Dennis Prager has said repeatedly on his radio program that before young adults attend universities, they understand the differences between males and females, but upon graduating they no longer understand the difference. This is becoming a sad reality but unfortunately, it's not only in universities now since elementary school children are being taught this foolishness. Now, people can decide what they want to be and no one should tell them otherwise.
Watch this short short clip from a 5'9" white man who tells college student that he is a 6'5" Chinese female. It's unbelievable that these students are willing to allow this man to continue believing what he wants to believe even though it is not the truth. The author of the article wrote, "Society has bought into the notion that leaving people alone with their beliefs is the loving choice, as long as they don’t harm others with those beliefs. Oh the irony! Could anything be more insidiously unloving than knowing someone has wrong beliefs that could be personally harmful, yet prioritizing silence as long as no one else gets hurt?"
In the same way, I get scolded by Christians for teaching women to be submissive to their husbands and that mothers should be home full time caring for their children. People have called me harsh and unloving for doing this but nothing is better for civilization then God's ways. My marriage began to thrive when I became submissive and obedient to Ken. I had been believing a lie that we could somehow have a great marriage if he did everything the way I wanted him to do it. Thankfully, it was finally pointed out to me that I was believing a lie and it has radically changed our marriage for good. I have seen truth change many marriages for good by teaching this to women.
Many women believe the lie that their children won't suffer if they work outside of the home. They have been breathing the feminist air for their entire lives. Studies have proven what God has clearly stated in His Word what is best for children: mothers being home with them full time caring, training, and disciplining their own children. I don't care if these things offend women. Many women have told me they have been offended by my words but later realize that the Lord's ways are right. Of course they are since He created us and gave us a fabulous instruction manual to follow.
Instead of allowing others to believe in lies and walk on a path to destruction, be bold and willing to teach others the right way to live and to walk. We are commanded to speak the Truth in love, not be silent when someone wants to believe something contrary to God's Word. Explain to them that submission and obedience to a husband doesn't lead to abuse but to a good, solid marriage. Tell them how secure and emotionally stable children are who are raised with a mother home full time. Many in our culture are believing lies about themselves and who they want to believe they are when they are not. Don't sit quietly by and watch them sink lower into depravity. Make sure you tell them about your Savior who has saved you from your sins and from eternal damnation, so they might know Him too. Stop listening to the lies in our culture and dig into the Book of Life; our instruction Book from the Lord Himself.
For the time will come when they will not endure sound doctrine; but after their own lusts shall they heap to themselves teachers, having itching ears; And they shall turn away their ears from the truth, and shall be turned unto fables.
2 Timothy 4:3, 4
Happy Wifey · 450 weeks ago
Jilly oxo
Lori Alexander 122p · 450 weeks ago
For example, if I am talking with a pregnant young woman, I will try to carefully slip in how important it is for children to have their mothers with them full time. One time I was in a small Bible study group and we were sharing about ourselves and one woman said her and her husband always argued. I didn't know her at all but I went up afterwards to her and explained to her that she didn't need to argue with him. She could just stop since it takes two to argue. She came up to me a few months later and told me how much that little simple advice helped their marriage. There are many ways to speak truth to others without them feeling you are rebuking them!
There have been many times in my life that I have done this with women that I have just met when it concerns marriage and children and by far the majority of the times they appreciate it. A few haven't but all we are required to do is to plant seeds of truth in other's lives.
Karen · 450 weeks ago
Happy Wifey, I've heard a similar instruction. The relationship needs to be established first, and then words are likely to be accepted (and you will have more wisdom on how to best deliver the message). I've also heard the phrase "words from the heart enter the heart".
Above all, we are commanded to love others as we love ourselves. This has to be the foundation. It's not enough to declare "I'm only telling you what you are doing wrong because I love everyone and don't want your soul to suffer". We actually need to demonstrate that love, clearly and sincerely.
Lori Alexander 122p · 450 weeks ago
Anon · 450 weeks ago
Lori Alexander 122p · 450 weeks ago
2happy4 66p · 450 weeks ago
Karla · 450 weeks ago
Ash · 450 weeks ago
I cringe whenever I hear someone say something that I know for fact is incorrect and I feel helpless.
Lori Alexander 122p · 450 weeks ago
Ash · 450 weeks ago
Tracylynn · 449 weeks ago
Wherefore comfort yourselves together, and EDIFY ONE ANOTHER, even as also ye do(1 Thessalonians 5:11)
I think both of those verses give us plenty of not just permission but exhortation to say something when we see other believers making wrong choices. And especially if the Lord has personally worked on that area in our own lives, we are obligated. Yes, we may not know the circumstances, but that also means that they may just be ignorant and not going through something. As Lori said, we never know when something will be used to help or encourage someone. And if the Holy Ghost is prompting us, we better do it!!! I think most of the time, it's not that they're going through something, it's just that they are ignorant, or disobedient and the offence comes in because they just aren't doing right. And if we talk to them and find out that they are going through something, or their husbands aren't allowing them to do it, we can offer them Scriptural advice, and pray for them. But we can't do that if we don't say anything. In our society, we have the agenda of our age crammed down our throats CONSTANTLY, and we are just supposed to keep our mouths shut because it might offend someone? I don't think so. And that's certainly not what Christ did.
P.S.- I am a 21 year old that has only been saved for about five years. If I am doing wrong, or believing wrong, I would certainly hope that someone, especially someone older and wiser, would pull me aside and say something. As my Mamaw says, if someone we know is driving down the road and the bridge is out and we know and they don't, wouldn't we say something instead of thinking, 'Well, they know how to drive!'?