I do not write this
email to argue with you, or say that you are wrong or cause any
negativity, my question is a genuine one, and challenges the beliefs that I
hold. I greatly respect your opinion, and I love that you are courageous enough
and faithful enough to do what you believe God has called you to do in teaching
women how to live more Godly lives through your blog. The verses that
spring to mind regarding women preachers are these ones: Galatians 3:28
'neither male nor female ... for ye are all one in Jesus Christ' Act 10:34
'God is no respecter of persons.'"
Let's be
clear here, these verses say nothing about teaching or preaching and to link
them together is to wrestle the Word to say what one wants it to say. There is
not a whisper of the word preach or teach anywhere around these verses, so how
does one make this gigantic leap of logic to link the two? Instead, these
verses speak to God's view of all people, no matter what their race or gender,
intelligence or lack thereof. Each one of us is respected and valued by God
just the same. One could say that God values all persons, just as the verse
says, the saved and the unsaved, yet he finds no issue with sending the unsaved
to an eternity apart from Him. So why can't He value all believers, but tells
that women are not to teach in the church? One's value to God and one's
equality in the body of Christ have nothing to do with the role God asks men
and women to accept for the advancement of His church and Kingdom.
Carol asks
about this verse: "Would
God that all the Lord's people were prophets, and that the Lord would put His
spirit upon them! "{Numbers 11:29}
Matthew Henry’s commentary explains "these verses
seem to indicate that everyone who believes in God can be
a laborer in the field of spreading the gospel.”
We are all
to be witnesses in spreading the gospel and making disciples, but in the Church, God clearly
instructs that men are to be the leaders and the teachers. This same
design held 100% true for the Old Testament saints too, as all the priests,
leaders and teachers were men in the organization of the temple and synagogues.
But in extraordinary times, women did indeed receive the spirit of prophecy,
but this is not leadership or teaching in the Church. Christian women,
like men, are to evangelize their children, their friends, and whoever else God
places in their path. All our lives and witness should be a testimony to the Good
News of Jesus our Savior.
Carol then
asks about 1 Cor.
11:5, "For every woman that prayeth or prophesieth...."According to
my concordance, a prophetess is a female preacher.
Acts 2:17,18
"Your sons and daughters will prophesy..." indicates that women
preachers are a fulfillment of Bible prophecy.”
So here we
find in the immediate context of Carol's proof text verse, one of the most
powerful passages explaining the authority of man over woman, and that woman
was made for man:
“But I would have you know, that the head of every man is Christ; and
the head of the woman is the man; and the head of Christ is God but the
woman is the glory of the man. For the man is not of the woman: but the
woman of the man. Neither was the man created for the woman; but the woman
for the man” {I Corinthians 11:3, 7-9}.
It is in
this context of authority and head coverings that Paul alludes to women
prophesying. There is no doubt that such a thing existed in the early church,
but was it in a church setting, or rather in private or a smaller home group?
Follow the discussion below and it is hard to imagine the Apostle both saying
women should be prophesying in a church setting and just a couple pages later
telling women to absolutely "keep silent in the churches, for they
are not permitted to speak" {1 Corinthians 14:34}. Notice
the plural "churches" referring to all churches, not
just the Corinthian church.
Remember, the context is of a Corinthian church that the Apostle Paul is
hitting hard for its disorderly conduct and abuses. If one assumes that women
are allowed to prophesy, and Paul is not referring to this as an abusive
practice, then how does one reconcile it with his strong prohibition just a few
verses later against women speaking at all in the church? One must assume that
this prophesy is not in any formal church gathering, but perhaps in a smaller
home group, or other setting. I will let Albert Barnes speak to this from his
commentary as he seems to capture the various facets to the passage:
If it is now pled, from this example, that women should speak and pray in
public, yet it should be just so far only as this example goes, and it should
be only when they have the qualifications that the early
"prophetesses" had in the Christian church. If there are any such; if
any are directly inspired by God, there then will be an evident propriety that
they should publicly proclaim the will, and not till then. It may be further
observed, however, that the fact that Paul here mentions the custom of women
praying or speaking publicly in the church, does not prove that it was right or
proper. His immediate object now was not to consider whether the practice was
itself right, but to condemn the manner of its performance as a violation of
all the proper rules of modesty and of subordination. On another occasion, in
this very epistle, he fully condemns the practice in any form, and enjoins
silence on the female members of the church in public; 1 Corinthians 14:34. Barnes
So how do Carol and her elders reconcile this passage with the
idea that women may prophesy? Do they ignore the clear teaching for the one
which is unclear? Especially when Paul makes it crystal clear
that silence in the church for women is not his own personal opinion, but a command from
"The women are to keep
silent in the churches; for they are not
permitted to speak, but are to subject themselves, just as the Law also
says. If they desire to learn anything, let
them ask their own husbands at home; for it is improper for a woman to speak in
church. Was it from you
that the word of God first went forth? Or has it come to you only? If
anyone thinks he is a prophet or spiritual, let
him recognize that the things which I write to you are the Lord’s commandment. But
if anyone is ignorant, let him remain ignorant." {I Corinthians
It is interesting that our debate is over the one issue that
Paul claims absolute apostolic authority from God and relegates all those who
are unwilling to accept this plain teaching as "ignorant." Such strong
authoritative commands and language is rare in the scriptures, but
Carol and her elders would have us neglect the command preferring instead a
verse that is much less understood. It certainly cannot apply to the church
setting, but it may apply to other smaller gatherings, or evangelistic
meetings. And who do we you know who is truly prophesying in today's day and
age? We are told immediately in the next chapter, “Love never
fails; but IF there are
gifts of prophecy, they will be done away” {I Corinthians 13:8}.
