Saturday, March 15, 2014

Her Handsome Husband And Their Love Story

Pam was a part of the first group of women I ever mentored. I am not sure why she came since she has a gentle and quiet spirit and was a fabulous wife. I guess we can all learn and grow no matter where we are in life. I asked her to share her love story with us and she happily agreed!

How did you meet your husband?

This is one of the first questions I love to ask couples. I am always amazed at how God works to bring couples together. I love my Handsome Husband and this is how God brought us together ~

I was working and going to college at San Diego State. I had been hired for a new job with {better hours} and was to start training the day I received a call saying the company had over hired and I was not going to get the job after all. I had already given notice to my other job and was so very disappointed.

A friend told me about a job her sister was thinking of applying for at a department store selling cosmetics. I had no experience or training but went down and applied anyway. I was amazed I got the job!

I worked there for less than a month when two guys came in and got on some exercise equipment that was for display only. There were even signs and it was completely roped off! My new boss asked me to go over and get those boys off the equipment.

I marched over and said, "Excuse me, can't you read this equipment is for display only. You need to get off right now." One of the guys looked me straight in the eye and smiled. He said, "How else was I going to get you over here to say hi?" Oh my, what a line. He and his friend did get off the equipment and I smiled and walked away grateful they had complied.

The next day that same guy came in with a dozen roses and apologized in front of my boss.

We started going to lunch and he came and met my parents. We even started teaching Sunday School together. We began to see that we had so much in common. The best part was his strengths were my weaknesses and mine were his. We seemed to help each other to be better people {that is so God}.

My handsome husband says he knew that day I was going to be his wife. I  know that God had a wonderful plan. I am so grateful and so blessed I did not get the first job and so grateful to be married to my best friend. He is a wonderful husband and father and best of all, a godly man.

I always say being married to my handsome husband is a like  being on a fun ride at Disneyland. It has its ups and downs, sometimes it is thrilling and other times it is scary but we are on the ride together going the same direction and trusting each other, keeping God first in our lives.

I am my handsome husband's wife and his sweetheart going on 26 years. We are blessed and grateful God brought us together. I have never wanted to be his mother and reprimand him and nag him or his teacher and tell him what to do or how to do it. I am and will always be his sweetheart , his biggest fan, supporter and cheerleader.

I can remember our Wedding day and repeating our marriage vows ~ 

Do you take this man as your lawfully wedded husband to love and to cherish him in sickness and in health for richer or for poorer forsaking all others and keeping God first in your lives till death do you part? 

It was my handsome husband's idea to add keeping God first in our lives and we do.
How did you meet your husband?

I am my beloved's, and his desire is toward me.

Song Of Solomon 7:10

***Pam has a beautiful decorating blog HERE.

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My husband and I met at a creation research conference. We're both science nerds. We were standing in line at the luncheon and he told a joke to the lady behind him in line (who was right in front of me). She didn't get it, but I overheard and laughed at it. We started talking and he sat at my table. We ended up attending the same sessions that afternoon and sat together and talked some more. In one of the sessions, I came in just before it started and all the seats were taken. But he saw me come in and gave me his seat (very chivalrous!). He also gave me his card so I wouldn't forget his name (good move!). We started emailing after the conference and, seemingly coincidentally, I ended up moving a couple weeks later to within an hour and a half drive of where he lived (but it was God moving me to where we could actually get to know each other). We started dating about a month later and I knew by the end of the second date I was going to marry him. I found out later that he knew he was going to marry me when we left the conference where we met.
When I was 16 years old I walked into my local Carl's Jr. and asked for an application. I filled it out right then and turned it in and the manager sat with me right away. After the interview he went to the back of the store for a bit and came back and hired me. Easiest job to get ever. I didn't know at the time but in the back doing some fries was a 19 year old boy Jason. The manager loved Jason and came back to ask him "what do you think?" He had seen me come in and told him "Hire her." We only ended up working together for 2 weeks, but he would often be silly and would talk to me on shift. One day he abruptly quit and didn't show for work. After my shift I went to the gym and while I was waiting for my dad to pick me up he walked in. I asked him "Hey! Why'd you quit!?" and he told me that he had gotten a better job and had to start immediately. My dad pulled up. Jason quickly asked me what I was doing that weekend. He says he knew if he didn't say something right then that he'd never see me again. So we went out with a group that weekend and that was the start of our true friendship. We were dating about a month later. We've been together now 19 years. I love that he's the one who pursued me. I think there is something brave about it and is a manly quality. Someone who knows how to go after what he wants.
Richard Meyers's avatar

Richard Meyers · 573 weeks ago

Lori/Ken - I have been lurking on a certain site filled with mentally I'll, angry people who have been attacking your family and beliefs from every which way. I'm sure you know the site I am talking about. I don't want to mention it here. IF you wish to seek any type of legal repercussions against that website, I can provide you with information regarding the owner there (name and other info your lawyer would appreciate). The fact that they are intentionally trying to manipulate google into providing unfavorable search results is, by itself, grounds for libel and harassment as well as intimidation, since it means they want people to see these vile things and in doing so hope it damages your reputation/business.
Thank you Richard,
I am aware of the site and decided a couple pf weeks ago to engage these people to try and set the record straight and see who all is behind what at times appears to be an evil curtain of hate.

I have discovered that on an individual basis the group is probably harmless but I am quite disturbed about their manipulation of the Google crawler to defame and spew profanity upon innocent people who simply search for their own name, or name of someone they know and get hit with the evil spew. I have asked the owner whose moniker is "Curious" to rectify the transgression but have been told that she will not do so. Legal action may be a possibility, but I hope not to need to use it as my impression is that she is not truly a bad person. She does believe that the ends justifies the means, and wants to hide behind the 1st Amendment with what is called Snark, and blames the Internet for the issue instead of the people who use the Internet and the Google Crawler as a weapon. I do have many attorney friends who might relish the fight as I assume it is not just us they are abusing the Internet with, all in the name of trying to protect against abuse. Ironic.

Perhaps you can contact me by email and we can discuss the situation further. I am trying to appeal to the people on that site to use common human decency, but so far all I have received is a lot of manure, and a little perspective that may prove helpful in broadening my world view.Some on the site actually believe they are doing a service of some sort to attack conservative Biblical blogs like this one. It is messed up thinking justified by a world view that is myopic in scope, yet they would accuse us of the same. But we are certainly not attacking them, I am not sure what to do with them, ignore, fight, or try to continue reasoning with them.

"Mark them which cause divisions and offenses contrary to the doctrine which you have learned and avoid them." {Romans 16:17}
Happy Wife's avatar

Happy Wife · 573 weeks ago

I met my husband when I was 19 and he was 22. I was in the college cafeteria and accidently spilled my soda all over him. ~giggles now but I was red in the face then~ The next day he found me and bought me a soda, he just said to make sure I don't spill it.

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