Sunday, November 20, 2011

Testimony From A Working Mother

Fascinating Womanhood still gives classes!  I had no idea but it sounds like it would be a good class for most women out there.

Jenny from The 21st Century Christian Wife wrote me this ~

This is a wonderful post....I could not agree with you more. I am a graduate of the Fascinating Womanhood online course and will be retaking in January to become a certified teacher. I LOVE your blog and follow you daily.

Thanks for posting the TRUTH about womanhood, we need more and more people to understand the importance of frugality, doing without, and staying home to mind the household.

I am so lucky, recently I was able to stop working and am now home full time again and loving it! Thankfully I was home while my children were young, then we went through financial problems and I went to work, however, this did not relieve the problem.

It caused more stress and confusion and disorder in the home than was worth the money. I want to be remembered for how good of a wife, mother, and servant of God that I was, that I was generous and devoted to taking care of the less fortunate, not that I made a lot of money and advanced in my career.

See, in today's society, if the family is struggling financially, the first thing they think of is to have the mother go to work outside of the home.  It should be a very last resort.  I have seen it destroy too many marriages.

What a man needs more than anything is a peaceful, organized and happy wife to come home to even if he doesn't realize it.  When a wife is home full-time, she can cook things from scratch, shop deals, stay home, and do everything as frugally as possible.  She also has the time to raise her children in the nurture and admonition of the Lord which is the most important thing!

If she works outside the home, this is extremely difficult.  Women can't do everything.  Each of us only has so much energy every day and if we work for a boss, we must give our best for him/her or we will be fired.  This is too much stress on a wife and marriage.

If you need extra income, consider watching a few children in the home.  Make some homemade items.  Be creative and pray.  God will show you a way for you to stay home if that is your desire.

I just watched the Duggers announce that Michelle is pregnant with her 20th baby.  They were all smiling and happy.  All the children sat there very well behaved and shared how they love being a part of a large family.

God provides.  Children are a blessing.  The best place for a wife and mother is at home submitting and obeying her husband.  I know these are all contrary to what society teaches but I believe God.  He has shown Himself faithful time and time again to me.  Believe!

Trust in the LORD with all thine heart; and lean not unto thine own understanding.
In all thy ways acknowledge him, and he shall direct thy paths. 
Proverbs 3:4,5