Carol says, "God
used women preachers in the Old Testament including Deborah, Miriam, Huldah,
and Maher-Shalal-Hash-Baz's Mother."
Yes, He used
them but they were not leaders and preachers teaching the Word of
God and being in authority over men, in the Church, Temple, or Synagogue. Not a one of them. And every one of them
was the exception to the rule, not, as proposed, an example for other women to regularly
also used women preachers in the New Testament: The first message of Christ's
Resurrection was spoken by women to men. There was also Anna in Luke; Philip's
4 daughters who were all prophetesses; Priscilla who assisted Paul and taught
Apollos and Pheobe in Romans."
Carol uses
here a common technique in arguing for a position that has no merit. She and
her elders reclassify as "preachers" these examples of how God uses women,
significant women, in the New Testament. Now we are to stretch our minds to see the first few words spoken of the resurrection as teaching or preaching to men? How does one argue with such a fanciful proposition? We have no example of these
women preaching a sermon or message longer than a few phrases, but somehow this
is now preaching?
The women who spoke of Christ’s resurrection were not preaching, but simply
sharing the good news of what they had seen with the disciples. They were not exercising authority over men by teaching them in the church. Phoebe was a servant in the
church. Priscilla was always mentioned alongside her husband and we know nothing of
them except for their church planting work. If she is to be the model on which we base a new found belief in women preachers, then one has only a weak argument from silence, filled in by imagination.
Think about it. If God had intended to bolster the claim that women may preach,
why not have a sermon or two preached by a women in the Bible? Why did Jesus
not pick a woman to be a disciple and apostle? Why would God clearly say women
are not permitted “to teach
or to exercise authority over a man; rather, she is to remain quiet” {1 Timothy 2:12}? There it, at least four times plain as day. God did not
leave this important area of debate ambiguous. It's just that it doesn't fit
with the modern day churches' agenda.
So why would Carol and many churches like hers want to
twist and wrestle the scriptures to meet a need in the church that
does not exist? Are there not enough men who can preach and teach? On the
contrary, there are thousands upon thousands of godly men who could fill a
pulpit or teach, but the Church often does not use them. And now we are to
bring in the women as back up because... Why?
The answer has nothing to do with God's Word, or His will for His Church. It is
all about the Church trying to keep pace with a broken society. But the remnant
does not march in step with society and its new feminism, but instead
stays true to God's Word, even to the end. There is ample
opportunity for Christian women to make a powerful impact on the church, and
the advancement of God's Kingdom here on earth, without having to usurp the
role of men in the church. Perhaps women can begin by taking their primary
responsibilities of the home and raising the next generation of godly children seriously.
But don't let anyone tell women that their role is a lesser role in the church
or in marriage. It is simply a different and complementary role assigned to
them at the beginning of creation. And this assignment transcends
culture and time in the perfect and infinite purposes of God.
We stand with the apostles Peter and Paul on the matter, opposed to those who wish to wrestle the
clear teaching of the Word to obtain their objectives. As Barnes
eloquently writes of the apostles words:
"Let him be ignorant - At his own peril, let him remain so, and
abide the consequences. I shall not take any further trouble to debate with
him. Let him abide the consequences of rejecting the law of God. I have given
full proof of my divine commission. I have nothing more to say on that head.
And now, if he chooses to remain in ignorance or incredulity, the fault is his
own, and he must answer for it to God.” {Barnes Notes 1 Corinthians 14:38}
And as Peter says of the apostle Paul's writings, “There are some things in them
that are hard to understand, which the ignorant and unstable twist to their own
destruction, as they do the other Scriptures” {2 Peter 3:16}.