Thursday, April 23, 2015

Is There a Formula for Raising Godly Children?

We loved raising our children. They have been the greatest gift from God in our life. We took raising them VERY seriously. We made sure our children grew up in the nurture and admonition of the Lord and taught them to be obedient to us from the time they were very little. {The only reason I use my children as an example so much is because they are the only children I raised and have experience with!}

We NEVER labeled them! I am sure one of my children would have been labeled with some learning disability if we had them tested. I am so happy we never did and they are doing GREAT today. We always wanted them to know who they were IN Christ, not from who others said they were or labeled them. Their identity comes from God and how much He loves them. They were created for Him and His purposes. {I realize some children have serious learning disabilities and need help. This was NOT my child.}

 The very most important thing we did in raising our children was to preach and live the Gospel in front of them as best as we could. No, we were far from perfect but we did do some things right by God's grace! We loved others. We were never mean to others. We forgave easily. We never held grudges.  We taught them life wasn't fair and that self-pity was satanic. We taught them often about the Lord and His ways. We trained them in the way we wanted them to go. No, I wasn't a submissive wife and have repented of this, but we were faithful to each other and didn't argue in front of the children.

Every single Thursday night, I would take all of my children and any neighborhood children who wanted to come to AWANA where they would memorize MANY Bible verses. I was VERY ill during this time but this was an absolute priority in my life. I wanted their roots to go deep into Jesus and know His Word. We must not expect the church or anyone else to preach and live the Gospel to our children. God commands that we take the responsibility for this task. It falls on our shoulders and we must be determined and consistent with living it out on a daily basis. God's Word should be written on the doorposts of your home!

I have been criticized for acting like there was some "formula" for raising godly offspring. There are no guarantees they will chose to follow Jesus, but God sure makes it clear about this ~

Let the word of Christ richly dwell within you, 
with all wisdom teaching and admonishing one another 
with psalms and hymns and spiritual songs, 
singing with thankfulness in your hearts to God.
Colossians 3:16

***The beautifully framed verse in the picture was done at my request by my very talented daughter-in-law, Emily, who does wedding calligraphy and custom signs like this one and can be emailed at or followed on Instagram at emprintcalligraphyco. 

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I remember reading so many Christian parenting books when my kids were younger. They riddled me with guilt and we could just never follow them. I stopped reading them and just started talking to them about Jesus and seeing Him every where. Movies and books became huge topics for discussion about why we believe what we believe. I remind my teens that they can't ride on the coat tails of my faith but must have their own. No formulas but you need to talk to them. I could go on and on about this...but won't ;0)
1 reply · active 518 weeks ago
There are no formulas, Christy, just God's Word and his principles which are our handbook for living! Thankfully, His Spirit works within us to accomplish His will
What a wonderful post, Lori, and reminder to always be careful of how we behave in front of our children. They are always watching us! I love the calligraphy of your daughter-in-law! It is beautiful!
1 reply · active 518 weeks ago
Thank you, Theresa. Yes, she is a very talented young woman!
I love learning from you Lori! You give me hope that my kids will turn out well. It's hard because although we are doing all we can, we worry the world's influence will be stronger than ours. Our oldest is only 7, so we don't have much experience yet. But I hope my children will turn out as well as yours!
1 reply · active 518 weeks ago
Just keep teaching them Truth, Tiffany. They will NEVER forget it and it will be an anchor for their soul!
Much joy in a job well done, and reassuring for children to know that our God is a God of love, and that love follows them every where!
1 reply · active 518 weeks ago
Faith, hope and love and the greatest of these is LOVE! I love you, Aunt Genny, and I sure hope I get to see you this summer!
good advice thank you very much because it helps much to my daughter. Thank you, God bless you

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