There is a video of Phil Robertson and his wife speaking about their marriage. I was very curious to see what they said about it so I listened. I am very happy I did! These are his words exactly ~
"Miss Kay is an exact replica of Sarah, Abraham's wife: kind, gentle-spirited and great work in God's sight...She treats me like a king. She literally treats me as her master. I don't force her to. She's just that kinda woman."
Kay is a godly, submissive wife who honors and obeys her husband, very rare indeed in this day and age.
Kay is a godly, submissive wife who honors and obeys her husband, very rare indeed in this day and age.
For ten years while Phil lived as a "heathen," in Kay's words, she remembered her godly grandmother's words, "'One man, one wife' and they never left me. You're going to have to fight for your marriage." After fighting for her marriage for 10 years and realizing she couldn't do it on her own, that is when she fell to her knees and came to her own faith.
Kay said that for ten years, Phil was mean while living a godless life. She would tell her three small sons that this mean man that they called "dad" was not who their real dad was. She stuck by his side through the "worse" part of "for better or for worse" and won him to the Lord without a word {I Peter 3:1}.
Kay said that for ten years, Phil was mean while living a godless life. She would tell her three small sons that this mean man that they called "dad" was not who their real dad was. She stuck by his side through the "worse" part of "for better or for worse" and won him to the Lord without a word {I Peter 3:1}.
Phil finally found Jesus. "The resurrection of the dead trumps the momentary pleasure of sin." He pointed to Kay and said,"That's my little sex machine over there and that's all I need."
By staying by his side for better or for worse, Kay sanctified her husband as the Bible says {I Corinthians 7:14}. She "renders him due benevolence." Kay is a great example for us to follow.
Even as Sarah obeyed Abraham, calling him lord:
whose daughters ye are, as long as ye do well,
and are not afraid with any amazement.
I Peter 3:6
Mbb · 586 weeks ago
Susan · 586 weeks ago
2happy4 66p · 586 weeks ago
Courtney · 586 weeks ago
lauraboggess 49p · 586 weeks ago
rachaeljdebruin 35p · 586 weeks ago
We need more examples of what sincere, devout christian couples would look like in the media...Thanks for sharing your post!
Katheryn · 586 weeks ago
Carlotta · 586 weeks ago
misti d. · 586 weeks ago
Guest · 586 weeks ago
Loved the episode where she wanted a new pet turtle and he sat at the edge of the water catching turtle after turtle until she found the one she wanted. And then, when she suddenly said she wanted the new one to have a 'friend' he went right back to catching them until she found another one to take home.
Darby Dugger · 586 weeks ago
Ken · 585 weeks ago
I read Cooper’s post with interest and became repulsed by his the ridiculous correlation between patriarchy and the objectification of women. I hate to even take the time to address his ridiculous postulations as they have zero merit, and if he was conscientious about his study of patriarchy he would know this.
The fact that Stu Webber accurately points out the obvious that women’s bodies were made for reproduction can in no way lead to Cooper’s conclusion: “In its hyper-sexualization of the female body, secular society upholds essentialist patriarchal ideals: women cannot think, theorize, write, speak publically, or be public leaders of men.”
Patriarchal ideals are against the objectifying of a woman’s body as a “one man - one wife ” ideal seeks modesty and keeping our wives and daughters out of any sexual limelight. This has been the pattern of Christian patriarchy since its beginnings. Sexual purity is of the utmost importance to anyone who holds a patriarchal view. Family is far more important to patriarchy than sex, relationships the ideal, not sexual things.
Webber’s quote says nothing about a woman’s ability to perhaps out think, out speak and out lead men, but only that men were built by God to find their natural bent in being the protector and bread winner of a monogamous relationship. Take one look at Lori and at me, understand her make up and mine, her stamina and mine, and you will quickly conclude that I am the one who should be working outside the home 50 hours a week to make sure that our family is well fed, dressed and has a comfortable roof over our heads; and Lori is better to insure that the house becomes a home and the kids are raised well. This does not mean that our roles never cross over, nor does it mean that she is not more intelligent, or a better thinker than I am. We simply must do our thinking and use our intelligence within the bodies and roles that God and nature has given to us.
Any true attempt to look at the objectification of women as sex objects will lead one far from Christian patriarchy. Instead I believe it can be found in the natural unbridled depravity of mankind and sin. Because sexual sin is so prevalent, the more sin abounds in a society the more women will be used, and viewed by many as an object to fulfill a fundamental need outside of God’s clear design for marriage. It is Hollywood who must bear the blame for the vast majority of our current views of women as sex objects as most movies and television regularly show women sleeping around outside God’s order and design.
This is so far from the ideals of patriarchy it is not even funny and I can only conclude that Cooper is some young student trying to become a professor some day at one of our large universities that Denis Prager rails against because of the almost complete lack of wisdom and intellectual integrity left in academia. Cooper writes an article that quotes an intelligent thought just to blurt out his own bias with an absurd correlation. I would never send my kids to a secular school to study religion or philosophy of religion precisely because they cannot learn the truth from a club of high minded thinkers who are contrary to anything truly Biblical or Christian because they have no anchor in God’s Word.
Ken · 585 weeks ago
"For although they knew God, they did not honor him as God or give thanks to him, but they became futile in their thinking, and their foolish hearts were darkened. Claiming to be wise, they became fools" (Romans 1).
I am very familiar with those who get Philosophy of Religion degrees at secular universities. The stuff they write, say, teach and believe is all about religion as if it is all made up by mankind and God does not really exist, or if He exists he cannot truly be known for he has not shown Himself clearly in History and through His Word.
Start with a false premise and you will end far away from any truth. The University system by its own admission is humanistic and is helping to build a new Tower of Babel based on intelligence and technology to take mankind to great heights. But in the end it is all foolishness until man puts God into the equation.
Just ask yourself this. With all you know and can see in the world system, if the God of Christianity is the true Creator God, would that not change almost everything in your perspective and in the perspective of Universities if just that truth were acknowledged?
The fact that you and I can carry on an intelligent conversation at all, is all the proof God needs of His existence, yet mankind works so hard to avoid the obvious that God not only exists, but has been reaching out since the beginning of Creation to create a family of God, and a relationship with all of mankind.
Read this list I just found on the dangerous things that Universities teach from Pager and you will find it includes: "We live in a patriarchal society, which is injurious to women." Prager
I enjoy your questions and hope that I am not coming off too harsh or difficult in my responses. That is certainly not my intent :) nor heart.
Courtney · 585 weeks ago
Alisha Jackson · 523 weeks ago