Sunday, June 9, 2013

Everybody Loves Alisa

Cassi picked up Ryan, a very good friend ;), from the airport recently.  Her Aunt Alisa texted her to stop by so they could meet him.  The next day, Cassi told me about their visit.

She said Alisa and her husband, Greg, asked him a bunch of questions.  They looked him right in his eyes and listened carefully to his answers.  They were warm and friendly with Ryan.  Cassi appreciated it so much.  They made Ryan feel very comfortable and at ease in a new environment where many family members and friends would be checking him out...

Alisa has become an amazing woman of God.  She loves Him passionately and wants every one to know that Jesus is the most important person in her life.  She also knows that loving others is a command she takes very seriously.

When you are with her, she gives you her undivided attention.  They are the family I mentioned in a previous post that turns off their smartphones at dinner and with friends so it won't interrupt the time they have with others.  She looks people in the eyes and listens carefully without interrupting.

She is generous and loves to make people feel welcome.  She loves having people over for meals and when company comes to stay, she makes sure they have a good time.

The picture above is Alisa with her family.  Gregory just graduated from dental school.  On the left of him is his precious girlfriend, Maria. {Gregory always wanted a wife just like his mother and I think he may have found her!}  Everyone loves her.  Nick is to the left of Alisa and just graduated from college.  Her husband and Ali are to her right.

God has blessed Alisa.  Sure they have had trials.  Haven't we all?  Yet, she remains steadfast in her love for Jesus, her family, and others.  She is an inspiration to many people and her greatest desire is to please her Lord and Savior.

This you know, my beloved brethren. 
But everyone must be quick to hear, 
slow to speak and slow to anger.