For one and a half years, I was literally flat on my back. I had a disc in the middle of my neck that was pushing into my spinal cord. It was extremely painful. I had burning pain and weakness all over my body down to my feet. I was in a bad car accident when I was younger; smashed between two semis and had double whiplash. From then on, I had lots of problems with my neck, headaches and pain down my back.
One day in August, several years ago, I could hardly walk and that is when an MRI revealed the extent of injury to my neck. I had my neck fused, which wasn't fun but I had no other option. Even eight months after surgery, I was in tremendous burning pain still flat on my back. I decided I must have inflammation in my neck from the disc being on my spinal cord so long. I started studying the Internet and found this site ~ Tendonitis Expert.
I followed the advice for a whole month; icing my neck 20 minutes on and 20 minutes off all day long every day and messaging the sore parts. I used frozen bags of peas or corn. In between icing, I would wiggle my neck all around to loosen up the muscles and scar tissue. After one month, I got out of bed and have pretty much stayed out of bed unless I injure it again by lifting something heavy or trying new exercises. If I injure it again, I just start doing the same thing and in several days it is better.
After neck surgery, I had extremely painful tendonitis in my shoulder so I started icing it a ton and messaging all the tender places using Trigger Point Therapy, which I also HIGHLY recommend for any type of muscle or tendon pain. Within several weeks it was better. Now it is completely fine. Whenever I pull a muscle in my back, I just start icing it 20 minutes on and 20 minutes off and in a day or so I am fine.
It works for almost everything. I broke my arm last year and just keep dunking it in a sink full of ice water and within several weeks it was well. So I encourage you to look at this website if you have any tendinitis or muscle pain and try it. It has worked for many people that I have told. Ice may become your best friend!