Wednesday, January 2, 2013

Winning Prodigal Children

Some of you feel you raised your children wrong.  They have walked away from the Lord and His ways.  Maybe you didn't raise them in the church and in the Word.  Maybe you did and they still walked away.  You feel hopeless.
Being angry and frustrated with them won't help.  Becoming more like Jesus and letting them feel His love for them through you is what will help.  You must immerse yourself in God's Word and let Him change you.
You can't change yourself no matter how hard you try.  God can change you if you let Him.  Meditate on His Word.  Ask Him to come into your life and take over.  Believe you can do all things through Him who strengthens you.
If your children see you joyful, content, and loving, they will want what you have and ask you about it.  When you see them, smile at them, hug them, and love them.  Let your life preach Jesus to them.  Loving Jesus should make us the happiest and warmest people to be around.
I think too many parents turn their children off to Christianity because they seem so unhappy.  They complain about things and rarely smile.  There is no love between mom and dad so why should they want that?
Love your husband.  Love your children.  Be content and stop complaining about anything,  Be thankful instead and full of praise.  Your children will be much more attracted to Christianity if they see this being lived out in front of them.  Let love win your children back to Jesus.  If we are called to love our enemies, surely you can love your lost children.
But I say unto you, Love your enemies,
 bless them that curse you,
do good to them that hate you,
and pray for them which despitefully use you,
and persecute you.
Matthew 5:44

Proverbs 31, Miscellany Monday, Playdates With God