Tuesday, March 3, 2015

The Wow Factor!

Years ago, I read the Tightwad Gazette and remember the "Wow Factor." It was when you were deciding to spend money whether it was going out to eat, go to a movie theater, or some other way, you needed to decide if it was worth the Wow Factor.

For instance, let's take eating out at a restaurant. My mom, sisters, daughters, daughters-in-law, and nieces {anyone who is in town and can make it} get together every couple of weeks. We just love being together talking about marriage and fun things. We share what is going on in our lives and learn from each other. We used to go to a restaurant in the late afternoon when they have early bird specials. It was fun, BUT we decided awhile ago to just go to one of our homes instead. 

We usually sit on the couches around the coffee table in front of the fire. Everyone brings food and we have a blast. We save money since we're not eating out. We don't have to worry about it getting too noisy to hear each other since it's just us. We know what's in the food and it's all healthy. It's warm and cozy and we stay A LOT longer than we did in the restaurant.

Therefore, the Wow Factor of having our get-togethers in a home far outweighs going to a restaurant. Going to a restaurant normally costs at least three times the money that you'd spend eating at home, so you should really only decide to go to the restaurant if you think it will be three times more fun than eating at home. It's not, in my opinion. I almost always enjoy home-cooked food and a homey atmosphere to any restaurant.

Do the same with movies. Do you enjoy going to the movie theater four times more than you enjoy watching a movie at home, since it cost probably four times more than watching it on your big screen at home, if you have one. I don't enjoy a theater that much more than home. The movie is usually way too loud for me, I can't stand most of the previews, and I'm more comfortable at home.

When you are deciding whether or not to spend money, try to figure out if the Wow Factor is worth it. Many times it is not. We can learn to be content at home, eating our own food, and watching our own televisions, especially if you have a lot of debt that needs to be paid off.

What was an evening at home like, one hundred years ago? A simple homemade dinner enjoyed by the entire family at the kitchen table, where stories were told, lives were shared, and everyone listened to each other intently. This was followed by adjournment to the living room for games or study or reading by the firelight, and then early to bed, for the candle had faded, and day had turned to night. {Miriam Lukken}

The key is to learn to be content. Be satisfied and thankful for what the Lord has blessed you with, especially eternal life with Him, our sins have all been paid for, and we're free to walk in victory! Be wise with your money and your time, for this pleases the Lord.

For He has satisfied the thirsty soul,
And the hungry soul He has filled with what is good.
Psalms 107:9

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We rarely go out to eat or to movie theaters. In fact, my husband and I had been married about a year before we ever went to a movie theater together and I think we've gone maybe 5 or 6 times total in our whole marriage (of almost 5 years now). We eat out a little more than that, but only for special occasions (like our anniversary) or when we're travelling, or once in awhile when we take a family day to go shopping or take a drive with the kids. We want it to be an occasional treat, not a normal occurrence - not only because of the cost and health aspects, but because it's more special that way.
1 reply · active 525 weeks ago
It does make it much more special if it isn't often. Many people today eat out more than they eat at home since so many women don't like to cook. I have seen nice, fancy kitchens being seldom used.
This is good to remember - especially since we live in a culture that demands that couples have weekly "date nights" out (read: $$$$) or our marriages will be seriously deprived. Our culture also equates not eating out, not going to the movies, etc., with deprivation and poverty - rather than contentment and simplicity. It's easy to let our expectations get out of hand.
1 reply · active 525 weeks ago
Great points, Diana. A cheaper "date night" is to put all the bed early and then have the next few hours alone together!
In my opinion date nights are very important especially when you have children. And if the husband can afford to budget for the night say a small meal and a movie than that should happen. I think of it this way. I own a business and work hard to support my family. My wife homeschools 2 of our 3 kids. One is in school. My wife hardly gets an opportunity to leave the house. So we can make our popcorn and treat and go to a movie. !t helps my wife with a change of scenery which is good or her. Date nights do not have to cost alot of money. But they are very important especially if the wife is a stay at home mom. She needs the break outside the home once in awhile. It's my way of showing my wife how much i appreciate her and all that she does at home. I don't think society demands it; i think its a husbands way of showing appreciation for all she does. That's my opinion Date nights don't need to cost alot money. They can be as simple as a coffee and a great conversation.
1 reply · active 525 weeks ago
Yes, I have two young boys and I am a SAHM. Saturday we are usually blessed to have my husband's parents watch the boys for the late afternoon and evening. So nice to go out and grab a bite, and have quiet time for a bit afterwards. I don't watch (grown-up) movies at home because I usually fall asleep in the evening! I like to people watch, also.
We rarely go out to eat. With 3 children, it's usually not worth the effort. Occasionally we'll get take out for a treat but it's still very rare. I haven't been to a movie at all since my 1st child was about 9 months old. My husband and I haven't been to a movie together since before I was pregnant with our first child. We'd rather just wait for it to come out on netflix. It's cheaper and easier for everyone. ;)
1 reply · active 525 weeks ago
I agree! There are very few movies that I feel are better seen on a big screen.
We do a lot of coffee dates at home. We can get organic coffee for less than $10/lb.

