Monday, March 31, 2014

Duck, Ladies!

Submission is ducking so God can hit your husband!  This is a cute illustration that shows perfectly how powerful and easy submission truly can be.

Men are made to fight or flight. If you fight and argue with them, they will fight and argue back or they will flee. Sometimes this is an emotional fleeing into a protective shell. So the more you fight them, the worse your marriage will come. No man has ever crawled out from under his wife's criticism to become a better man, as Debi Pearl so eloquently states.

When you lovingly accept your man the way that he is, God can convict and change him. As you draw closer to the Lord and become more like Jesus {kind, considerate, loving, not easily offended, forgiving, full of grace and mercy, gentle, etc.}, the more your husband will be drawn towards you instead of away from you.

Submission is your greatest evangelistic tool. It is so opposite of what the world teaches or our natural inclination. We want to fight for our rights, get our own way, and we think we are always right. All of these push men away from women. We wonder why so few men want to marry women these days.

What feminism teaches is polar opposite of what God's word teaches. Be strong! Be independent! Fight for your rights. It has caused havoc between the sexes, destroyed families, and led to the slaughtering of millions of unborn babies. God's Word teaches us to be strong in Him and in His might, be dependent upon Him and live in obedience to His Word. We are called to deny ourselves, even laying our lives down for others. The servant of all is the greatest of all.

So next time you want to argue back with your husband, mentally think of yourself as ducking and allowing God to take charge of your husband. He does a much better job. Any changes we make in our husbands don't last, but God's changes will.

Likewise, wives, be subject to your own husbands, 
so that even if some do not obey the word, 
they may be won without a word by the conduct of their wives, 
when they see your respectful and pure conduct.
I Peter 3:1,2

***Remember, you are a new creature IN CHRIST, 
covered by His grace and mercy, and walk in newness of life!