Saturday, June 11, 2011

Bringing Joy To Others

Ask yourself,  "Am I actively bringing joy to all those around me?"  What an incredible world this would be if everyone lived their lives asking that question, but at the very least, we can impact the world around us.  Actively trying to make others happy would improve your marriage, your children's lives, your friends' lives, the waitresses', the store clerks, the taxi drivers, and many others.  Every one needs some joy in their lives.

So I was listening to Dennis Prager talk about this today and his goal while driving with a taxi driver is to get the  driver to laugh.  He said his mother spread joy wherever she went whether it was with the mechanic, plumber, or neighbor.   I was going to the grocery store as I listened to this.  Both stores I went to I smiled and made conversation with the checkers.  Both were friendly and seemed to enjoy the conversation.  It wasn't difficult at all, but I bet it made their day a bit brighter to have someone interested in their life.

I challenge you to bring joy into every person around you today!  This is a good challenge and should be a life long one.  I think someone who brings joy to those around them is walking in the Spirit..."But the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, long-suffering, gentleness, goodness, faith, meekness, temperance..."  (Galatians 5:22,23)

Teach your children this.  Teach them not to complain.  No one likes to be around someone who complains.  Train them to be joyful.  It is a lot easier to learn habits when they are young and it will benefit them the rest of their lives.
