Sunday, May 15, 2011

My Testimony

My home, when I was growing up, was filled with arguing.   My parents argued most of the time.  {They hardly ever argue anymore and truly love each other now.}  It was all I saw in a marriage relationship as a child.  

When I got married, there were many things I wanted to change about Ken.  I knew best and I wanted to make him into the best possible person he could be, because I thought that was my job.  I manipulated, nagged, and tried to control him.  We argued all the time.  I wanted him to treat me special so I thought if I nagged and pouted enough, he would treat me special.  A huge wall was built between the two of us. 

After 23 years of marriage, we decided marriage was basically a partnership.  It was a very sad admission, but it was the conclusion we reached.  That is when I read a book that completely changed my thinking~ 

It told me that my job was to make my husband happy, not holy. 

That I needed to be joyful and happy around him. 

That I needed to learn to please him and serve him. 

That I needed to stop arguing with him and always having to be right. 

I started smiling around him. 

I asked him what pleased him. 

I started thinking positive thoughts instead of negative thoughts about him. 

I decided I needed to be his wife and not his mother. 

I listened to him and let him be right. 

Know what?  He has become the husband that I always wanted him to be.  He adores me and enjoys being with me.  He wants to make me happy.  It amazes me at the ability I had to decide to change my thoughts and behavior that were so destructive to my marriage into thoughts that made a great marriage.

So this is the reason for writing this blog.  I want to be an inspiration to women of all ages that their marriage can get better.  I am that older woman who wants to train the younger women to love and serve their husbands...

That they may teach the young women to be sober, to love their husbands, to love their children.
Titus 2:4