Sunday, November 6, 2011

Tim Tebow's Mother

Steven, my 24 year old son, is in dental school in San Francisco.  He is planning on attending orthodontic school next July.  Each orthodontic school only takes three to seven students per year, so it is highly competitive.  He has been going on interviews all over the states for the past several weeks.

He was in Minnesota last week and got on a shuttle to go to the airport one morning.  A woman steps in and the driver asks her, "Are you his wife or mother?"  She responded, "His mother."  Steven didn't think much about it.

She sat next to him and they chatted for the 35 minutes it took to get to the airport.  She was very friendly and asked about him.  Then he asked where she was going.  She said she was going to some college in Florida to watch a football game.

She said she loves football and all three of her boys played football.  She said one is even playing for the Denver Broncos right now.  Steven asked her what his name was and she said, "Tim Tebow."  {Oh wow!!!  The most popular player in the NFL!  I asked Steven if he told her he had a cute sister at home that would be perfect for Tim. ;)}

Steven said she was a godly woman.  I researched her a bit then.  They were missionaries.  She has five children.  They are all walking with Jesus and involved in some type of ministry.  She home schooled all of them through high school.  Her marriage is strong.  They are a family who loves Jesus and follows him.

Tim always wore Bible verses under his eyes on the black stuff during college.  He has never been ashamed or afraid of letting others know how committed to Jesus he is.  May he continue to be a light for Him!

I was thinking that his mother needs to have a blog.  Maybe she has one, because she sure has done something right in raising five children who walk with Jesus.

Train up a child in the way he should go: and when he is old, he will not depart from it. 
Proverbs 22:6

I have no greater joy than to hear that my children walk in truth. 
III John 1:4