Sunday, November 24, 2013

Preachers Who Don't Tickle Your Ears

My favorite kind of preachers are those who aren't afraid to speak Truth, who teach the whole Bible, even the uncomfortable portions.  I like preachers like Paul Washer, John Piper, and Mark Driscoll.  I have been reading some of Rick Frueh's writings lately and am challenged by them.  I like to be challenged.  Here are some words of a recent post he wrote ~

WHAT DO YOU HEAR???????????

I hear the panicked sound of demons as they scurry to steal, kill, and destroy before they are bound. I hear the whole world preoccupied with this world as they neglect the world to come. I hear the cackles of Lucifer's legions as they mock God's people and their anemic commitment to the Savior Himself. I hear the satisfied groans of Satan as his massive deceptive shift from the unseen to the seen has produced results far beyond his expectations. I hear the clinking of coins as believers lay treasures upon treasures on this earth. I hear the echoes of the empty prayer closets and the silence of the unturned pages of God's Word. I hear the constant sound of the last sands of the hourglass hitting the bottom but void of the bold prophets of God unashamedly calling us to prepared repentance.

He isn't interested in tickling our ears.  His main desire is to wake the sleeping church up from its slumber and be passionate about spreading the Gospel.  He doesn't want us to be lukewarm, complacent Christians but Christians who go into the world and love sinners by showing and telling them about the love of God.

Time on this earth is short.  It is so easy to get comfortable in this easy American life.  Eternity is forever and we are called to Seek those things which are above, where Christ sitteth on the right hand of God.  Set your affection on things above, not on things on the earth.  For ye are dead, and your life is hid with Christ in God.  
Colossians 3:1-3