Thursday, December 22, 2011

Believing In Santa?

When Alyssa was five years old, our pastor taught that celebrating Christmas was great.  Just get rid of Santa.  Christmas should revolve around Jesus and His birth, not Santa.  We thought that was very good advice so we went home and broke the news to Alyssa.  {We have it on video and it is quite funny.}

Needless to say, she was not happy about this.  She cried and complained, but finally she understood that Christmas was about Jesus and we, her parents, bought her gifts to celebrate His birthday. 

Ryan, at three, was listening in so Ken put him on his lap after telling Alyssa.  He was upset for a few minutes then stuck his finger into Ken's face and said, "You is Santa Claus!"  Very precious moments.

Christmas is about Christ and we want to keep it that way.  I know there are some Christians who refuse to celebrate it because of its pagan roots, but we celebrate it as Christ's birth. 

I am sure God in His grace and love doesn't mind if we celebrate something with such wonderful and warm memories.  He is a loving Father and enjoys seeing His children enjoy the life that He has provided for us.

Since we have a personal relationship with Jesus..."And He walks with me and He talks with me and He tells me I am His own..."  {That song is running through my head!}, every day is spent celebrating Him and what He has done for us.  Christmas is a time to get together with loved ones, share special memories together, and remember what Jesus did for us. 

I respect those who don't want to celebrate Christmas.  I just don't like it when they get legalistic about it and tell others they are sinning if they do celebrate Christmas.  Even then, it really doesn't bother me.  Everyone is allowed to have their own opinions.  I just disagree with them!

P.S.  Don't get too discouraged about society throwing out Christmas and making it something else.  They will NEVER be able to get rid of Jesus...He is here to stay!  Hallelujah!  {And we know who wins in the end.}

For unto you is born this day in the city of David a Saviour, which is Christ the Lord
Luke 2:11