Saturday, May 26, 2012

Keep No Secrets

Many people carry deep, dark secrets in their life.  It causes sickness, depression, guilt, and pain. 

Maybe they had an abortion when they were young and no one knows about it. 

Maybe they are addicted to pornography and won't tell anyone. 

Maybe they are a glutton and gorge themselves in secret. 

Maybe they are addicted to gambling and keep finding ways to hide the losses. 

Secrets breed in darkness.  Secrets can eat you alive.  Exposing them to the light brings healing.  Confessing them to someone you trust helps to rid yourself of the guilt and pain.  The Bible says ~

Confess your faults one to another and pray one for another, that ye may be healed.  The effectual fervent prayer of a righteous man avails much
James 5:16

Yes, the moment you repent and believe in Jesus Christ, you are forgiven for all your sins ~ past, present, and future but God wants us to use other people and their prayers to help us overcome the sin and secrets in our lives.  This keeps us accountable.  It keeps us from walking the path alone. 

We have the Holy Spirit as our Counselor, the Word as our guide, and God's people to help us along in this journey called life.  We have everything we need for life and godliness.

Don't keep secrets, especially from your spouse.  Lay everything bare and let the healing begin.   The truth does set us free and walking in the Spirit and freedom is a wonderful place to walk!

Here It On Sunday, Playdates With God