Before you read this, I want to make sure you know that I am a firm believer that if a wife or her children are in any way threatened or physically abused, they must quickly get help and protection. There is a big difference between being a doormat and a punching bag. These wives can win their man by getting him the help he needs from the authorities. This being made clear...
Jesus was a doormat. The Creator of the universe came down to earth and allowed sinful men to persecute Him, mock Him, and nail Him to a cross ~
For even hereunto were you called; because Christ also suffered for us, leaving us an example, that you should follow His steps: Who did no sin, neither was guile found in His mouth; Who, when he was reviled, reviled not again; when he suffered, he threatened not; but committed himself to Him that judges righteously.
I Peter 2:21-23
I hear many times that we shouldn't be doormats. Yet, we are called to be like Christ, even turning the other cheek. Jesus called us to be "the servant of all."
Now, I am not judging you if you refuse to be doormats. I just feel that a lot of women are giving up too easily in marriage these days. Everyone has a right to live life the way they feel called to live walking in the Spirit.
The scriptures give perfect guidelines how we are to live out our faith, but one of the greatest guidelines is to constantly check in with the Spirit while using God's Word as our foundation. I just want to reason with you... so you may ponder this important subject with me. I've been thinking about it as I mentor women who regularly tell me that they "don't want to be their husband's doormats." Then I look at Christ's example.
Right after the above verses, it reads ~
Likewise {just as Christ suffered}, you wives, be in subjection to your own husbands; that, if any obey not the word, they also may without the word be won by the conversation {lifestyle} of the wives.
I Peter 3:1
Scripture seems to state that wives may have to suffer under a husband's leadership with a husband that seems insensitive, lazy, uncaring, always late for dinner, doesn't help with household chores or the children, etc. It goes on to say ~
Even as Sarah obeyed Abraham, calling him lord: whose daughters you are, as long as you do well, and are not afraid with any amazement.
I hear many times that we shouldn't be doormats. Yet, we are called to be like Christ, even turning the other cheek. Jesus called us to be "the servant of all."
Now, I am not judging you if you refuse to be doormats. I just feel that a lot of women are giving up too easily in marriage these days. Everyone has a right to live life the way they feel called to live walking in the Spirit.
The scriptures give perfect guidelines how we are to live out our faith, but one of the greatest guidelines is to constantly check in with the Spirit while using God's Word as our foundation. I just want to reason with you... so you may ponder this important subject with me. I've been thinking about it as I mentor women who regularly tell me that they "don't want to be their husband's doormats." Then I look at Christ's example.
Right after the above verses, it reads ~
Likewise {just as Christ suffered}, you wives, be in subjection to your own husbands; that, if any obey not the word, they also may without the word be won by the conversation {lifestyle} of the wives.
I Peter 3:1
Scripture seems to state that wives may have to suffer under a husband's leadership with a husband that seems insensitive, lazy, uncaring, always late for dinner, doesn't help with household chores or the children, etc. It goes on to say ~
Even as Sarah obeyed Abraham, calling him lord: whose daughters you are, as long as you do well, and are not afraid with any amazement.
I Peter 3:6
This seems to encourage wives to not be afraid of submitting to them, because God is with them. He will never leave them or forsake them.
Many Christians have joined society in avoiding suffering at all cost, including relief through divorce. They rarely consider what the Bible says about suffering and their need for perceived relief propels them headlong into a whole new set of suffering and robs the husband or wife who initiated the divorce from ever seeing what God was willing to do for them if they had only patiently suffered for the sake of Christ.
I have a good friend whose Dad was very gruff and difficult. He beat up her brother while he was growing up, but her mother stayed with him until he died. He accepted the Lord almost on his death bed.
No one would have faulted this wife if she had left her husband, especially not me, and yes, her life was hard. I know she will be greatly rewarded in heaven as she showed the greatest of love. Both her kids walk with Jesus. I wonder if three souls might have been lost if she had not checked in with the Spirit and used God's Word as her foundation for life, instead of her own comfort and an easier life.
Believers are called to suffer for Christ's sake. Should we not suffer by trying to win our difficult men over to God, by following God's ways? A life with a difficult husband is hard. However, as I stated above, women divorce too easily these days... often because they are not "happy."
May God give you the strength to stay with your man if he is a Peter, and the wisdom to know when to run for help when he is a Judas. Peter had a good heart but made mistakes, and this kind of man needs Jesus to love him through you.
This seems to encourage wives to not be afraid of submitting to them, because God is with them. He will never leave them or forsake them.
Many Christians have joined society in avoiding suffering at all cost, including relief through divorce. They rarely consider what the Bible says about suffering and their need for perceived relief propels them headlong into a whole new set of suffering and robs the husband or wife who initiated the divorce from ever seeing what God was willing to do for them if they had only patiently suffered for the sake of Christ.
I have a good friend whose Dad was very gruff and difficult. He beat up her brother while he was growing up, but her mother stayed with him until he died. He accepted the Lord almost on his death bed.
No one would have faulted this wife if she had left her husband, especially not me, and yes, her life was hard. I know she will be greatly rewarded in heaven as she showed the greatest of love. Both her kids walk with Jesus. I wonder if three souls might have been lost if she had not checked in with the Spirit and used God's Word as her foundation for life, instead of her own comfort and an easier life.
Believers are called to suffer for Christ's sake. Should we not suffer by trying to win our difficult men over to God, by following God's ways? A life with a difficult husband is hard. However, as I stated above, women divorce too easily these days... often because they are not "happy."
May God give you the strength to stay with your man if he is a Peter, and the wisdom to know when to run for help when he is a Judas. Peter had a good heart but made mistakes, and this kind of man needs Jesus to love him through you.