LeAnn admits she did feel "pathetic" during the affair and subsequent media firestorm that happened in its wake. "I couldn't get out of bed. I became this person that I never knew existed within me, and I did not like her at all."
So even people who don't claim to be Christians feel shame about having affairs and destroying families. She is worried the same thing could happen with her current marriage. What a miserable way to live!
Is there no hope for marriages to last? Can every marriage, including Christian ones, fall to adultery and divorce? If you look around, yes, every marriage is capable of failing, especially since most couples are not doing marriage the biblical way.
Unfortunately, our churches are not fighting against divorce very hard and don't seem to be making marriages any stronger. I have been to many marriage retreats and seminars. I mentor many women who have been to all of them, plus marriage counseling, plus reading many marriage books and they are still miserable in their marriage.
Where is our hope? Where can we turn? Perhaps God and His Word will help...He lays out His ideas for marriage very clearly. The husband is the head of the wife. He is the leader. The wife is his help meet who obeys her husband and wants to please him. The roles are clearly defined but rarely obeyed or taught.
Every single time a women clearly understands her role and starts acting it out in her marriage, her marriage starts turning around. She starts winning her husband. She knows, after awhile, that she has saved her marriage and there is peace in the home.
Sinning {having an affair, being an unsubmissive wife, etc.} never turns out to be much fun. It may look fun in the beginning but ends up to be very bitter fruit. Being pleasure seekers and getting our way instead of God seekers and pursuing His ways always leads to a dead end path of destruction.
So if you know someone who is having an affair, know that they are miserable no matter how much fun they appear to be having. You cannot live in rebellion to God and enjoy life no matter how hard you try. True peace and happiness only comes through obedience to God and His ways.
But he said, “Blessed rather are those
who hear the word of God and keep it!”
Luke 11:28