Tuesday, November 15, 2011

Fruit Bearing Daughters

He looked at the congregation and hollered, "You Mothers, stop producing daughters that only produce flowers without any fruit!"  Daughters who only care what they look like on the outside.  Who want the latest fashions.  Who spend hours on their hair and nails.  Who dress to attract the opposite sex.  Who only care about themselves and their needs...Ugly!

Spend time instead, mothers, developing their inner person.  The one that will live on into eternity. 

One that is gentle and quiet. 

One who loves God with all her heart, soul, mind, and strength and loves others as she loves herself. 

One that likes to serve others and make others happy. 

One that is generous and kind to the outcast and hurting. 

One that knows God's Word and hungers for it. 

One that is salt and light to this fallen society. 

One that is learning what a godly helpmeet is and not expecting a future husband to meet all of her needs and make her happy. 

One that will be true to her commitments and vows of marriage. 

One that loves babies and children and doesn't mind being inconvenienced to give herself as a living sacrifice.

This is what mothers need to be training their daughters.  God's ways bring happiness and joy.  The world's ways promise to do that but end up being empty promises. 

Teach her right from wrong.  Help her learn where to get wisdom and then hold tenaciously onto it.  For it is life.  God is life.  Teach her that living for Him and pleasing Him is all that matters.  Then she will have the abundant life that Jesus came to give.

This is what true beauty with lots of good fruit looks like.

Your beauty should not come from outward adornment, such as braided hair and the wearing of gold jewelry and fine clothes. Instead, it should be that of your inner self, the unfading beauty of a gentle and quiet spirit, which is of great worth in God’s sight
I Peter 3:3,4

Modest Mondays

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Mommy of two's avatar

Mommy of two · 697 weeks ago

Agree. I thought about this today as my daughter received yet another compliment about her appearance. She's so pretty! While I am grateful for such compliments I think they are a bit dangerous. She is only 6 but she already heard bazillion times and it is going to her head. She already believes that's what people judge her by and what is important. Our culture and people's comments, however well intentioned they are meant to be, feed our daughter with the idea that their appearance is super important from very young age. And it is true, it is our job, as their mothers and role mothers to stress the importance of an inner person. To help them cultivate their personality in fruits of the spirit and not to mimic any of the ugly behaviors the so called "pretty girls" display in real life and on TV: conceit, backstabbing, shameless flirting.
Science Teacher's avatar

Science Teacher · 697 weeks ago

It is great to teach women to be Godly, but where is the advice on raising young men? I know your blog focuses on helping women to become better wives, but what of those of us that are following this advice and still not finding men who want us to share their lives? I'm nearly 30, and have been practicing gentleness, kindness, and acceptance in my relationships, and yet, I'm still single. Each guy I date says I'll make a great wife, but he wants a girlfriend, not a wife- that is too much responsibility.

Where is the advice to fathers (and mothers) to raise boys that honor women and look upon marriage as favorable instead of an unnecessary hassle?
1 reply · active 697 weeks ago
The only blog I've seen that encourages good qualities in men is the art of manliness blog. They are not specifically centered on raising children or even specifically Christian (but not anti- either), but they encourage men in the unique way that men encourage one another and that we women just cannot copy without sounding like foghorns and nags. Look there for your inspiration and advice. :) I know what you mean about the dearth of such blogs for men. Keep at it, they are out there and you'll be led to the right one if you pray on it and wait for the right time.
Ack! I forgot about the Mothers Of Boys society's page - so there is another one: http://www.themobsociety.com/
We are struggling to do this right now. I came from a home where no one ever told me I was pretty so I laid it on thick to my daughter. She truely is beautiful and is told so by other people all the time. Now it has gone to her head and we are trying to work on inside beauty.
Amen and amen. Thank you so much for sharing!!
I have 2 daughters whom I hope we are raising to bear much fruit. As far as sons, I pray for sons that have been raised the way this mom is raising hers; (suggestion for the mom above who wondered about raising sons to honor women) http://www.raisingrealmen.com/
Powerful! I do not have a daughter, but I will put these practices to work in my own life. So much truth! Thank you :)
This is good, and so very true! As a mother of two young daughters, I can add a hearty "amen!"

Kristy @ Little Natural Cottage
I found your website from Kelly's Korner.....and all I can say is WOW! I have 3 daughters and this post really caught my attention!
I am blessed to have you share your wisdom and insight with all of us at 'EOA'. This is just what we need to hear. May we all reassess what is really important to get right in the short time we are here. God bless you and your household as you hold out the light in this dark world. It is so good to meet like-minded women! Looking forward to getting to know more about you through the weeks ahead!

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