Fascinating Womanhood still gives classes! I had no idea but it sounds like it would be a good class for most women out there.
Jenny from The 21st Century Christian Wife wrote me this ~
This is a wonderful post....I could not agree with you more. I am a graduate of the Fascinating Womanhood online course and will be retaking in January to become a certified teacher. I LOVE your blog and follow you daily.
Thanks for posting the TRUTH about womanhood, we need more and more people to understand the importance of frugality, doing without, and staying home to mind the household.
I am so lucky, recently I was able to stop working and am now home full time again and loving it! Thankfully I was home while my children were young, then we went through financial problems and I went to work, however, this did not relieve the problem.
It caused more stress and confusion and disorder in the home than was worth the money. I want to be remembered for how good of a wife, mother, and servant of God that I was, that I was generous and devoted to taking care of the less fortunate, not that I made a lot of money and advanced in my career.
See, in today's society, if the family is struggling financially, the first thing they think of is to have the mother go to work outside of the home. It should be a very last resort. I have seen it destroy too many marriages.
What a man needs more than anything is a peaceful, organized and happy wife to come home to even if he doesn't realize it. When a wife is home full-time, she can cook things from scratch, shop deals, stay home, and do everything as frugally as possible. She also has the time to raise her children in the nurture and admonition of the Lord which is the most important thing!
If she works outside the home, this is extremely difficult. Women can't do everything. Each of us only has so much energy every day and if we work for a boss, we must give our best for him/her or we will be fired. This is too much stress on a wife and marriage.
If you need extra income, consider watching a few children in the home. Make some homemade items. Be creative and pray. God will show you a way for you to stay home if that is your desire.
I just watched the Duggers announce that Michelle is pregnant with her 20th baby. They were all smiling and happy. All the children sat there very well behaved and shared how they love being a part of a large family.
God provides. Children are a blessing. The best place for a wife and mother is at home submitting and obeying her husband. I know these are all contrary to what society teaches but I believe God. He has shown Himself faithful time and time again to me. Believe!
Trust in the LORD with all thine heart; and lean not unto thine own understanding.
In all thy ways acknowledge him, and he shall direct thy paths.
Proverbs 3:4,5
Jenny · 696 weeks ago
Thank you for sharing my comments. I love that picture! You ended with a scripture that I cannot get out of my head ever since the accident. I didn't understand why God would allow such a thing to happen when in my head, I was dong everything "right"....God has different plans for us. "So now I Trust in the Lord with all of my heart and lean not on my own understanding."
XOXOXO and lots of love,
Katy · 696 weeks ago
Bambi · 696 weeks ago
I do empathize with the above commenter. It breaks my heart. Many mothers would *love* to be home yet their husbands are not in the same place spiritually that they are. There was a time early in our marriage that I had to "convince" my husband that I could save almost as much as I was making by staying home. No sitters, no wardrobe, no fuel, no lunches out, the list goes on. I prayed and prayed for the Lord to change his heart and I sobbed for my little girls each time I had to leave them. But God. He softened my husband's heart over time and that's been 12 years and 5 children ago :) Neither of us could fathom my working outside the home now.
So pray for the Lord to do a work in your husbands! Submit and be content and pray. The Lord is faithful and whether He brings you home or not, you can rest knowing that you are obeying the Lord in obeying your husband.
Thanks again Lori--love your blog and your boldness in sharing truth!
Tiffany · 696 weeks ago
I believe so strongly about mothers being the ones in the home, raising their children...not the babysitter or the daycare teacher. No one, not even a family member, can love and teach your children the way you can.
I am a young mother of 3 (ages 4, 2, and 2 months) and my husband has a career that he loves but pays a very small amount. We decided before we were even married, that I would stay home with our (future) children. My husband feels as strongly as I do about it and has never expected me to get a job!
I always say, if we can get by on one income...anyone can! However, it takes a lot of planning and putting off "wants". So many working moms I know only work to pay for things they are in debt for. We live a very simple life - no new clothes, driving a used car which we paid cash for, no vacations, and most of our furniture is thrifted and fixed up by me.
To me, ANY sacrifice I have to make in order to be the one raising my children is MORE than worth it. There are so many little moments during the day that happen with my little ones, and it breaks my heart to even think of someone else having those moments.
Anyway - thank you for your thoughts. I really enjoy your blog!
Mara Wildflower · 696 weeks ago
Tracy Nault · 696 weeks ago
Jenny · 696 weeks ago
It took me a long time as well to help my husband to understand that I needed to be home full time. Much of that time I had to work because his job was not doing well. In 2010 he allowed me to go to 30 hrs a week which was much better. Much of this is a faith issue with men. I had faith that God would see us through; it took a little longer for my Jeff to have this kind of faith. Anyway, Then in 2011 God blessed him with an amazing job making more money. Remember now, I have been practicing Fascinating Womanhood since 2009...which has proven over and over, when done correctly, can assist your husband in making more money.
Well now being home full time, we still had a few moments of tension when he was extremely worried that I was not working outside the home. SO it is now my job to SHOW him that we can manage within his income. I think that is half the battle, show him it can be done. Don't just talk about it.
Also, PRAY. I prayed a lot...since 2006 and finally in 2011 my prayer was answered.
Jenny · 696 weeks ago
I actually said to my husband, "honey, I want to have more time at home to take care for you and our home and children and to serve the Lord, my heart is here in the home, I will do anything to help you to provide, to support you, I will make sure everything at home is taken care of so you can come home to a calm and happy home."
I also said this about the finances..."Honey, I am not doing a good job with the finances, you are so much better than I am at these things, will you please take it over, I am not able to do it very well." That worked! Not the first time mind you, there were several discussions about this and the biggest problem was MY pride not wanting to relinquish control.
Jenny · 696 weeks ago
We have to show them that we can save, work within a budget, be frugal, not shop without their permission, in fact, don't spend any money that they don't know about. One of the things I am working on today for Jeff is a weekly budget report which will be an account of all deposits and withdrawals and bills that need to be paid for the week.
I hope this was helpful.
Hugs and kisses,
Danielle Cooper · 696 weeks ago
Chris · 696 weeks ago
Brittany · 696 weeks ago
I want to stay home more than anything in the world, and I feel depressed a lot of days. It is my hearts desire, and I've never struggled with contentment on any other issue in my entire life.
However, my husband has been out of a job for over a year, and I'm the ONLY provider an we are barely making ends meet as it is. My husband just opened a coffee/ice cream shop in our town (something we prayed a lot about and felt led to) and we are praying it takes off so I can stay home, but it's hasn't yet. :(
Brit · 696 weeks ago
I'm sorry to sound depressing, I really don't mean to be. It's just so heavy on my heart. I hope you understand that not every working mom is doing it out of choice. If I wasn't working our house would go to foreclosure, we wouldn't have money for utilities, insurance or food and would be homeless. We are willing (and already are) to live with the basics, we don't need cable, phone, internet, new clothes, nothing. I don't want any of that; I just want to be with my babies!
It's SOOO hard, do you think I'm not following God because I HAVE to work? I'm praying that God will provide a way somehow for me to stay home with #3 because I don't know how much longer I can take this.
Mac an Rothaich · 696 weeks ago
Jenny · 696 weeks ago
Amy · 696 weeks ago
I know moms who have tried staying home, but were unhappy. Who am I to judge. One of those moms went back to a demanding full-time job. But her husband LOVES staying home and became a stay at home daddy. It works for their family. Mom is happy, dad is happy, and the kids are happy. God does not want us to be sad or feel guilty for doing what works for our own family. He wants us to be happy.