Sunday, April 7, 2013

Cultivating A Quiet And Gentle Spirit

You should clothe yourselves instead with the beauty that comes from within, the unfading beauty of a gentle and quiet spirit, which is so precious to God.
I Peter 3:4

This admonition from scripture isn't easy for us strong-willed, outgoing, and talkative women.  Does it mean we are to be quiet, never sharing our opinions, and not talk much.  I am not sure but I think quiet means quiet and gentle means gentle.

I think it is good for us to make it our ambition to lead a quiet life {I Thessalonians 4:11} and work with our hands.  One reason Paul tells young widows to get married is so they won't go around from house to house being gossips {I Timothy 5:13} because too much talk leads to sin {Proverbs 10:19}.

Therefore, I think when God commands us to adorn ourselves by being quiet, I think He actually means to learn to be quiet, something that is difficult for us talkative ones to  obey.  When we talk too much, we fail to listen to others.  We are too busy thinking about how we will respond.

Gentleness is also a quality we need to cultivate.  We need to learn to be gentle with people, not always insisting on our own way, not having to have the last word, and willing to apologize quickly when we are in the wrong.  These are all things I am still learning.

It is much easier to be submissive to your husband when you learn to be quiet and gentle.  It doesn't mean you can't tell him your opinion, but please, don't give him "a piece of your mind."  That, I am sure, is far from the heart of God.  Your husband is your leader and you are called to respect him.

I am sure my family would say I am much better than I use to be but I am still cultivating it!  I want to be known as a quiet and gentle woman.  I want to make myself precious to my Savior.  It is the least I can do for all He has done for me.

Making Your Home Sing, Inspire Me Monday
 Metamorphosis Monday, Imperfect Prose

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Beautifully said!
Jilly oxoxo
This is exactly what I needed this morning. Thank you. :)
Thank you, Lori. This is SO hard for me. I mean, it's a daily struggle. I'm very good at appearing this way to the outside world, but my family and friends know that it's not the "real" me. I feel much like Paul when he said that he knows the way he wants to be, but he just can't do it on his own (Romans 7:19). I will be leaving my job this year as a teacher and staying home full-time next year to raise my children, and I really aim to cultivate this type of spirit. Thank you for your honesty and for showing those of us who struggle that we are not alone!
Great post! I'm working hard at this as well! What are your thoughts on maintaining a quiet and gentle spirit when you are wronged?

I recently had someone really hurt me that goes to our church and I see often. I haven't talked to anyone about this except for my husband (as I try so hard not to gossip). Is it best for me to just ignore this or is it best to confront the person (who I am sure knows in this situation that I am hurt). I'm not sure what to do. I've been praying to forgive the person.
1 reply · active 613 weeks ago
I've been in a similar situation ... both as the one who was insensitive to another, and the one that felt "jumped on" ... As I've reflected on this, for me the best way to deal with it is to realize that possibly the other person had things going on in her life, as I have had in mine, that have led her to focus on them, and have interfered with being sensitive to those around her. Possibly gentle comments, such as "How are things going in your world?" might be a way to start back on a connected path. My prayers for you ... we have a wonderful, loving Heavenly father who "works everything out for the good"!
You are wonderful Lori. :) Thank you for your wisdom every day.
Well this was a timely reminder for me. I've expressed my opinion of a certain matter lately...and I don't think it was taken too well.

I'm still working on it.
a sweet post
I think it can apply marriage, friendships, the workplace

It is not a "be a doormat" Bible verse. It means here is a wonderful way to behave. If we all behaved this way life would be easier.

Well and having said that I have a long way to go ...I think that some people are born with this sort of spirit already and lucky them! :) For the rest of us it is "BITE YOUR TONGUE" ::)
I'm still cultivating it, too. But actively. I was born quiet, but so still need more gentleness and quiet inwardly. Beautiful challenge and I love the photo.
You have such a beautiful blog and what a lovely post!
Girl, this is right up my alley. Me in a nutshell, lol! You know I love me some talkin'! I always have to pray that the Lord will guard my mouth and slow me down and help me to listen, because talking comes naturally, listening is something I have to cultivate, lol!

Thanks so much for linking up to "Making Your Home Sing Monday" linky party today! :) You're right, you beat me to it, lol!
Wonderfully said, Lori! I am not talkative person and it’s good to know that with a very nice article I feel I am appreciated. Sometimes, I envy people that have a gift of gab when I my only strength is to listen to people. It makes me confident now that I too, have special qualities.. being quite and gentle :) Thanks for linking up!
Precious are the chosen Scripture(s) and your chosen words for today's message!!!
I am equally blessed by reading your profile, dear one!
Visiting from Susan's...your title caught my eye!!!
Quiet and gentle are so difficult to cherish and cultivate in our culture. Thanks for the reminder.
And when I am quiet, I don't say things I regret! It gives me time to be deliberate with my words and weigh their value. Very good thougths, Lori.
I often think this speaks a lot to the state of our inward selves which, of course, eventually shows outwardly. To have a gentle, quiet mind and heart, to be inwardly at peace, what a blessing, what a challenge!
I confess that I do not do that when it concerns my husband. I use words to hurt, I know that and its disrespectful. I suppose I think it will make an impact on him and he will change. I know in my heart I must stop and accept how he is........after all he accepts me as I am and that must be hard. I believe all you say, I understand it............yet my mouth has a mind of its own. I would never speak to anyone else that way so why why why??????. Pray for me please. I know God forgives but I must be more willing to be silent. Ugh!!!
great post
oh man, i find this SO hard. i am always speaking before i think. but yes. i want to be this. with all of my heart.

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