You're tired of putting up with your husband and his sins and faults. You're ready to give up and get out. You've done everything you can to make your marriage better but he still isn't living up to your expectations of him. Well, one woman has some powerful words for you if you are in this situation ~
Marriage is a microcosm of the relationship between a believer and Christ. In marriage, we learn of commitment, self-sacrifice, love, and more. The man loving and protecting the woman teaches us how Christ loves and protects us; the woman respecting and serving her husband teaches us to serve and respect Christ. Once we understand this, the concept of divorce is so much more deplorable.
I've had plenty of women come to me with stories of what their husband has done or failed to do, looking for my support, hoping I will validate the choice they want to make by telling them, "Yes, he has done enough. God would want you to go." Instead, I ask a question, "Are you done being forgiven by Christ?" Maybe you have forgiven and forgiven, and you feel like your words fall on deaf ears. Maybe you are tired of having the same conversation over and over with seemingly no end in sight. Maybe you aren't happy about the person he is at this moment. So what? Couldn't our heavenly Father say the same of us?
What if God was tired of forgiving us because He had done it so many times before, far more times than "we" have ever forgiven anyone? What if He was tired of His words falling on deaf ears, which they do, and decided to cut His losses? Do any of us think that He is totally happy with who we are at this moment? He asks for perfection, and tells us to strive to perfect ourselves, with His help and power, so unless we are perfect than we are not yet what he wants us to be. Forgive as you want to be forgiven. If you are done being forgiven by Christ, then by all means be done forgiving others. if not, then it is time to buck up and learn about patience and self-sacrifice.
I'm sorry, women, but this life down here isn't easy nor is it supposed to be easy. We learn a lot more through our trials than through our good times. During our hard times, we must cling to Jesus and trust in His strength working through us. I know many of you struggle through difficult marriages but your time is not wasted by serving and pleasing your husband. God sees every single act of service that you do and you will be rewarded for He promises us that we reap what we sow. Therefore, take hope since He has overcome the world and will be faithful to fulfill all of His promises to us.
These things I have spoken unto you, that in me ye might have peace. In the world ye shall have tribulation: but be of good cheer; I have overcome the world.
John 16:33
What if God was tired of forgiving us because He had done it so many times before, far more times than "we" have ever forgiven anyone? What if He was tired of His words falling on deaf ears, which they do, and decided to cut His losses? Do any of us think that He is totally happy with who we are at this moment? He asks for perfection, and tells us to strive to perfect ourselves, with His help and power, so unless we are perfect than we are not yet what he wants us to be. Forgive as you want to be forgiven. If you are done being forgiven by Christ, then by all means be done forgiving others. if not, then it is time to buck up and learn about patience and self-sacrifice.
I'm sorry, women, but this life down here isn't easy nor is it supposed to be easy. We learn a lot more through our trials than through our good times. During our hard times, we must cling to Jesus and trust in His strength working through us. I know many of you struggle through difficult marriages but your time is not wasted by serving and pleasing your husband. God sees every single act of service that you do and you will be rewarded for He promises us that we reap what we sow. Therefore, take hope since He has overcome the world and will be faithful to fulfill all of His promises to us.
These things I have spoken unto you, that in me ye might have peace. In the world ye shall have tribulation: but be of good cheer; I have overcome the world.
John 16:33
Katie · 518 weeks ago
Frustrated and needing to release some stress, I cleaned up many fallen and heavy, dead branches out of part of out shelter belt all day yesterday while my husband was gone. He normally doesn't want me doing hard labor outside, just keeping the house up, caring for our daughter, and some light yard work and gardening. After a hard week I was determined to show him I wanted to be an active part in his farming and that I'm capable of more than he realizes (I grew up on a farm and was always outside helping). He was surprised at how much I had done and after telling him how much better I feel doing physical work outside, he is agreeing to let me do a little more around the place. But I have to ask him first to see if it's safe and if he has tools or suggestions that would make it easier. He said our older nephews really should've done that work with chainsaws, or a tree service, not me and didn't like seeing the cuts and bruises on my arms. Kind if disappointed in that since I feel so great seeing that huge pile of wood I cleared all by myself, and asking his permission makes him seem more like a parent than a husband. My father-in-law, who farms with him, was also bothered seeing me do that yesterday and he wouldn't even say hello or acknowledge my work. All of the men in that family are the same and I still take it as an insult. I get that I need to just be thankful as other women have to help a lot outside and don't enjoy it. I just need my husband to know how much of a stress reliever it is for me and had to prove myself to them.
I suspect pride is part of it, I know it is for me. I keep praying about the schooling issue too, though I know in my heart he isn't going to budge. I will try apply your post and love him the way he needs me to and forgiving him. Lord knows how much He and my husband have forgiven me and stuck with me through my faults!
Lori Alexander 122p · 518 weeks ago
Anthea · 517 weeks ago
I don't wish trouble on you, don't get me wrong, but some people think it's as it was when they went to school themselves, and that little Johnny will be fine. I always remember that I went to school in 1970 -- 1970 --- when flares were in fashion the first time round!
Your husband might also be trying to protect you from the responsibilities of home educating, thinking that he is sparing you troubles or burdens.
Lisa · 518 weeks ago
Anon · 518 weeks ago
Jo · 518 weeks ago
Keep your face to the Sunshine and you will not see the Shadows. ~ Helen Keller ~
Lori Alexander 122p · 518 weeks ago
Anon · 517 weeks ago
Anon · 517 weeks ago
Jo · 517 weeks ago
Today's blog is all about finding contentment :)
My Facebook page is:
Anon · 517 weeks ago
helen UK · 517 weeks ago
thank you for your post, it sounds like you are doing really well and your trust is where it should be, in God!.
I don't think however if you can find a godly woman to pray with you to offer you prayer support and a kindly ear to listen, it would be wrong to share something of your life. As long as it is not to moan or criticise, but rather, to support you in prayer, a godly mentor offering support is not wrong!. You say that you are 'good at keeping up appearances', but this can be a terrible strain as I have seen first hand with a friend. To have someone to lift you up in prayer continually and 'knowledgeably' pray for your husband too is a great help. James 5 has great advice about praying for each other in our troubles.
Helen UK
FREEINDEED! · 518 weeks ago
Terry Covey · 517 weeks ago
Jaimie Hawkins · 456 weeks ago
I typed, "... what do you pray when you are tired of your marriage?" on Google when the words of your article drew my attention. After reading it, I knew God specifically wanted my eyes to see this. The question, what if God was tired of forgiving us because He had done it so many times - put things back into perspective. The answer, No I am not done being forgiven by Christ.
Lori Alexander 122p · 456 weeks ago