Tuesday, November 29, 2011

The Power Of Silence

She bubbles with the joy of the Lord.  She quotes scripture as if she has memorized the whole Bible.  She is madly in love with Jesus.

I had my Bible study group over for a luncheon.  We were sitting around my table sharing our lives together.  A very special time!  One of the woman shared her life and I thought you'd love to hear it...

She was raised in a Christian home.  Her parents were madly in love with each other and with Jesus.  She knew the right way to live.

She met a "hunk" when she was 18 and fell head-over-heels in love with him.  She was pregnant two months later.  He wasn't a Christian, but she married him anyways.   She knew she could convert him.

She preached to him constantly.  He would be eating his sandwich at work and bite into a Bible tract.  The next day he'd find his napkin with these words on it, "Repent or you will burn in hell!" Then she would have a big kiss on the napkin from her lipstick. 

He would use the restroom and on the toilet paper would be scrawled,  "Jesus is coming soon...Repent or you will suffer eternal damnation!"  She wanted him to be saved so badly.

Seven years after they were married when she had two children along with a baby in her arms,  he came home and said to her,  "I don't love you anymore.  I'm having an affair." 

The Holy Spirit spoke to her right then and told her,  "Stop preaching!"  So she went about her life without saying a word to him.  She was determined to win back his love.  She still desperately loved him.

He was an alcoholic.  He drank until 2:00 a.m at the bars every day.

One day she was washing the dishes and he came to her and said something like,  "I was reading in your Bible about lost sheep and needing salvation.  I want to be saved."  Right then and there, she led him to the Lord.  He hasn't had one drink since then which was many years ago.

The power of winning a husband without a word...the power of silence...God knows what He is talking about.  His ways are good.

Likewise, ye wives, be in subjection to your own husbands; that, if any obey not the word, they also may without the word be won by the conversation {the way you live your life} of the wives. 
I Peter 3:1