There is a blog written by two beautiful women who are in their late 20s and still living at home. Their father believes that his daughters should live under his roof so he can be their protector and provider until they get married. I'm thinking Jim Bob Duggar believes the same. However, several of his daughters have become midwives through study on the Internet and being taught by woman in their community. Some refer to this practice by families as Patriarchy.
These people are absolutely ridiculed for living their lives this
way. We have come SO far from respecting fathers' authority in the home that it is
mocked if it goes way beyond what they believe is acceptable. However,
fatherlessness is the single major predictor in poor outcomes {violence, early
sexual involvement, suicide, depression, etc.} for children…Fathers impart a
sense of identity, provision, and protection that mothers don’t. If you don’t
know who you are {identity} and you don’t have provision and protection from
exposure to evil in a controlled manner to help overcome it, you’re more likely
going to be willing to do things to fill the void that was left there.*
Our society is dying due to lack of strong father figures, yet many ridicule those fathers who want to take a strong, active role in raising their children in the nurture and the admonition of the Lord. Yes, maybe these fathers take their role too far, in your opinion, but it is better than way too many who aren't even around to raise their children. One in three children live without a father in the United States today.{source} You can find multiple articles about the devastation this is having on children and society. As our society gets more dangerous and evil, I don't blame fathers at all who want to do all they can to protect their precious daughters.
Those against God's ways use ridicule as their most potent weapon, because there is no defense to ridicule. Ridicule is irrational with no facts or logic that one can argue against. They ridicule anything they don't understand and they definitely don't understand God's Word and His ways. Their eyes are blinded to it so it makes no sense to them whether it be submission, keepers at home, modesty, purity, etc. Therefore, don't take their ridicule personal. Live your life boldly by obeying God's Word. If you are convicted about something, don't allow ridicule to change your mind. Stand firm in the faith.
And, ye fathers, provoke not your children to wrath:
but bring them up in the nurture and admonition of the Lord.
Ephesians 6:4
*The man who made this comment is looking for a godly wife!
Genny · 526 weeks ago
hiswife522 43p · 526 weeks ago
I don't know why anything surprises me anymore, but I was dumbfounded recently when some female Christian friends of mine (who also happen to serve their church boards) resorted to ridicule of a mutual friend we had who still lives at home, under her father's care, and is in her 20s. The vulgar accusations that were made, based on nothing but their own fears, were appalling. They were encouraging her to rebel against her parents wishes. It is not only a problem in the secular world, it is deeply ingrained within our churches as well! While I'm certainly not a master, but rather a very intrigued student, the study of logic can be very beneficial as we converse with people regarding God, the Bible, Christian life and many other things.
Ksdee · 526 weeks ago
What is really painful is to see how men are represented especially in tv shows today, versus a few short decades ago. Because the media permeates/mirrors societal behavior. One of the greatest thrills of my life is to love a man who knows he is a man. This is not necessarily always easy!, yet who he is has also helped me to stay in touch with who God created me to be....not who society wants. I enjoyed the man's post, too!.
Linda Kay · 526 weeks ago
It is not PC, but my husband has the authority in our home, whether or not I "allow" him to.
Tony · 526 weeks ago
Jo · 526 weeks ago
Sadly I do think that men in general are being treated very poorly by a segment of society but in saying this, I think we are seeing a small but growing number of younger men taking a more active role in their children's lives (whereas in previous generations men worked such long hours they often missed much of their children's growing years). These men are finishing work on time, taking their children to the park to play, being actively involved at school and much more hands on at home etc.. and I think this is very positive.
Tony · 526 weeks ago
Patt · 526 weeks ago
It's something I don't understand. If a 20 year old gets married and pregnant, we happily say she is responsible for baby and leave her in her own home with kids, to care and watch over them. But an unmarried 20 year old somehow is in such need of provision and protection, and still needs her dad to watch over her in his home? It seems to me that if a woman that age can be trusted to live in her own home *with children,* she should certainly be trusted in her own home *by herself* even if she isn't yet married.
Sheree · 526 weeks ago
Tony · 526 weeks ago
But as a husband and father i want nothing more to protect over them!! My daughters when they get older i will always watch over them. When they are married i will watch over them from a far but will always be apart of there lives. Parenting the right way is the toughest reaponsibility we have!! I love my wife and children and i wish i could them all in a bubble wrap and keep them safe!!
Deb · 526 weeks ago
Rob · 526 weeks ago
But while we were there we respected the house rules that were in place. Its respect for authority given those circumstances. If you are an adult living with parents. Its a privlidge not a right!!!
Maria · 526 weeks ago
LRN · 526 weeks ago