When we go out to eat, we like to pick places with foods that are more difficult for me to create at home. Indian food and Ethiopian food are both good examples. Anything at most chain restaurants can be made much better at home. Netflix, redbox or simply buying a favorite movie/television series are more economical than going to the movies.

A fun thing to do with girlfriends is an at home spa day. Homemade facials and manicures can be frugal. A lot of manicure supplies can be bought at the dollar tree.
1 reply · active 525 weeks ago
Great ideas, Nora. Thanks!
I couldn't agree more!
I agree Nora, but what i meant was for a wife who is home all day, its nice to get a chance to get out and enjoy sometime in a different atmosphere. But you are right it doesn't matter rather its a coffee date at home, a coffee shop, or Netflix at home. My only thought was if you have kids its good to get a sitter and enjoy some time out of the house.
2 replies · active 525 weeks ago
Those couples deep in debt need to do all they can to get out ASAP, in my opinion. I encourage them to just put the kids to bed early, pop popcorn and snuggle on the couch watching a good movie!
Sunshine 68's avatar

Sunshine 68 · 525 weeks ago

I agree with you Rob. It is nice to have a change of scenery and it makes me feel good that my husband is showing me his appreciation. I am sure your wife appreciates you thinking of her. I will keep the "wow factor" in mind because it sounds like a good philosophy on all things. New clothes, groceries and even things for our home. If you really think about certain items costing a good three to four times more it does make you think twice. I can live with less of most things but it is nice to spend time with my husband away from home too.
I enjoy date nights. We don’t have a regularly scheduled one, but go out when there is something we both want to see (concert, movie or play) or if we have a BOGO coupon to a favorite restaurant. I especially enjoy live theater and that just doesn’t transfer well to TV. I enjoy dressing up and feeling like a woman on a date, and I enjoy relaxing over a meal I did not prepare or have to clean up. For me, date night definitely has enough wow factor to make it worth the occasional cost.
1 reply · active 525 weeks ago
As long as you can truly afford it and it's worth it, that's great! It's not worth going deeper into debt as so many couples are in today.
I love the wow factor reminder. It will be something I'll have to keep in mind whenever a choice is given to me.
My husband isn’t one for going out much in the evenings which is why he hardly ever goes to the movies, theatre or restaurants. He is very content to watch movies at home, eat meals at home and avoid restaurants (we occasionally get take-away-meals and eat them whilst watching a movie), however he is happy for me to go to the theatre with my theatre group or go to a restaurant with my book-club of friends. He isn’t into date nights but we do occasionally enjoy a coffee on the weekend together and go for a walk.

I use to buy lots and lots of books (a passion of mine), but due to space issues and the cost of books, I borrow almost all of mine from the local library. This has been a huge saving. We also watch lots of DVD that I borrow from the library – all free which makes them even more enjoyable!
1 reply · active 525 weeks ago
I've been giving the books I have read away since I rarely read the same book twice. I am also getting some books on kindle since it isn't more clutter!
Great ideas for inexpensive date nights! My husband and I live in the country, and we love to simply go for walks and enjoy the land we're blessed to farm. I also feel better getting more steps in also instead of overrating and overspending at a restaurant. It's just too easy to do that when eating out, for me anyway.

I am reading Erin Harrison's book, "Living Virtuously". Wow - what an amazing lady! I feel like she is speaking directly to me at times. I also like how she incorporated some of your teachings in her book as well! It was a pleasant surprise to see that. I've been highlighting a lot, including page 46 where you advise to think before speaking and even praying before you respond. The entire book is really a blessing!
Hi, Nice post I enjoyed reading it. Can I contact you through your email? Please email me back. Thanks!


1 reply · active 525 weeks ago
Sure. laalex2@aol.com

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