Modesty is not a popular word in our culture; neither is submission, keeper at home, and chaste come to think of it. I asked women in the chat room what modesty meant to them and received some great responses!
Modesty is clothing yourself in a way that does not attract undue attention, and serves to bring interest to your face, your character, and what you have to say instead of your body.
Modesty is clothing that is not drawing attention to
yourself in any way...including showing off or showing too much of your body,
highlighting your income/status/position, and even drawing attention by being
sloppy/not put together. I personally include the wearing of bright colors or
patterns. I just try to not have attention on ME. I would rather others not remember
my outfit, and instead remember the smile I wear or the tone of my voice when
speaking in love to them
I try to apply the opposite of the saying, "If you've got it, flaunt it."
Maybe we have a nice income that is abundant. This doesn’t mean I need to dress and
live to show off my income bracket. Thinking eternally is what matters. Our
clothes will burn in the end and our money, too. Our faith, hope, love, good
works, character, etc. are those that will remain. These are worthy of showing off!!
Modesty to me is how we present ourselves to others. It goes
beyond how we dress. It includes our attitude, how we speak, how we think, our
manners, and how we treat others. It's a form of ministering to others. From my
husband's perspective, a modest woman is someone with a beautiful spirit, but
also a woman who takes good care of herself, doesn't overeat, is pleasant,
joyful, positive, dresses stylishly but not provocatively, is discreet but
lovely in appearance, wears natural looking makeup, shaves her legs and wears
deodorant and a feminine perfume. I mentioned that because we
once met a Christian lady who believed God wanted her to keep her body as
natural and as modest as possible, so she didn't use deodorant, nor shaved. It
bothered both of us, but it was extremely difficult for my husband to even
speak to her.
Just asked my husband what his definition of modesty is and he answered, "Someone who is not self-centered."
"I define modesty as covering yourself up and not presenting yourself in a sexual way."
"I define modesty as covering yourself up and not presenting yourself in a sexual way."
My husband made me giggle when he answered "How the
Bates and Duggars dress and act. Modest is humble." Those families have
been a blessing to us.
As you can see from these responses, everyone knows when they see a modest woman. They stand out in the crowd today because they are different. People are attracted to a gracious woman of integrity who doesn't demand attention by the way she talks, dresses, or acts. Let's commit to being modest women in all areas of our life. This mean consciously thinking before speaking and acting. After doing this for a while, it will become a habit that comes naturally. God commands that we be separate from the world. Let's be separate in everything since the world today is ugly and the Lord is a God of beauty and order. May we all reflect this beauty and order by having beautiful spirits.
Charm is deceitful, and beauty is vain,
but a woman who fears the Lord is to be praised.
Proverbs 31:30
As you can see from these responses, everyone knows when they see a modest woman. They stand out in the crowd today because they are different. People are attracted to a gracious woman of integrity who doesn't demand attention by the way she talks, dresses, or acts. Let's commit to being modest women in all areas of our life. This mean consciously thinking before speaking and acting. After doing this for a while, it will become a habit that comes naturally. God commands that we be separate from the world. Let's be separate in everything since the world today is ugly and the Lord is a God of beauty and order. May we all reflect this beauty and order by having beautiful spirits.
Charm is deceitful, and beauty is vain,
but a woman who fears the Lord is to be praised.
Proverbs 31:30
girlwithadragonflytattoo 36p · 450 weeks ago
You should read the post! I go into a lot of the questions most Christians would have about why the Bible would say she was wearing something that could be seen as a costly status symbol. The purple is also mentioned all throughout the Bible, and I go into that as well, along with the commentaries from Biblical male scholars about what it all means.
Here is the post if you're interested:
Lori Alexander 122p · 450 weeks ago
Emily · 450 weeks ago
Coming from a 23 year old gal who is passionate about dressing modestly but also looking pretty and in trend.
Thanks and God bless,
Lori Alexander 122p · 450 weeks ago
ACM · 450 weeks ago
they have well fitting boutique clothes that are mostly modest. i wear a lot of tunics and jeans and don't like low cut shirts or short skirts. in the summer i mostly wear maxi dresses and a cardigan if it's not too hot. it IS possible to not show your body and still look in trend and pretty.
girlwithadragonflytattoo 36p · 450 weeks ago
Yes, this! And just to add, I eventually came to the conclusion that although it says she wears this expensive, brilliant and highly coveted color in that time when it was worth so much, I really do believe that she was remembered for *everything else* she did! This woman, over the course of her lifetime, was just so outward focused that it's an incredible model for us to follow and study ourselves to become more like that! When the verse talks about her reaching out to the poor and needy, the real meanings are very deep and show the depth of her heart for people and God, and desire to be used as an instrument!
Everything she did was to help and assist and love her family and reach out to others. My conclusion was basically that she was so focused on helping others and fulfilling her purpose to her family, that her outward appearance and fashion was just not the focus of her life, in fact, because she made her garments herself and used her talents to bring in an income to bless her family, her outward appearance (wearing the purple color) was more a byproduct of the blessings of hands. Not the focus of it in any way. Her heart was still pure, and she's still provided as an excellent example to follow.
I'm doing another post right now that will give Lydia in the New Testament as another virtuous woman example. She was a seller of this costly purple, and many depictions in the Greek Orthodox church depict her wearing the purple itself. Even though she sold and traded in this worldly and desirable color, she used her wealth from it to bless and host Paul and the men with him! In other words, she was seeking after the Kingdom of Heaven, and not chasing wealth, even though God blessed her with wealth. She was a good steward over it. It'd be a little like Vera Wang using her talents and income to bless Christians in need and house missionaries in her mansion. Very strange and unexpected, but there in the Bible to enlighten us :)
Lori Alexander 122p · 450 weeks ago
ALM · 450 weeks ago
Also, my friends and I went to the lake recently. We all dress modestly and it makes the day feel so much more at ease. There's no competition. There's no fear of a wardrobe malfunction. I feel so uncomfortable seeing women in bikinis. They look almost naked. I'm so glad I don't dress that way anymore. I feel pride tempting me sometimes, but I know it results in feeling naked and ashamed. Modesty breaks the chains!
Lori Alexander 122p · 450 weeks ago
GirlinBrooklyn · 450 weeks ago
Clothes made by people paid fairly, or that are second hand, are also an important part of dressing modestly for me.
Ken · 447 weeks ago
Lori is not against women working as much as she is pro-mother and pro-child. We see the personal and global losses caused by a focus away from the home, instead of where it belongs in the home when the children are young. If Satan wants to destroy mankind he can find no faster avenue than the neglect of properly raised children, especially Christian children. For without well-trained, godly, and emotionally secure children, who will then raise the next generation of Christians to be salt and light in a dying world?